| - Mr. Norris is the target of great discusion on NAP. Many Protest his Greatness but others proclaim Big Boss to be of god-status and that he coud PWN Mr. Norris any day of the week, and if Big Boss could do so Mr. Norris would have simply roundhouse kicked him. Where they got this informotion is clear, as it is etched into the conciousness of the universe. Chuck Norris once wrangled with a cave man, Big Boss told them all to "Get a damn job", thus creating modern man.
- Carlos Ray Norris, better known as Chuck Norris, (born March 10, 1940) is an actor/martial artist, perhaps best known for his series of action films made by Cannon Studies in the 1980s, his fight with Bruce Lee in Way of the Dragon, his role as Cordell Walker in the long-running CBS series "Walker, Texas Ranger" and, of course, for his roundhouse kicks and bad@$$ beard.
- Chuck Norris ist ein Texasranger, der den Roundhouse Kick erfand, und so gleichzeitig Karate revolutionierte und zu einem unglaublich mächtigen Metawesen aufstieg. Er gilt seither als Gottheit, Synonym für Sex, Karate, Roundhouse Kicks und Unglaublichkeit. Außerdem schrieb er den chucktanischen Kalender, in dem jeder Monat Chucktober heißt.
- Chuck Norris is a semi-minor character in the series.
- Chuck Norris is a famous martial artist and memetic badass. He is also a creationist. And a homophobe. And way less awesome than people make him out to be.
- Chuck "Walker" Norris(800 - 465 BC) est legatus Texasis, trucido cum gladius ex Caius Iulius Caesar. Hic est bardo homo cui non possum calx. Ad creo jocus, deo interneto aversus Chuck Norris in taenia stella. Haec es redicula.
- Chuck Norris je prvním historicky doloženým exemplářem nadčlověka, kterého předpověděl známý německý filosof Friedrich Nietzsche.
- Chuck Norris has been around for many eons (possibly since the beginning of time) and has many proven facts about himself and how he has managed to do many things that most mortals could never do.
- There is no chin behind his beard... only another fist
- Norris was the only real captain of the Enterprise. But then he blew it and went back in time and opened up Chuck E. Cheeses.
- He was a Texas Ranger. That is all.
- Chuck is calling for patriotic Americans to rise up and rebel against the Communistasization of American Values.
- Chuck Norris is the final boss in a lot of early Mario shames. He is impossible to defeat, which has resulted in a rapid decrease of popularity for the series. Eventually, Nintendo fired him and replaced him with the Evil Guy. Upon being fired, he roundhouse kicked several Nintendo employees in the face, including somebody and Paris Hilton. They didn't survive, and Chuck Norris was fined (which led to a killing spree). He was also enemies with Hitler, after that Nazi king challenged him with Naruto in a NASCAR racing game on the PS3, which he used a viral cheat to have Chuck's car crash, which had Hitler crying to his mommy after Chuck beat his Nazi zombie army, which even his mom (Hitler's mom) didn't love him, and threw him out of her house.
- a fameous robloxian who farts alot and commonly seen at bo-bos pub.
- Dies ist kein Artikel!Dies ist ein Altar! Und nun knie nieder!!!! Er hat nie einen Oscar erhalten, aber wofür auch? Er spielt nicht! Oh schreck, in der SZ vom 31.3. steht, daß er inzwischen ein wiedergeborener Christ ist. Pfui Deibel.
- thumb|270px|Chuck NorrisChuck Norris, eigentlich Carlos Ray Norris, (*10. März 1940) ist ein amerikanischer Kampfkünstler, Actionschauspieler und Filmproduzent.
- Carlos Ray "Chuck" Norris (born March 10, 1940) is an American actor and martial artist best known for his hyper violent movies from the 70s and 80s as well as his long-running television show "Walker, Texas Ranger" and Internet memes which inspired several jokes later reworded as "Facts" about the man. Norris' film credits include: Way of the Dragon (with Bruce Lee), The Delta Force movies, Lone Wolf McQuade and Dodgeball: An Underdog Story (with William Shatner). MST3K of course did several play ons of Norris' show name while watching the various westerns or violent cop movies featured on the show.
- Chuck Norris is a famous homosexual. He starred in over 11,000 homosexual porn movies. He is famous for being double fisted in every film he has starred in.
- Chuck Norris conosciuto anche come l'onnipotente è colui che crea e che disrtugge,colui che calciorotea. La religione del Chucknorricesimo crede nei seguenti dei:
- Carlos Ray Norris (born March 10, 1940), better known as Chuck Norris, is an American actor and martial artist. He was also a character on the Shut Up! Cartoons series, Teleporting Fat Guy. He appeared in the episode Chuck Norris Changes History, portrayed by voice actor Patrick Powers.
- Chuck Norris is the greatest human on planet earth.
- Chuck Norris is an American actor and martial artist. He is also the center of the internet phenomenon, "Chuck Norris Facts", which assigns impossible and grand feats to Norris.
- Rick once defeated Chuck Norris. LIES!!! Chuck Norris, being a time traveller, was affected by cryosleep millions of years in the future, giving him his massively powerful powers, he then travelled back in time and is now watching for vandals.
- Chuck Norris is freaking awesome. There is nothing else to say.
- È l'Alfa e l'Omega, e talvolta anche l'Epsilon. Lo zero infinito e l'infinito due volte. Lui sa tutto ed ha sempre ragione, e anche quando sbaglia in realtà non sbaglia: è la verità che è errata. È il Fondatore e l'Amministratore Supremo di Nonciclopedia, creata per contrastare aspramente la crescita esponenziale della demoniaca Wikipedia, e attua il Suo volere per mano degli admin. Chuck Norris si è autonominato imperatore supremo dell'Universo e ricopre questa carica dopo avere spodestato l'imperatore Palpatine con un colpo di mano. Ehm, scusate... di piede.
- Chuck appears as Stan's computer wallpaper from his movie poster for Invasion USA in "School Lies". When Steve cuts school, Stan threatens to scare Steve straight as Chuck Norris, because in his opinion, Chuck Norris has to be heterosexual.
- Chuck Norris meta-bestiam stupidam potentemque est.
- Chuck Norris har alltid eksistert og vil alltid eksistere. Han er omnipotent, og har begge ører intakt på riktig side av hodet. Chuck Norris skapte Gud og alt annet i universet. Syv ganger. Hver gang han kjeder seg så ødelegger han universet og skaper det på nytt.
- Chuck Norris.... The man.... Born in Oklahoma, Chuck was beleived to be son of an angel and demon having hot angry break up sex. Some say he came out feet first so he could roundhouse kick the doctor in the fucking netherworld while other say he came out head first so he could Shryoken the hot nurse who said "ew". Then some belive that Chuck Norris is too manly to have to have been squeezed out of a woman vagina and instead created himself.
- El Señor de las Tormentas, lento para la Colera pero presto para vengar lo que considera Correcto, no podemos olvidar al Sensei de nuestro vecino del Norte, Chuk Norris, que, acompañado con su fiel escudero, Charles Bronson, han contribuido a que nuestro mundo permanezca como un lugar mas justo. Queda sometido a Votacion. La votación fué unánime, una vez descubierto el trasfondo de éste personaje.
- He almost played Red Forman in That '70s Show but didn't because he would easily become superior to everyone else on the show. he almost died at the battle of old sack hill
- Übergott
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. right|thumb|140px Personaje de poder inmenso e indestructible. En épocas de exámenes recorre nuestro Mayor en busca de su próxima víctima. Generalmente, camineros de primer año. A su vez, intenta amenizar las vidas de los colegiales con importantes citas a la altura de la Teoría de la relatividad de Eisenstein o la Teoría de la relatividad de los colores en los semáforos. Pese a su gran parecido (no físico), no confundir con: Lander.
- (Atentu: ne konfuzu kun Chuck Smith) Ĉuko Norio ĉiam ekzistis. Informoj ofte asertas, ke Chuck Norris estas ia kolera, ĉiopova superestulo (aŭ superestaĵo). Foje oni trovas ankaŭ aludojn al lia uzado de gira kiko (aŭ rondmova piedbato) por plenumi ajnan taskon, al la abundo de vilo sur lia korpo (speciale koncerne lian barbon) kaj al lia rolo en la televida serio Walker, Texas Ranger.200px|right Iam oni konektis Chuck Norris al mensogdetektilo. La aparato ĉion konfesis.
- On November 10, 2008, Norris drafted a letter to President-Elect Barack Obama in which he asked him to uphold the Constitution, among other things [2]. In the letter, Norris went on a typical Republican rant about how President Obama should learn from the mistakes of past Democratic presidents like Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. Norris really believes apparently the presidencies of Clinton and Carter were worse than that of George W. Bush. Charles Norris is a conservative, not a superhero, We know this because Bruce Lee Kicked his ass [2].
- Chuck norris apparait à partir du treizième chapitre du quatrième livre de La Catin de Baentcher, révélant qu'il est le "destructeur" invoqué dans le premier chapitre du premier livre. Après avoir fait ouvrir la chambre de l'épée par Dizuiteurtrente, il y récupère l'épée Avogadro et entreprend la destruction de l'univers. Dizuiteurtrente venge alors l'humanité entière en le backstabbant avec Avogadro, provoquant sa mort. le vrai: le [mème]:
- Chuck Norris, is an professional actor and material artist, who is more well known for the internet meme status he has recieved. Due to this, most leagues use him in an "God Mode" style wrestler (much like how The Vivianverse uses Ricky Ho for example). The league must well known for this is SMF. And Chuck Norris jokes are still unfunny.
- Chuck Norris is the main protagonist character and he is the most awesome dude ever! And, no matter what Tea from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series says, friendship is not more powerful.
- Chuck Norris is unbeatable Oh I remember now, this wiki had content that was not true. Chuck Norris is the founder of the Norwegian supermarket chain, Benito Musolini, founded in 1990 by Way of the Dragon. It is not the subject of any internet memes whatsoever. On the other part of the world Chuck Norris, is also the one who introduce the first DIY gun, using only a pair of pipes and some "secret ingredient" he manage to made the gun which the spartan in World War Two compared it with the power of Zeus who is the founder of Sikhsm in Finland.
- He appeared in "Boys Do Cry", when Peter Griffin tells a joke how he supposedly has no chin, only another fist. Brian calls the rumor ridiculous. As he says this, he gets tapped on the shoulder and, there stands Norris who then punches Brian with his third fist, which comes out of his chin. Later, Lois dresses Stewie as a girl to enter him in a talent contest. He checks out the competition, and finds a girl who would be serious trouble. Stewie calls for him and Norris punches the girl with his third fist.
- This was the sort of life that young Carlos endured for his first ten years. Living a completely ordinary life, the neglect of his often-working father led him to take up martial arts. At once unnotable at that, he relocated to some random town in Kansas to "kick the shit out of some skeet." A bizarre goal indeed, his parents sent him for psychiatric help immediately. This monetary drain created strain for the family of five (brothers Weiland and Aaron had since been born), eventually leading to the unhappy divorce of Norris's parents.
- Name: Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris Origin: Real Life Gender: Male Age: Older than any form of time or creation Classification: A literal god amongst gods. Powers and Abilities: Infinite degrees of infinity higher than all of reality and fiction combined. Attack Potency: All Speed: Memetic Lifting Strength: Memetic Striking Strength: It is postulated that he created every omniverse, timeline, fictional verse, and conceivable notion with a single roundhouse kick. Durability: Unknown, but has actually died in the past (Death is just too scared to tell him. Stamina: Vastly never-ending Range: Omnidirectional
- "In some alternate universe where Chuck Norris had to fight himself: Chuck Norris would win...." Zach Burch89056 21:37, Arche 2, 2011 (UTC) Chuck Norris (1940-) is the most powerful human on the face of the universe. He is also the alien over-lord, along with being the most intelligent being in the universe. In recent years, led a widespread campaign of illogic throughout the internet, as well as some movies television channels that douts Mr. Norris as superhuman. Scientists have theorized that Mr. Norris' sudden popularity is being used as a tool to further the Ryperian/Norrisist agenda. He WILL run and WIN in the 2012 Presidential Election to destroy Gary Coleman.
- Chuck Norris is a very powerful man who roundhouse kicks stuff. He's also the most powerful human (and god) on the face of the UnUniverse, but he doesn't talk about that. He is also the head of the Undefeatables, and arguably the most powerful, accomplished, and awesome man alive. He is a well respected god because he likes to make bad things happen to those who do not respect him.
- Chuck Norris es un meme por excelenecia en la internet, desde tiempos inmemoriales. Es considerado un Dios, es más es el Dios de Dios o el que creó a Dios. La popularidad de este meme se dio por toda la web, desde 4chan, pasando por Frikipedia, La inciclopedia y muchas más, recorriendo por todas las redes sociales hasta ahora. El meme en si se basa en lo invencible y espectacular del Chuck Norris como lo fue interpretando su personaje de Walker en la serie de televisión, "Walker Ranger de Texas" y en todas las películas que haya figurado Chuck Norris. Siendo en la serie el más invencible, puesto que nunca le sucedía nada malo ni nadie podía contra él. Leyenda humorística En los últimos años han proliferado por Internet una serie de chistes sobre Chuck Norris, llamados Hechos de Chuck Norri
- Last year, I enjoyed taking a momentary respite from my rather serious cultural and political commentary in order to share my tongue-in-cheek campaign promises in the column "If I Am Elected President." Because I didn't make that political cut, I decided to weigh in on the vice presidency this year. The timing seems particularly apropos, not only because of the ongoing election but also because The Washington Post currently is running a new "Chuck Norris Facts" contest. -- If I win on McCain's ticket, consider the Middle Eastern wars over. Our enemies are toast. Do I have your vote?
- Carlos Ray „Chuck” Norris (także Cordell Walker, ur. 10 marca 1940) – Wielki Przedwieczny, człowiek, który zwalcza zło kopem z półobrotu. Po przybyciu na Ziemię nauczał ludzi swojego kopnięcia. Wiedza ta jednak przepadła setki lat temu, a Chuck nie chce się nią podzielić jeszcze raz… Ten, kto próbuje posiąść wiedzę na temat sztuki walki kopnięcia z półobrotu, ginie w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach. Możliwe, że jest też odpowiedzialny za śmierć tenisisty Chucka McKinleya, który zginął w niewyjaśnionych okolicznościach – spójrzcie zresztą na jego imię. Są też plotki, że Chuck Norris odkrył istnienie atomów. Wiecie jak to zrobił? Postanowił, że kopnie z półobrotu najmniejszą rzecz na świecie – i co? Udało mu się! Wie gdzie jest Nemo i Wiktor Janukowycz. Potrafi wypisać po kolei wszystkie ele
- Norris was the first person ever voted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame. From 1965 through 1980, he won many state, national, and international championships. Norris received the Competitor of the Year award in 1968 and was the first man ever to win the World Professional Karate Championship. In 1975, Norris received the Instructor of the Year award, and in 1977, the Competitor of the Year. Norris is founder of the United Fighting Arts Federation with more than 2,300 Chun Kuk Do Black Belts all over the world.
- Na počiatku bolo slovo: <i>"Smiem?"</i> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Boh" title="Boh">Boh</a> </b> - <b><strong class="selflink">Chuck Norris</strong> </b> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Boh" title="Boh">Boh</a> </b> Carlos Raymond Norris, známejší pod prezývkou Chuck Norris je prvý ľuďmi zaregistrovaný nadčlovek, poloboh, zjavenie, poklad, dobrodenie ľudstva a najsilnejšia Yu-Gi-Oh! kartička. Okrem toho je Chuck Norris tiež najväčšie prvočíslo a Veľké tudle. Ako jediné tudle vyvracia a zároveň potvrdzuje svoju základnú premisiu – že neexistuje.
- Txuck Norris és una criatura cibertrónica enemiga natural de ZetaPé, apodada Txucky. Mascle resident a Texas (no confondre amb George W. Bush), es dedica a pegar puntães giratòries a paios amb barrets i nachos. És ben coneguda la seua mania de no estar-se al carrer més de cinc minuts seguits sense fotre merder. Aspira a la presidència de Mèxic. Espera ansiosament la seva venjança final cap a Martínez Pujalte, que s'esdevindrà el dia que aquest dugui barret texà. És un fervent defensor del pastafarisme, ja que en la guerra de Vietnam es va tornar boig menjant pasta, gambes fregides i cinc classes d'arròs (salses a banda), en recloure's com presoner voluntari per derrotar a l'exèrcit enemic (a força de mirades fixes, vegi's "Fets sobre Txuck Norris"). S'ha dit d'ell: "Txuck Norris té dues ex
- Carlos dut endurer ce sort pendant les 11 premières années de sa vie. Vivre une vie totalement banale et l'absence de son père qui travaillait énormément le poussa à vouloir apprendre les arts martiaux et causa chez lui une détresse qu'il fallut guérir par des soins psychiatriques. Ce gouffre financier toucha durement la famille, dont le nombre d'enfants était passé à 5 avec la naissance de Weiland et d'Aaron, et causa le triste divorce des parents de Chuck.