| - Hurriedly shifting my attention, I found that a person who looked like a customer had stepped into the doorway without my having noticed them. I couldn't tell their expression thanks to the robe pulled down low over their eyes, but from the voice I guessed it was a young woman. I'd never seen her before, so maybe she was from out of town.
At any rate, her appearance was so sudden I thought my heart might stop. Still feeling the violent palpitations in my breast, I called out a greeting to the strange visitor.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Welcome to our shop."
Still, it was stupid of me not to notice the sound of the door opening, even if I do say so myself. She might even have seen me crying. Fighting down my embarrassment, I tried to speak as I usually did.
"Is there anything you need?"
Going by her robe, she was probably a traveler. But a woman travelling alone was rare. Or maybe she had companions? A woman coming to an item shop wasn't so unusual, but she seemed cloaked in a strange atmosphere.
As I stared at her, thinking such thoughts, the robed woman walked briskly in my direction. Maybe she was looking for something. But there was no indecision in her gait. Maybe my staring had offended her. She stopped in front of me and looked down at my face. But due to the shadow of her hood, I still couldn't make out her expression very well.
"Umm... Anything?" I shortened my words, strangely uneasy, although I couldn't say why. I had a feeling that the robed woman smiled faintly at my question. And then she said something that caught me by surprise.
"There's something troubling you, isn't that right? I could give you a hand, if you like."
"Huh? Umm..." The words were too strange coming from a customer I was meeting for the first time. My bewilderment showed on my face. But the robed woman seemed to pay me no mind and let slip a little grin. She continued to speak without concern.
"Hee hee. You want to ask how I knew? Anyone would think so once they got a look at your face. Let me see now... Is it something to do with love, perhaps?"
"Huh?" My heart gave a jolt. The corners of the robed woman's mouth rose in a smile, as if she had heard the noise.
"I thought so." The robed woman squatted down in front of me so that our gazes met. I instinctively turned my face away, unsure of the situation, and noticed something unexpected peek out from the hem of her robe. I drew in my breath instinctively, so shocked that I thought it might stop.
It was a long, thin tail. It was white, ended in the shape of a barb, and moved back and forth with a swaying motion. It looked too natural to be man-made.
There was no such thing as a human with a tail. If she had one, she must be something other than human. And, although the color was different, I knew what grotesque creature possessed a tail of this characteristic shape.
"M, monster." My voice, grown hoarse, slipped out before I could stop it. At those words the woman raised her eyebrows and glanced down at the tail peeking out from under the hem of her robe.
"Hm? Oh dear, that won't do." Despite her words, the woman showed no sign of dismay. She spoke cheerfully, with a mischievous grin.
"Looks like I've been found out, huh? Well, I guess there's no need to hide it anymore, then," she said, removing her hood and exposing the expression it had concealed. I was shaking with fear, my teeth chattering.
My eyes were irresistibly drawn to her. What they saw was, in a certain sense, the figure of a young woman, just as her voice had lead me to imagine. Her long, beautiful hair was like silver thread. Her skin was spotless and white as snow. Her almond-shaped eyes were like red jewels rimmed with long lashes, and there was something in their beauty that engendered a bewitching charm. Beneath her straight and gently sloping nose, a smile hovered about her small mouth. Her features could only be described as beautiful. They made me think of a work whose elements were in perfect harmony.
Her charms were enough to fascinate even a fellow woman like me. The word "pretty" wasn't sufficient to express her figure. But the too-regular beauty of her features only made me more forcefully aware that she wasn't human — a conviction that was further strengthened by the grotesque features with which her body was endowed.
The ears that peeked out from her silver hair were like a human's in color, but unlike a human's they tapered to points. A single pink earring hung from one of them, swaying slightly. Similarly, two horns, which certainly didn't exist in any human, emerged from her head. Appearing rough, bony and hard, they resembled those of an animal, but I understood instinctively that they were entirely different. They were the badge of a monster.
I couldn't suppress a hoarse shriek. To encounter a monster in the middle of town in broad daylight — and in my own home, at that — seemed like nothing so much as a bad dream. The woman looked at me, frozen in place with fear, and grinned.
"You don't have to be so scared. You'll make me feel bad, getting as frightened as all that." Despite her words, the monster woman showed no sign of hurt feelings. She stepped forward with a smooth motion. At the same time, the robe she was wearing dissolved into empty space and vanished completely, and a pair of wings unfurled from her back. The shape of the wings, whose thin membranes gave an impression of toughness, reminded me of a bat's, and their color was the same as her tail — pure white like new fallen snow. The white wings fluttered, strumming the air. Equipped with a waving tail, horns on the head, and wings, she was surely the very image of a demon in a story.
"Yes, this is much better than that plain old robe." The woman nodded in satisfaction. Her revealed silhouette, with its large breasts, narrow waist, and long, thin legs was brimming with a feminine charm that would have made it the ideal of any woman in the world.
Wrapping that body was a beautiful, black dress. The glossy, jet black garment, embroidered with silver thread and studded here and there with precious stones, was so magnificent that it seemed somehow unreal. It seemed impossible that any craftsman, however skillful, could have produced it. The reason for that was probably that it had been made by a monster's hands. Such a dress was certainly out of my reach, and I even doubted whether any human could obtain one.
Twin mounds so voluptuous that the dress could barely contain them made their presence known through its daringly open bust, and a long, slender leg peeked out from a large slit cut in it with each step she took. Although the dress, with its large degree of exposure, possessed a bewitching attraction, there was certainly nothing vulgar about it. On the contrary, it gave an impression of being high-class, like a noble's evening dress, that made me hesitate to touch it.
I was so captivated by the beauty of the woman and her clothing that for a moment I forgot even my own situation. Noticing my condition, she giggled again.
"Oh, do you find me that charming? Hee hee. That makes me feel better."
"Ah." I couldn't stop my cheeks growing hot when she pointed it out. Then the situation I'd been placed in came back to me in a flash, and I hurriedly took a step back.
"Oh my. What's the matter?" She took a step forward, as if in pursuit. Her black heels struck the floor, making a dry, hollow sound. I retreated further, and she matched me step for step.
"Well, I suppose it's understandable. I doubt you've had much opportunity to see monsters in a town like this. Especially not to meet high-ranking ones like me — a lilim — am I right?" The woman, who had identified herself as a lilim, muttered, a gentle smile playing about her lips. Just as she said, although I knew that monsters existed, this was the first time I had actually seen one with my own eyes.
Confronted with a reality I'd never even imagined, my legs trembled. If I let my mind wander even a little, I might not be able to remain standing.
"Save me. Please, save me." The words leaked out instinctively, without thought.
The lilim frowned slightly. "I'm not going to snatch you up and eat you if you relax, you know? I only came here in the first place because I happened to pop into this town for a bit of fun, and I sensed a presence that seemed interesting," she said, peering at me with her sinister red eyes. The light of a desire like that of a beast that had captured its prey flickered along with curiosity in their ruby-like centers. I tried to look away, but, almost as if I were in a trance, I couldn't avert my eyes from her features.
"Hmm. I see. I thought it would be something like that," the lilim finally murmured after peering into my eyes for a short while. Her expression seemed to blend faint surprise with comprehension. "I didn't expect to find much to interest me, but... if it's like that, then I suppose it's to be expected."
I was bewildered by her mutterings, which I didn't understand at all. When the lilim noticed that, her smile deepened meaningfully, and she whispered in my ear.
"Hee hee. You ought to be pleased, you know? You've got the makings of greatness in you. As a monster, I mean."
"What?" I still couldn't comprehend the meaning of her words. Staring happily at my blank expression, the lilim continued:
"It was a very intriguing presence, so from the start I intended to change whoever it was into a monster when I met her. But I was still a little because I never thought you'd have quite so much potential," the demon whispered in my ear. Her face, enchantingly beautiful even from the perspective of a fellow woman, maintained a sadistic grin throughout.
"Hee hee. So, that being the case, don't you think it would be a waste not to change you into a suitable monster?" At that point, I finally realized what was about to be done to me. Still with a smile that I could only describe as wicked, she added to her explanation:
"After all, it will be much more fun that way." The lilim's words had the cheerful quality of a child about to embark on some mischief, but to me they brought only despair.
Fear, despair — the emotions I couldn't entirely suppress rose to my eyes as tears. The moment I shut my eyes, the tears escaped and ran down my cheeks. The small droplets fell soundlessly to the floor and shattered.
"No. Stop." A thin, hoarse cry escaped from deep inside my throat. What floated into my mind as I stood there, my eyes shut with despair, was big brother's image. Even while a part of me understood that there would be no salvation, I held on to a faint hope and looked to the person I loved most for rescue.
But at the same time, my reason gave me the cruel answer that it was impossible. Even so, I couldn't resist calling out to him.
"Save me, big brother."
But my cry provoked an unexpected response.
"Ah." Hearing my words, the sharp-eared lilim gave a little gasp, as if of comprehension.
"So that's it." As she spoke, I got a feeling that the presence in front of me had suddenly increased in kindness.
—She'd seen through me.
I opened my eyes in spite of myself, just as the warmly smiling lilim brought a gentle hand to my cheek. Her hand, wrapped in a long, black glove, caressed my cheek as if she were afraid it would break. There was an un-monsterlike kindness in her touch, almost like a mother pacifying her child.
"It's alright. If you become a monster, even that wish can be granted."
My fear faded slightly at her words. When I instinctively turned my face toward her, the lilim gave a little nod. I was still confused, but her words of a moment before were repeating themselves inside my mind. The monster before my eyes had definitely just said that "my wish would be granted."
The wish I'd harbored as long as I could remember. I tucked it away in the bottom of my heart so that no one would know about it — but I always kept thinking about it in a corner of my mind. And it was a wish that I was sure could never bear fruit. She'd said that wish would come true.
By all rights, I should never have trusted the words of someone I'd only just met, and a monster at that. Being told such a thing so suddenly should, on the contrary, have caused me only confusion. And yet, for some reason, I believed what she said. Her words seeped quietly into my heart like water and kindled a little hope inside it.
"Really?" The faint hope pushed aside confusion and fear. The mysterious power in the lilim's words was that strong. Strong enough to make me forget the shock of being seen through by someone I'd just met, the embarrassment of having my secret feelings known, and the fear I'd felt for monsters before today, if only for a moment.
"Yes." The lilim's hand traced the contour of my cheek as she nodded. I felt the texture of the smooth cloth and the tickling movements of her fingers. I couldn't help narrowing my eyes in response to that pleasant sensation. I wanted to surrender myself to her.
Perhaps those thoughts showed in my expression. The lilim, peering at my face, flashed a satisfied smile. Her soft whisper seemed to slip through the cracks of my heart.
"Well, shall we begin? This is to make the big brother you love so much yours, you know?"
As she spoke, the shadow at her feet increased unnaturally in thickness. It had grown strangely dark, considering that we were indoors, and increased its area, stretching out towards me.
"Wh, what...?"
The shadow was growing even darker and denser, heedless of my confusion. Ripples rose on its surface, which was now darker than a pitch black night, and it stirred, almost liquid-like.
I let out a long sigh, quivering with fear. As if that had been a signal, strange shapes leapt out of the shadow in front of me.
Things like long, thin cords, five in all. They were pitch black as shadow given form and yet gleamed with a bewitching light. But they were unlike ordinary ropes, wriggling sinuously as if they possessed wills of their own. There was something about their shape and movements that made me think of snakes or creeping plants, or else the tentacles of some creature.
"Tee hee hee."
At the same time the lilim's cheerful voice reached my ears, the tentacles rose up, their heads bent in goosenecks, and turned simultaneously in my direction. The tentacles slowly but steadily approached me, wriggling ominously as if they were all a single organism.
"No. Stay away... Don't come any closer..."
An unspeakable terror welled up within me at the bizarre sight before my eyes. I didn't know much about monsters and magic, but I understood clearly and instinctively that the black tentacles in front of me were sinister.
"It's alright, these little ones are mine — a monster's magical power given form. I'm just going to have them help me turn you into a lovely monster. I already told you earlier, but I'm really not going to snatch you up and eat you or anything."
The lilim was saying something, but I hadn't the composure to grasp its substance. Fear blotted out my mind and crushed my breast.
I tried desperately to flee, but my body had stiffened as if it were no longer my own. I couldn't move so much as a finger. All I could do was plead feebly as I stared at the slowly approaching tentacles.
At last, one of the black tentacles seized me. It twined smoothly and soundlessly around my foot, and then crept up my leg, gliding over my skin. Another tentacle caught hold of my other leg at almost the same time and had already slithered up as far as my thigh. I felt the tentacles on my skin, as smooth as they looked and warm like living things. I couldn't help crying out at the queer sensation, which was unlike anything I had felt before. Even as I did so, another tentacle twined around my hands, and an especially thick one that had sprouted from at my feet wrapped around my waist as if to hug me tight.
The tentacles restraining me stroked my skin as if to trace some pattern on it. It felt as if something was seeping into my body with each of their movements. The strange sensation, accompanied by a heat, soaked into me from the places the tentacles touched, and made my heart flutter. My breathing grew ragged and I couldn't hold myself back from letting slip a moan-like cry. Even as I did so, more tentacles were appearing one after another from the darkness at my feet and twining themselves around my body. It was such a frustrating sensation, both uncomfortable and just a little bit pleasant. Every time the tentacles increased in number, the sensation of heat being sent into me increased as well, and now it was causing my thoughts to become dim and blurred.
A portion of the tentacles wrapping around me suddenly changed shape, and before I knew what was happening my hands and feet were engulfed in a mud-like substance the color of darkness. I writhed, unable even to resist, at the mercy of the tentacles slithering across my skin.
Eventually, one of the tentacles wriggled into another shape and edged closer to me. It was trying to slip inside my clothes.
"No, don't..."
Guessing the tentacle's intention, I struggled instinctively to escape out of fear and embarrassment. But with my whole body already held fast by the tentacles, I didn't have a chance. I could mount no resistance as the merciless tentacle swooped down on me. It had smoothly and speedily succeeded in invading through the hem of my skirt, and now stroked my belly with a movement like a snake slithering. The sensation made me ticklish and, bound as I was, I squirmed reflexively.
Heedless of my cries, the tentacle was crawling up towards my chest. Before long it had passed it, and its tip emerged from my collar. I could see the tentacle undulate right before my eyes. It swiftly twined round my neck and crept up as far as my cheeks. The tentacles stroked my cheek as if imitating the lilim's earlier movements. As before, heat flowed steadily into my body when the tentacle touched me.
The heat was gradually intensifying, and my reason melting away. Already I had almost ceased to be capable of feeling repugnance for the tentacles, and their touch on my skin was becoming pleasurable. I was moaning as if delirious with the heat. The lilim stared at me with satisfaction.
"Hee hee. What a lovely sight. I'd like to watch a little longer, but I suppose we've got to move forward," she said, and stepped towards me. She raised one palm, appearing to concentrate slightly. Then, from that hand oozed a black, sticky substance, the same as that in which my body was wrapped. It rose soundlessly from her palm, whirling round and round, and formed a sphere a little smaller than a baby's head.
"Something like this, perhaps?"
Just like the tentacles that stretched from my feet, the black sphere wriggled as if it had a will of its own. I could see strands of black fluid stretching from it, almost like water dripping. It looked as if its surface was some syrupy liquid, or else as if it was made of mud.
Looking at my bound figure, the lilim, the ball of darkness still floating over her palm, set her hand on her chin in a pensive expression.
"Hmm. I suppose your clothes will be in the way if we leave them like this, won't they?" She muttered, and snapped her fingers. As if in response to that sound, several new tentacles were born from the darkness at my feet. Glancing at the undulating tentacles, she spoke briefly.
"Strip her."
I showed my confusion, momentarily unable to comprehend the meaning of her words. But the black tentacles sensed the lilim's intent and moved swiftly. Accompanied by a noise of rushing air, the bending tentacles entered my field of vision. The moment I registered their presence, they tore the clothes I was wearing to pieces without hesitation. My favorite clothes became so many scraps dancing in the air. But mysteriously there was not the least shock to my body, let alone any pain.
After a momentary cessation of thought, my reason began to function once more. It was then that I finally realized I had been stripped naked. It was probably too late, but I tried to scream anyway. But, perhaps due to the enormity of the shock, I could make no sound emerge from my throat. I had been stripped of everything, even my underclothes, in an instant. The air was in direct contact with my skin, carrying with it a faint coldness. At that chill the haze in my head cleared, and the feeling of pleasure was rapidly receding. My reason reasserted itself and my shame and fear returned.
This time the scream came out. I screamed, but the lilim and the tentacles did not appear to take any notice. On the contrary, the lilim, seeing me bright red in shame, was looking even more cheerful than before.
"Hee hee. What pretty skin you have. How lovely," the lilim said, looking at my exposed nakedness. When I instinctively looked down in response, I could see my bare body, with nothing to hide it from my flat chest to my intimate parts. My face burned with the shame at the sight.
"No... Don't look..."
Even more than being stripped naked, it was the shock of my unripe body being seen by another that made my tears fall. But with my arms and legs still wrapped up in tentacles, I could neither escape nor hide my breasts and privates with my hands. I had no choice but to bare my childish body to the wickedly smiling demon before me. At the sight of me sobbing, my tears falling in large drops, the lilim spoke in a slightly embarrassed voice.
"Oh dear. Perhaps I overdid it a little." When my head remained lowered, she continued in a kinder tone than she had used before. "There's no reason to be so down on yourself. In all honesty, I think you look perfectly charming." The tone of her words told me that it was no lie; she really thought so. But it was no comfort to me.
Seeing me like that, the lilim seemed to be struck by another idea. As she eyed me, there was still something of her former maliciousness in the kindness of her expression.
"I see. In that case, I'll make you a monster capable of making the very most of that body's charms. It would normally be quite difficult to do, but with my magical power and your potential it should be possible," the lilim said, circling me and softly passing an arm around me in an embrace. At the touch of her hands, which were as smooth as they looked, on my skin, I looked up in spite of myself. My eyes met her red ones, so close at hand.
"Hee hee..."
The lilim, still smiling suspiciously, slowly held out her other hand. The black sphere was still floating over her palm, wriggling ominously.
"Now, accept it. It's a present I set aside just for you, the best one I can give — a monster's magical power." The lilim turned her palm towards me and slowly pushed it against my breast. I felt a queer sense of discomfort, as if my skin had come into contact with something half-liquid. As it touched my skin, the sphere was sinking inside my breast and disappearing.
I trembled at the realization that the black sphere — going by what the lilim had said, it was a mass of magical energy — was being absorbed into my body. And yet, against all my expectations, there was no sign of a conspicuous change in me. Even when I looked at the spot where the mass of magical power had been absorbed, I could see only my own flat chest, the same as always.
"Nothing's happening..." My doubt and bewilderment found expression in words. In response, the lilim flashed a broad grin.
"Well, I wonder about that." The lilim's words were laden with meaning. The instant I tried to voice another question in response, a huge jolt abruptly shook my body. I opened my eyes in shock, and the lilim whispered in my ear.
"See? It's begun."
As if to attest the truth of her words, a bizarre sensation suddenly assaulted me. My heartbeat quickened rapidly, and a storm seemed to raging inside me. Violent shocks convulsed my body over and over again, and my sweat scattered across the floor. Added to that shock, a heat so intense that what I had felt when I had been toyed with my the tentacles didn't even compare to it had been born deep in my breast, and was rapidly growing. Even though it was so hot I thought my body might burst into flame at any moment, what it gave me was not pain, but pleasure. The heat was dying my mind white.
"Tee hee hee. Incredible, isn't it? But it's only just begun," the lilim whispered, still embracing me as I was tossed about by the raging sensations. Her hand crept gently up to my chest, then slid softly over my skin. Just that was enough to give me a shock as if I'd been struck by lightning.
"Hee hee. You're twitching so much. Here; have some more," the lilim whispered in my ear, her voice cheerful. True to her word, she was sliding her palms, laden with black magical power, over my breasts, belly, and between my legs. Her fingertips left black marks, like ink marks, on my skin wherever they touched. They looked as if they were forming a complicated pattern, but vanished in an instant, leaving pleasure in their place. Every time her hands touched me, caressing my skin, the heat inside me increased, and blazing pleasure was poured into me. The heat was clouding my thoughts, violating me bit by bit.
"No...! St, stop...!"
The pleasure was so strong my body and mind seemed about to break from it. It made me shake, sobbing and drooling. But, contrary to my words of refusal, and without my being aware of it, something almost like a thirst had been born in a corner of my heart.
"I wonder if this will be enough magical energy," the lilim whispered at last, after toying with my body for a while, and as she did so left my side. The tentacles, perhaps linked to the lilim's will, slowly released their hold, and then vanished without as sound into the shadow at my feet.
Released from the tentacles' bonds, I cowered feebly on the floor. The inferno inside me raged on without pause, making me tremble. I drew ragged breaths, still tossed about by inhuman pleasure and clutching my body, which was flushed as if I had come down with a fever. I couldn't completely resist shedding tears from the heat and pleasure which, far from calming down, continued to increase. I felt sure that the magma-hot drops would scorch the floor. Then, that instant, I was shaken by another intense pulsation.
"No! Something... strange is...!"
Fear cut through my thoughts, become hazy with pleasure, like a blade of ice. At the same time, a sense of discomfort that resembled pain sprung up in my head. It felt as if something strange was trying to be born from inside me. I raised my hands to my head almost reflexively. My palms returned a ghastly sensation, as if something was growing beneath my silky hair, swelling up and breaking through my skin.
"No... What, what's going on...?" My confusion spilled out along with my tears. My reason protested that it didn't even want to understand. My reason protested that it didn't even want to understand. Even so, an instinctive part of me was cruelly aware of why this was happening to me. I felt myself becoming something other than human. As if in answer to that realization, something grew out from beneath the hands clasping my head.
"No, no... Not this. I'm scared. I'm scared, big brother!" I bawled, squeezing my eyes tight. As if to mock me, the foreign objects that had grown from my head were increasing in length. As they did so the feeling of discomfort was fading, and one of pleasure springing up in its place.
"No... I don't want this, but... Aah!" My reason felt revulsion at my transformation, but I still couldn't repress a cry of pleasure. Even as it escaped me, the things were growing longer and longer, and before long revealed their finished shape.
"My, you've grown quite a pretty pair. Here, take a look for yourself."
When, trembling, I opened my eyes at the lilim's words, I could see someone reflected dimly in the window glass. It took me a little time to realize that it was myself. I was at a loss for words at the sight. I had become something that could not be thought human — that could only be considered grotesque.
Two curved horns poked out through my hair. Newly grown from my head, they looked at first glance like those of a goat. But they were certainly no goat's. A demon's horns. The words ran over and over through my mind. When I timidly reached up my hands to them, a rough sensation met my touch. It was enough to tell me that these horns were unmistakably part of my body. For an instant, my vision seemed to go pitch black. But that wasn't the full extent of the change.
"N, no way... More...!?"
The pleasure returned, and I slumped to the floor. My hands, hugging my body, and my feet inside my shoes squirmed restlessly as the pleasure intensified again.
"No. Save me, big brother. Big brother..."
My vision had become hazy with pleasure, but I could see light brown fur covering my arms little by little. The fur, which was rich and soft, just like an animal's, was covering my skin completely. Not only that, it seemed my skeletal structure itself was changing. The same change seemed to be taking place inside my shoes as well, and I felt as sense of discomfort as if my feet were swelling.
"Big bro– Aah...!"
The pleasure was increasing as the changes in my body progressed, just as it had when the horns had grown. In fact, perhaps because my hands and feet were changing at the same time, or else because my body was no longer a human's, it was even more intense than before. My breathing grew ragged, sweat ran down my whole body, and tears spilled from my eyes. But the animal fur was still growing thicker, and it now covered everything from my fingertips to my elbows.
I let out a piercing cry, signaling that my forearms had completely changed into those of a beast. Their ends split into three fingers, a hard, sharp claw growing on the end of each. There were even pads like a cat's or dog's on my palms.
At almost the same time, my swollen feet burst my socks and revealed their grotesque new form. The feet peeking out of my wrecked shoes were not the flesh color I was used to seeing; like my arms, they were covered in light brown animal fur. The five toes into which they should have split had vanished, and the tips become large, hard hooves.
On top of that, my ears itched. They were lengthening and becoming covered in the same soft fur as my arms and legs. When I focused on my ears, which assumed a bizarre new shape, they flapped.
I could do nothing but cry out in despair at the sight of myself steadily growing farther from human. But the sensation of my hand on my cheek — hard claws, soft fur, squishy pads — and of the animal legs and hooves I could see poking through my ruined socks brought home to me the cruel reality of the situation.
Finally, the pleasure intensified in a region a little below my hips, and I could feel something beginning to grow. Something shot out from the spot almost before I had a chance to realize what was happening. It was a thickly-furred tail. I cried out at the sensation of it swishing back and forth, tickling my still-sensitive skin.
When the tail finished growing, the pleasure raging inside me began to lessen a little in intensity. Even so, the pleasant sensation that suffused my whole body continued. It was as if something inside me was radiating heat. I felt it especially in the changed parts — in my horns and ears, hands and feet, and at the base of my tail.
Tingling heat and intermittent waves of pleasure, like memories of what I had just experienced, made me tremble. It may have been the influence of the transformation, but my whole body felt heavy as if I had been running all-out, and there was still a sense of discomfort, as if my body was still somehow not my own. But, strangely, it didn't feel unpleasant. Maybe there was something different about my mind as well as my body.
The lilim glanced briefly at my condition. Having made sure of my transformation with her own eyes, she opened her mouth.
"That went splendidly. I knew my eyes weren't playing tricks on me." The lilim stepped towards me with a vaguely satisfied expression. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't put my pleasure-addled thoughts in order and ended up just flapping my mouth wordlessly.
She embraced my limp form. The vestiges of the pleasure were still making my body sensitive, so the mere touch of her hand was enough to send an electric shock running through it. I shook with a start, and let out a little cry.
"Oh dear, sorry about that. But, see? Look how cute you've become." Still embracing me, the lilim turned me to face the large mirror hanging on the wall. There seemed to be a note of cheerfulness in her voice. At her urging, I turned my eyes to the mirror.
Reflected in the mirror's glassy surface was a girl with a childish figure. Her familiar features and petite frame were my own. The only definite difference lay in the grotesque abnormality of her appearance. The girl in the mirror had a pair of rough, bony horns growing from the top of her head, and her hands and feet were those of a beast, covered in light-brown fur — her appearance was unmistakably that of a monster. I was looking at a little monster being embraced by a demon woman. It was an uncanny scene, like a painting of a fall from grace.
"This is... me..."
Horns, ears, paws and hooves, tail. I stared at and touched each changed part in turn. As I did so, the monster in the mirror made the same movements, only with right and left reversed. The palpitations of my chest were growing more rapid at the sight. It wasn't nerves; it was something close to anticipation.
"I feel strange. This is me, isn't it...?"
I clenched and unclenched my hands and swished my tail, as if trying to make sure of my now-monstrous body. Each time I did so, I felt myself growing more accustomed to the sensation of it. I became engrossed in moving my body, like a child who had gotten a new toy. As I did so, the revulsion I had felt for this grotesque form was fading away without my even being aware of it. It now seemed lovely to me, just as the lilim had said. My tail swished violently back and forth, reflecting what was in my heart. I couldn't help smiling a little at the tail, which was honestly expressing my gladness.
The lilim, still embracing me from behind, whispered in my fur-covered ear.
"Hee hee. How do you like it? How does it feel to have become a monster — the demon-beast baphomet?"
"Demon-beast... baphomet..."
The moment I spoke that name aloud, I felt a tiny spec of humanity remaining somewhere in my mind suddenly vanish. At the same time, the sense of discomfort left my body, and a strangely pleasant feeling took its place. It was an airy, comfortable sensation like I'd felt when, a long time ago, I'd drunk alcohol by mistake.
"This must be what it means to become a monster," I thought absentmindedly. Still in a dreamy state of mind, I hugged myself tight.
"I see... I... ended up becoming a monster..." An unaffectedly cheerful voice slipped from my mouth, which formed into the shape of a smile. Tiny fangs peeked out just a little from between my lips.
"Tee hee, ah ha ha..." I let out an innocent laugh, still looking like a child. But there was definitely something different about it — a lascivious note that hadn't been there before.
"Ah... Big brother..." I called for the person I loved most. That alone was enough to make lascivious visions float through my head one after another, increasing my arousal. The flames of lust burned red in the violet eyes reflected in the mirror, which seemed deeper than before, and a long, hot sigh escaped my half-open mouth. My tongue darted out like a fire lizard's and ran over my lips with an audible smack. The me in the mirror shook too, her face flushed.
"Big brother, big brother." I deliriously called for big brother, hugging myself and squirming as I rubbed my inner thighs together. My breathing was ragged, and the sound of panting tickled my ears. I murmured heartrendingly, my carnal desires ignited by my now-monstrous body and mind.
"Ooh... Ah, aahn... Big brother, I want you..."
Driven by the almost maddening thirst, I instinctively stretched a hand to my secret place. It would have been an unthinkable act when I'd been human, but as I was now I showed no hesitation. My extended fingers touched my closed slit. As the soft fur-covered fingers made contact with my sensitive parts, an electric shock went through my spine. It was so intense I felt that my mind was being burned up. The pleasure sated just a little of my hunger. But it wasn't nearly enough. I collapsed to the floor with a thump and began to move my fingers furiously. At that, the pleasure swelled up into a gigantic wave that tossed me about.
"Aahn! So good! This feels so good!" The pleasure brought tears to my eyes as I continued to move the fingers I'd slipped into my secret place. My ceaselessly-gushing love juices dirtied my hand and stained the floor, but I took no notice in the face of the pleasure racing through me. While I immersed myself in masturbation, the satisfied lilim called out to me.
"Hee hee. You certainly seemed to be entranced. I've set a ward to keep people away, so pleasure yourself to your heart's content."
I didn't even spare the time to answer her and continued stirring up my secret place. As I was now, being watched by the lilim didn't bother me in the least. Lewd, wet sounds filled the room and, as if in answer, my monster's body gave birth to an intense pleasure.
"Take your time now..." As she finished speaking, darkness enveloped the lilim's figure. Just like that, she vanished as if dissolving into thin air. Left alone in the room, I indulged in the endless pleasure welling up from my body without regard for anything else.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
My consciousness slowly floated up from within the pitch-black mud.
I let out a groan, restlessly twisting my body. As feeling returned to my cheek, I became aware of the sensation of soft cloth. What I'd thought was the ground was white sheets. It seemed that I was lying on a bed. The room was dark, and the lamp at my bedside burned with an orange flame, so I must have slept for a very long time. I blinked two or three times, then raised my eyelids, still heavy with drowsiness. The lamplight revealed familiar scenery to my blurred vision.
The brown wood-grain ceiling; the pale-pink curtains; the desk on which the lamp rested; the cushioned chair. On the opposite wall, I could see a bookcase on whose shelves my favorite books were neatly arranged. When, still lying on my side, I turned my head, several strands of hair fell across my face, tickling my skin. Right beside my face, near my pillow, a stuffed animal sat, looking small and quiet. It was my favorite stuffed bear, faded and with telltale stitches here and there where frays had been mended.
"Huh?" A bewildered exclamation slipped from my mouth. There could be no mistake: this was my own room. Still, I felt something catch at my mind. Raising myself from the bed, I stretched in an effort to clear my head. When I did so, I finally realized the source of my discomfort: I hadn't been in this room until just now.
"Come to think of it, what happened to minding the store...?"
That's right. I ought to have been minding the shop on the first floor. It appeared that I had returned to my room at some point, but I had absolutely no memory of having done so. Quite the opposite: I didn't even remember lying down in bed. Judging by how dark the room was, the sun had already set, but everything since just past noon was a blur and I couldn't remember clearly what had happened. Once I became aware of that, I couldn't help being bothered by it.
I wracked my brains and tried to remember. I was sure that I'd been minding the shop, but somehow I couldn't convince myself of it. Or maybe being in the shop had been a dream. My mind was still muddled with waking and wasn't working properly.
"Maybe I was tired?"
Maybe I'd gone back to my room mostly unconscious, and ended up going to sleep in that state. It wasn't impossible, but I didn't feel like I'd been that busy. Now that I thought about it, I had a feeling I'd been having a strange dream. I didn't remember it very well, but the weird feeling of it remained in my body, somehow both frightening and pleasurable.
I also had a feeling that the me in the dream hadn't been me at all. That she had changed into a completely different person, body and soul. And the dream me had thought that a wonderful thing. The hazy revival of those fragmentary memories was enough to make my face grow hot. It had been an odd dream, but a strangely happy one.
—No, that wasn't right. It hadn't been a dream at all. I mean, I was already—
Feeling as if I could hear a voice speaking to me, I raised my head with a start. I was probably hearing things. I must still be half asleep. Reasoning thus, I shook my head and tried to force myself to forget. Then I became aware of a queer feeling in my body.
My head seemed strangely heavy. At first I'd put it down to having just woken up, but now that didn't seem to be the case. Maybe I'd caught a cold. But it didn't seem quite like feeling sluggish or dazed. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. For the time being, I decided to check my temperature and raised my arm to do so. Then I caught sight of the hand moving to touch my forehead. I froze for an instant, unable to make sense of what I was seeing.
"What... is this...?" The voice that eventually emerged from me dwindled as my confusion rose until it vanished entirely. My upraised hand remained frozen at eye level. I slowly lowered it.
Still dazed, I stared down at my hands. Their shape was grotesquely inhuman. From the elbows down my arms were covered in fluffy fur and shaped almost like an animal's paws. Sharp claws peeked out through the fur at my fingertips, and there were pads like a cat's or dog's on my palms. They looked like a beast's forelimbs had been stuck onto a human body, or maybe like I was wearing something resembling soft and fluffy fur gloves. But I didn't have any gloves like that. Besides, the sensations transmitted through my skin were telling me clearly that these were no gloves, but living flesh and blood.
"What... does it mean?"
Still staring at my trembling hands, I timidly flexed my fingers. The three thick digits were moving slowly, just as I meant them to. I shook my hands, raised them, and lowered them again. The soft, fluffy animal hands moved as I wished, without the least deviation. I even felt a sense of rightness suffuse my body with every movement, in contrast to the unease I'd experienced when I first laid eyes on them. It felt as if these hands had been mine from birth.
That sensation made me remember more of the dream. As the memories floated through my mind, an unpleasant premonition was rapidly growing inside me.
"That's right. I'm sure... In my dream, I ended up like this, and..." The muttered words brought on a sudden flash of insight, and I leapt instinctively to my feet. Forcing the fact that the feeling of my feet striking the floor was different from before from my mind, I peered into the bedside mirror.
Then, I froze. The Lilia Flimlight in the mirror was not the one I was used to seeing. Looking back at me now was a girl monster with big horns growing from her head and ears covered in soft fur. The pigtails hairstyle, the large eyes, the slightly snub nose, the small mouth and the childish features were just as I remembered them. It was my own familiar face. Only, the eyes turned towards me were stained a deep violet, and little fangs peeked out from the corners of my mouth.
The mirror reflected my small, unripe body that didn't look more than ten with its flat chest. I was clothed only in a lacy white chemise, so thin that my skin was visible through it. My exposed skin was tinged with a faint blush, which contrasted with my lovely clothes and grotesque body to lend me a mysterious, bewitching elegance.
"N, no way... It wasn't a dream...?" was all I could manage to stammer out after staring slack-jawed at the mirror for a while.
It was the spitting image of my monster self as I'd seen it in the dream. My field of vision swayed dizzily for an instant at the sight of the cruel reality. I felt on the verge of collapse, but I persevered and somehow managed to keep on my feet. I stood absolutely stock still.
Slowly, I raised a grotesque hand and touched my head with it. When it came in contact with the hard horn, I felt the touch in both my hand and head. I instinctively drew back my hand, but the sensation remaining in both it and my horn was unmistakably real. The girl in the mirror opened her mouth, a frightened look on her face.
"Wh, what should I do? I've been turned into a monster..."
My words gave birth to terror and despair. If anyone found out that I'd been turned into a monster, people would certainly come to suppress me at once. Of course, I wouldn't be able to stay in this town anymore. If that happened, I probably wouldn't be able to be with big brother anymore, either.
"What should I do...?"
I huddled up on the floor, wanting to ask big brother for help. But what would he think if he saw me like this? He would probably be frightened or disgusted. Or he might hate me. That would be worse than anything else. I didn't think my heart could bear it.
I wanted big brother to save me. I wanted to see his face this instant. But that couldn't happen while I was in this form.
"No, I don't want this... What should I do, big brother...?"
I cowered on the floor, clutching my head in confusion and despair. Before I knew it, my sadness had become tears and overflowed, running down my cheeks and dripping onto the floor. I couldn't say how long I sat crying like that. Suddenly, a voice echoed in the dark room.
"What should you do?" Why are you worrying?
I instinctively raised my head and looked around the dark room.
"Wh, who's there?"
There was no sign of the person who had responded to my question. I was still alone in the room. Then the voice rang out again.
There's no need to cry, is there? Not after you went to all the trouble to get the power to make your wish come true.
The voice sounded a little surprised. It seemed to belong to a young woman, and I was sure I'd heard it somewhere before, but just then I couldn't recall whose it was. The voice continued, indifferent to my confusion.
There's only one thing you ought to do: Use that body to feel good with your beloved elder brother. That's all there is to it.
The voice made unthinkable declarations as if they were quite natural, in a tone as if explaining to a child. And yet, mysteriously, its words were calming my confusion.
"Yeah. That's right, isn't it?" I whispered, as if to persuade myself. That instant, the heat I had felt in my dream — no, that I'd felt a little while before in reality — returned to my body. My loins ached, seeking the person I loved. A heat other than embarrassment circulated throughout my body, violating it like poison. Frustrated, I breathed raggedly.
What little remained of my human mind now disappeared entirely in the face of that heat. My mind changed completely into that of a monster, and I was stirred by an irrepressible thirst. It felt almost as if I had become a beast in search of prey.
I took another look at my reflection in the mirror. This time there was none of my previous discomfort or revulsion, and I was able to honestly view my current form. My gaze met the monster's violet eyes. Feeling a little bashful, I giggled, exchanging smiles with the me in the mirror.
A girl monster with sinister-looking horns and the limbs of a beast. A baphomet. A monster that, if I were human, I would probably call a demon and fear. But the large, curved, rough and bony horns; the animal hands and feet; and the tail swaying on my bottom all felt wonderful to me. I was happy that they were part of me. I was glad that I'd been able to assume the form of a baphomet, blending the childish appearance of my human self and the new charm I'd obtained when I became a monster. I wondered why I'd been so prejudiced against this childish body. As I was now, it seemed lovely and charming. I let out a genuine, joyful laugh.
"Ah ha... Ah ha ha..." There was a lascivious note blended with my laughter. Desire was welling up ceaselessly in my heart. I wanted to fill this body with my beloved's seed and energy soon. I wanted to feel pleasure with the person I loved. Just imagining that scene and the pleasure I would be able to experience then was enough to send a thrill down my spine. The flames of sexual desire scorched me, and made me writhe uncontrollably. It was frustrating as well, but the rising anticipation and arousal were pleasant to me as I was now.
"Mm... Big brother..." I called for my beloved in a voice thick with emotion. Just the thought of big brother's face was enough to make my heart beat faster.
Just then, the sound of a door closing came from downstairs. It was a tiny sound, but my animal ears twitched and caught footsteps on the stairs that followed. Even through the wall, I could recognize the presence of my beloved. I couldn't be mistaken. Big brother had come home. As soon as I realized that, my emotions swirled together until they seemed about to explode. I wanted to leap out of the room and shove big brother down that instant. I struggled desperately to restrain the impulse.
Eh heh... I want to do it properly our first time, after all. Giving away my virginity was something I wanted to do right, on a bed. I wanted big brother to accept me gladly.
- First-timers, pleased to meet you. Returning readers, it's been a while. Strange here. I'm not sure how it happened, but your reading this page must mean that I was able to get this book out alright.
This will be my second book. It's a thin one this time, and there's only one story in it, so I humbly apologize to those who particularly wanted to see a monster girl that isn't featured.
I've heard that there are people who read the afterword first, so I thought I should make sure to put something interesting in it, but now that I come to write it I'm not sure what I should be writing. I struggled more with this page than the with actual text in my last book, and it's giving me trouble again this time. It's like I'm not maturing at all.
Be that as it may, I can't very well finish without writing anything. So as not to spoil anything, I'll only touch briefly on the subject matter.
I'm sure that those of you have read the book already know, but the theme this time is "monsterization." And monsterization that isn't just a complete physical change, but a transformation of consciousness and values too. I suspect that there are more than a few "monsterization lovers" among the fans of Kenkō Cross' original work, the Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
This story is also set in the world of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, but unlike my previous work, Diary of the Age of Monster Love, it takes place in an era when humans and monsters are still in conflict. From a human point of view, "monsters" will naturally be objects of avoidance and fear. To a human woman in an era and a world like that, becoming one of those monsters herself would be... Well, I think it's difficult to imagine what it would be like. A heroine who has a sense of values like that is—How should I put it?—There's something about it that makes my heart go pitter-patter. Actually, while I was writing the transformation scene I got carried away and in the end it wound up being quite a bit longer than I'd initially planned. I hope that works out for the best and you enjoy it.
Now, I've ended up putting this last, but I'd like to thank the people who helped me make this book possible. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Kenkō Cross, who has taken time out of his busy schedule again to draw beautiful illustrations for me; exet, who gave me many words of advice and encouragement when I fell into a slump while writing; The Dullahan's Groom, who sent me their impressions in detail; and most of all to the readers who picked this book up and read it.
Well then, I hope when have the opportunity to meet again somewhere. When that time comes, I beg your further consideration
- My face split into a broad smile as my anticipation swelled. On the other side of the wall, big brother finished climbing the stairs and was passing my room, heading deeper into the second floor, but I was in no condition to notice.
Big brother seemed to think I was already asleep, and was trying not to make noise as he walked along the corridor. Even so, the faint creaking of the floorboards reached my sharpened ears. It seemed I could even catch the sound of big brother's breathing. There was only a single wall between us. The thought of that was making my arousal rise boundlessly. My tail wagged furiously, expressing what was in my heart, and I swallowed hard.
Big brother went into his room. I waited patiently for the sound of his door closing, then left mine. The corridor was pitch-dark, but this was my own home and I knew it like the back of my hand, so I had no need to trouble over a little darkness. Besides, big brother's room was right next to mine. And now that I'd become a monster I could see in the dark like it was midday if I felt like it.
"Just you wait, big brother," I muttered as I set out. Sensing the faint traces of big brother's presence left in the corridor, the scent of his essence that tickled my nose, my heart seemed about to burst. It was only a distance of a few steps, but it was frustratingly slow going. I'd already been hot down there, and now my love juices were seeping out and running down my thighs. Even the sensation of the droplets gliding across my skin was intensely pleasurable to me in my current state, and that made even more love juices dribble out. I let out a little moan. Even as I did so, the ceaselessly-falling droplets were dirtying my fur-covered feet. Heedless of that, I proceeded down the corridor with feverish steps. My hooves went clop clop as they struck the floor. My tail swayed in time with the sounds, tickling my skin.
Coming to a stop in front of big brother's room, I stared intently at his door. My breast was already full practically to bursting with desire. I quietly drew a deep breath, somehow managing to hold myself back from smashing the door down and leaping into the room at once. My love juices were dripping onto the floor of the corridor, but I was in no condition to mind and there would have been no point: I was already sopping wet all over in any case.
My large hand, covered in soft, fluffy fur, a hand that might even be called proof of my identity as a monster called a baphomet, knocked gently on the door. The sound it made was slightly softer than it had been when I'd been human. At the same time, I spoke into the door.
"Big brother... may I come in?"
After a brief interval, a voice answered from inside the room.
"Lilia? Go right ahead; it's open."
"Sorry to bother you." Flashing a shy smile, I opened the door and stepped into the room. Its interior was neat and in order. In it were a small table, a bookcase, a desk and a chair; not much different from my own room. But the atmosphere was still somehow different. There was something in the air that proclaimed this a man's room.
But things like that didn't matter to me now. The thick scent of his essence struck me the moment I entered the room. It was incomparably more intense than the lingering aroma in the hall, enough to make me giddy. I felt myself becoming intoxicated just smelling the delicious scent. It's source was of course big brother. He sat facing me on the bed and spoke to me while turning the pages of a book he held in his hands.
"I was sure you were asleep. Were you awake all this time... or..." Shock suffused his face as it turned towards me. His words broke off and the book slid from his hands. Big brother didn't appear to notice; his gaze was concentrated on me. That alone was enough to make me so happy I thought I might melt.
Big brother rose unsteadily to his feet. He appeared dumbfounded for a moment, but eventually he seemed to comprehend what he was seeing and questioned me in a quavering voice.
"L, Lilia...? Y, you're body... What in the world happened!?"
"Eh heh heh. Cute, isn't it?"
I was glad. Even in this form, he recognized me immediately. My tail wagged, reflecting those feelings. Seeing that movement, big brother seemed to guess what had happened to me. He gulped, and asked hesitantly:
"Lilia... you haven't become a m, monster, have you...?"
"Yup, that's right. What do you think?" I nodded my assent.
"Wh, what do I...?"
Big brother certainly seemed to be surprised, but he made no move to scream or to reject me. I'd felt just a little uneasy about that, so I mentally heaved a sigh of relief. But that alone wasn't enough to satisfy me. I wanted him to say something more, not just stand there in shock. I mean, I'd gone to all the trouble of becoming this wonderful monster called a baphomet, so the least he could do was praise me properly.
"Take a better look, big brother. I've gotten such a wonderful body." I spun in place, speaking in a voice thick with heat. My hair danced aimlessly and my tail waved. The hem of my chemise fluttered, revealing a fleeting glimpse of my naked skin. I suddenly thought that the way I was dressed now must look sexier to men than vulgar nudity.
When big brother, who had been staring at me in blank amazement, noticed that, his face reddened and he hurriedly averted his eyes. He was red to the ears, so red that it looked like his head might give off steam.
"S, sto-" was all he would say, not even looking in my direction. That wasn't what I wanted to hear, and it exacerbated my dissatisfaction, making me pout.
"No, you've got to look properly, big brother," I muttered, putting just a little magical power into my voice. At those words, big brother gave a start, let out a little exclamation of surprise and slowly turned his eyes back in my direction. Big brother's gaze seized on me, and this time he didn't look away. He was looking at all of me, from the top of my head to the tips of my hooves. Being stared at by the person I cared for made me heat up down there, and my thickly-oozing love juices ran down my thighs.
Big brother gave an audible gulp at the sight of me, only half aware of what he was doing. His cheeks were redder than ripe apples, and a flame of desire was kindled in his blue eyes, albeit only a faint one. He desired me. Sexually. Knowing that filled my heart with joy.
But it wasn't enough. I wanted him to look at me more. No, I wanted him to look closer, to touch me, to feel me. I wanted to pleasure big brother with this wonderful monster's body. I wanted him to pleasure me. I wanted to become one with him.
Having become a monster in mind as well as in body, I took a step forward without hesitation. My tail strummed the air, and the hard sound of my hooves on the floorboards broke the silence of the room. Big brother made a slight movement, as if a spell on him had been broken.
"L, Lilia..." He called my name, and there was just a little of something else mixed in with the confusion in his voice. I'd heard him say that name countless times before, but the tones of it now sounded more pleasant to me than anything else in the world.
"Ah, big brother..." I panted. The flames of desire burning within me grew with each step I took towards him. My body was in the grip of a maddening thirst. At the sight of me slowly approaching, breathing raggedly, big brother shivered for just a moment. But he still made no move to run or draw back. That too made me very glad.
"G, get a hold of yourself, Lilia," big brother called out to me in a quavering voice as I drew ever closer. Maybe he thought that, having become a monster, I was now losing my senses. But that's not it at all, I thought, just a little disgruntled.
I closed distance with big brother, and we faced each other at close quarters. He didn't say anything. He just stared unsteadily at me. Looking up because of the difference in our heights, I peered into his blue eyes, which were still turned towards me, and quietly asked:
"So... do you hate me, big brother? Do you not like me anymore, now that I'm a monster?"
Big brother started at my question. Then in a flash he laid a hand on my shoulder and shouted:
"Like hell I do! No matter what you become, you're still my precious little sister!"
Those were his honest feelings. His love for me, regardless of my having become a monster, made me very glad indeed.
"I'm glad... You're very precious to me, too, big brother."
Crying, I hugged big brother tight. When I circled my hands around behind him and pressed my body he close against his, he did the same in return. As we held each other like that, he softly stroked my head. The gentle sensation of his hand made me very happy. Satisfied with that sensation for a while and still hugging him, I whispered:
"But, you know, it's just not enough."
I felt big brother stiffen slightly at that. Lips quivering, he asked:
"What... do you mean?"
"You see, I like you as a man, big brother. No, there aren't enough words to tell you how I like you," I said, my face still buried in big brother's chest. A man's body, different from mine. The heat of it poured into me, and it smelled faintly of sweat. The feeling of his skin was lovely, even through his clothes. Breathing in lots of big brother's scent, I continued.
"So... be mine, big brother. And I'll be yours, too," I said, raising my face. I was sure that the expression I was making right now must be a monster personified. Even though I couldn't see it, I knew there was a look of rapture on my face.
Staring up into big brother's bewildered face, I smiled and put more force into my embrace. That instant, his eyes wavered. He was confused, but he also couldn't refuse me. I was sure that all sorts of thoughts must be whirling through his brain right now. We were siblings, and had always lived together, so I could understand that much.
Big brother bit his lip with a pained expression, as if trying to resist something. Before either of us knew it, his hand resting on my head had stopped moving. Even so, he made no move to withdraw it.
"It's alright, isn't it, big brother?" I whispered, eyes still upraised. Without waiting for an answer, I leaned my bodyweight against him. Slowly, I pushed big brother down onto the bed.
"Lilia, wai-"
Big brother finally answered me then, hurrying to get his words out, but it was too late: we were already sprawled on the bed. The blue eyes staring towards me were unsteady.
"This, this isn't right," he murmured, stirring beneath me. The sheets were in disarray, and the bed creaked. Still, I wasn't going to let him get away.
"No, big brother. You've got to stay still."
Giggling, I pinned his shoulders with my paws. Grown man or not, it seemed that he couldn't even push aside my petite body in the face of my baphomet's strength. Although it did seem he wasn't resisting seriously out of consideration for me. Still, the sight of a man much bigger than myself being held down by me and unable even to resist brought a mysterious excitement in my heart.
"Hee hee. Well then, let's get started, big brother."
I stared down at him and licked my lips. The body beneath me started at my words. The slight vibration travelled to my body, pressed close against his, and changed into pleasure.
Still on top of big brother, I softly covered his body with mine. We were so close that the tips of our noses touched. I was reflected in big brother's eyes, pretty as sapphires. Even just being looked at was making my arousal rise.
"L, Lilia, sto-"
I didn't let big brother finish speaking. Still hugging him tight, I stopped up his lips with a kiss. The instant our lips met, an enchanting sweetness flowed into me. I never imagined my first kiss would be so delicious. I felt faintly surprised, but I continued the kiss.
Circling my hands around big brother's neck, I pressed my lips to his over and over. I pecked at his lips, sucked, and forced my tongue inside. At first our kiss was nothing more than touching our lips together, but it became gradually more intense as it went on. I was thoroughly tasting his lips now, lapping up everything like scorching hot flames.
"Your lips are tasty, big brother."
I lapped at big brother's lips with a look of ecstasy on my face. Every time we touched a comforting pleasure flowed into me, and I became more completely absorbed in kissing my beloved.
It seemed to be the same for big brother: his resistance had vanished at some point without my noticing, and he had surrendered himself to me. Sometimes he even took the initiative in pressing his lips against mine. Overjoyed at that, I screwed up my eyes and responded in kind.
After countless kisses, I stretched out my tongue and prized open big brother's lips. Somewhat startled, he opened his eyes. I shoved my extended tongue into his mouth. The moment the tip of my tongue touched his, pleasure flowed through the inside of my mouth like an electric shock, and an involuntary jolt shook my body.
I licked around the inside of big brother's mouth, slurping up his saliva as I wagged my tail in pleasure. The fierceness of the kiss brought tears to my eyes and sent drool running from the corners of my mouth.
We kissed for a long while, but after a last and especially forceful suck on big brother's lips, I finally pulled my face away. The last bit of drool tying us together broke and hung in thread from my lips. Softly wiping it away with a finger, I asked:
"Eh heh. That felt good. How was it for you, big brother?"
His breathing still ragged, big brother turned his gaze towards me. There was something fragile about the eyes staring in my direction. He seemed about to burst into tears, maybe from a feeling of guilt. The sight of that expression made me feel as if my heart were being crushed. Stifling that pang, I resumed my smile.
"Don't look like that, big brother. I'm really happy, you know," I said, and softly put a fluffy hand on big brother's chest. His furiously racing heartbeat traveled to my palm. His excitement made my face split into a broad smile.
"Your heart's really racing, big brother. Mine too, see?"
I took big brother's hand and pressed it to my own breast. Even through the thin fabric of my chemise, his touch and body heat were seeping into me. The sensation made my loins grow hotter and hotter, and I let out a low moan. I could feel big brother shiver down there at that. His already-hard thing was lifting the fabric of his trousers and swollen practically to bursting.
"Ah ha. You're getting bigger. Do you want me? I'd be glad if you did..."
At my words, big brother's face turned even redder than before as he only now became aware of his condition. When he tried to avert his eyes, I put a hand on his cheek and made him face back towards me, while with the other hand I gently stroked the bulge between his legs. Big brother gave a start and bit his lip. Even so, a cry he could not repress reached my ears.
"Ah ha. Did you like that?"
Feeling satisfied, I further caressed big brother's cloth-covered penis. I put the pad of my paw on the bulging crotch of his pants and moved it rhythmically. Occasionally I bent my fingers, inserted it between them, and squeezed it tight. Big brother's body shook with each touch of my hand, and moans leaked out along with his ragged breathing.
"L, Lilia... Enough... Stop..."
Big brother spoke haltingly, out of breath from my many, many caresses. Beads of sweat stood out on his brow, and his shirt was soaked through and clinging to his skin. His penis had stretched the fabric of his trousers to its limit, and was making a faint stain at the tip.
Big brother looked up at me with faint tears rising in the corners of his eyes. His shame-stained face was very appealing. Still, I'd feel bad teasing him any more than this. I wanted to make him feel better, and I wanted to feel better too. Lying on top of big brother, I softly kissed his cheek.
"Does it hurt? Let me take that off for you," I whispered in big brother's ear. At the same time, I hooked a claw into his belt. I gave it a little tug, and the leather belt tore off easily.
"No, do-"
Big brother raised his voice, guessing what was about to be done to him. But by that time I had thrust a hand into big brother's underclothes. My fur-covered fingertips made contact with his hard rod. Big brother let out a cry at the stimulation to his sensitive place. I listed to his moans as I pulled his rod free of his trousers and underclothes. His pole was fully hard and erect from my earlier attentions. Veins stood out on its surface, and its tip was coated in pre-cum. The transparent fluid blotted my fur.
The man-scent released and the sensation of big brother's heat traveling through my hand jolted my monster instincts. I narrowed my eyes in ecstasy.
"It smells so good. Delicious..."
I wrapped his pole in my paw and softly stroked it. When I gently caressed his glans with the loop of my fingers, transparent fluid oozing from it dirtied the surface of my fur and glistened.
"Does it feel good, big brother? Let me do it for you more."
I continued to masturbate big brother as I listened to his moans. Watching his body writhe in time to the movements of my hand, I stirred myself up down there again as well.
"Big brother, look at me too..."
As my fingers moved, they made lewd, wet, squelching sounds and drops overflowed from that place. My hand was dirtied with love juices and sweat, and a lascivious scent filled the room. Big brother's attention shifted to me, and my perversion took his breath away. His reaction was fanning my arousal to greater heights and making my monster's heart flare up.
"How about we do it like this next, big brother?"
An idea suddenly came to me. I stopped moving my hand and gently squeezed big brother's rod between my thighs. The sensation of my smooth skin, the same as a human's, directly touching big brother's thing birthed a feeling of pleasure unlike what I'd felt before with my animal paws.
"Ah. This, feels good too..."
Big brother seemed to feel the same. He let out a low moan as his rod grew still larger.
"It's good for you too, isn't it, big brother? Tee hee hee. Well, I'm going to start moving now..."
I positioned myself so that his pole, squeezed between my thighs, rubbed my slit, and began moving my hips back and forth. Pleasure raced through me, totally unlike what I'd felt doing it with my hand. Every time I moved the fur covering my feet rustled against big brother's skin, creating a ceaseless tickling sensation. I gave an especially forceful thrust and his hard pole struck my gash, splitting open my sealed lower lips with a squelch. The pleasure racing up my spine made me cry out. I squeezed his pole between my thighs and swayed my body back and forth, still clamping down hard. His hard penis brushed my clit, and a numbness like an electric shock assailed me. Unable to endure the pleasure, I arched my back and raised a cry of ecstasy.
"Aahn! It feels so gooddd..."
The shiver of numbness that traveled up my spine drove me to make my movements more and more intense. My love juices oozed out, wetting my thighs and his rod. The dew of love juices and pre-cum mixed and became lubricant, intensifying the pleasure. I enjoyed the wet sounds and started deliberately making more lascivious noises.
"Ah. Listen, big brother. Your thing and mine are making such a great sound. 'Squish squish.' They're rubbing together a lot and it feels so good...!"
At my words, big brother let out an ecstatic cry of his own. I wanted to hear more of his cries as he was tossed about by the pleasure, and shook my hips more fiercely, almost as if I'd gone and become a beast.
And yet, it was gradually ceasing to be enough. Rubbing his rod felt good, but my loins were aching to be tied to him more deeply. That place had been squirming and twitching for some time, keeping up a constant, heartrending complaint that it wanted to be connected with big brother. My wish to become one with him became a powerful thirst. I was in agony. Ragged breathing filled my ears and my heart rioted in my breast.
"Hey, big brother. I can't bear it anymore..." I whispered, raising my body and straddling big brother. He was still staring vacantly in my direction, perhaps overwhelmed by pleasure. Flashing a charming smile at him, I softly grasped his towering pole.
A glimmer of reason returned to big brother's eyes. I put a little more pressure into my grip on his rod and stopped his attempt to cry for me to stop. The abrupt increase in stimulation cut short his words and made him let out a short gasp, as if in pain.
"You don't mind, do you? Do you?" I whispered, staring at big brother. Without waiting for an answer, I pressed my now-saturated privates against his glans. We had both become sensitive, and the moment our flesh touched an electric current seemed to flow between us, sending a shiver up my spine. For just an instant, I closed my eyes and stopped moving.
Big brother's thing was touching my entrance. His touch, while hot, was gentle and without fear. Then I began to slowly lower my hips. My petals were split open to either side, and I opened my mouth to engulf the tip of his penis. It struck the heart of my secret place, that little trench, and slipped quietly inside.
I let out a moan at the first shock. It felt strange, like my body was being split open. But there was no pain, and my heart was being filled with joy.
"Ah... Ooo..."
I thought I could hear a straining noise. Even so, I continued to lower my hips without hesitation. The hard penis was splitting me open, advancing deeper and deeper inside me. It gave me a feeling of pressure, like I was being made to hold my breath, but that pressure was exceeded by the intense pleasure that was ruling me.
It seemed that big brother felt the same again: he was gritting his teeth while letting out a strangled cry. He was moving his body a little, perhaps trying to resist even now that we had come this far, but it was no use now that he was fully pinned beneath me. In fact, every time big brother stirred he sent an unpredictable, unintentional thrust of pleasure running through me, assisting my love juice-oozing insertion.
Forcing open the tight interior of my vagina like that, big brother's thing was being steadily buried inside me. My walls and his rod scraped against each other as it slowly advanced deeper and deeper into me. At last, the tip of his pole reached my deepest place. Big brother's hips were pressed tight against me.
"Mm... It's all, in."
The sensation of a hot thing having been buried in the core of my body was gradually spreading. I heaved a sigh, overjoyed at the feeling. I shivered. At the same time, my wagging tail brushed against big brother.
"A, are you alright?" Big brother's voice reached me. He sounded worried, but his voice carried less guilt than it did concern for me. Steadying my ragged breathing, I nodded.
"Yeah... I'm fine."
When I glanced down, I saw that something red was oozing from between my legs. The red stuff, mixed with my love juices, was spreading over big brother's skin, flowing down onto the sheets and dirtying the white fabric. Keeping my ragged breathing in check, I stared at the slowly seeping stain. I'd given my virginity to big brother.
Yes, I felt the reality of it: a mysterious sense of joy I'd never tasted before. It didn't hurt at all. On the contrary, the feeling of big brother sheathed inside my vagina brought me an intermittent pleasure.
"It doesn't hurt at all. Quite the opposite; it feels really good."
At those words, big brother let out a sigh of relief.
"Is that, so?"
"Eh he he. Were you worried for me?"
"Uh, no, I mean..."
When I peered down at his face, big brother looked away from me. Grinning at his profile, now bright red, I placed both hands on his chest.
"I'm gonna move, okay?" I spoke briefly, gently lifting my hips. Our close-pressed flesh was slowly separating. My soft flesh was rubbed by big brother's soft flesh, and I couldn't help crying out. With each movement of my hips, big brother's thing was being withdrawn from me bit by bit. My walls clung regretfully to his pole, desperate to avoid the parting. Frustration, heartache and pleasure jumbled together and whirled around inside me. It seemed to be the same for big brother: he was gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, trying desperately to endure the pleasure as he moaned beneath me.
The pole that had filled my vagina had been mostly extracted, its tip now near my entrance. Every time I shook my hips the oscillations were transformed into pleasure, and love juice oozed from my slit. His soaking-wet rod was reflected in my eyes. It was quivering forlornly, veins standing out on its surface, as if to say that it wanted to be enveloped in warm flesh. I let out a breath and lowered my hips again. The feeling of big brother entering filled my body.
My vagina took in big brother more smoothly than before, and tightened delightedly. A shiver raced up my spine at that movement, which was apparent even to me, and made me tremble.
"Ah. Mmm... Incredible. This is, good..."
A cry of pleasure escaped my mouth, and tears rose in the corners of my eyes. My movements, which had been leisurely at first, soon grew rapid. I bucked and leaped atop big brother, our bodies smacking into each other over and over. My hair danced wildly in space, and my sweat beaded and scattered.
"Oh, Lilia...!"
Big brother's voice struck my ear. It seemed I wasn't the only one enjoying this. The knowledge filled my heart with joy.
It feels so good! Doing it with my beloved big brother feels so good!
Each time I engulfed his rod, the pleasure I felt became more intense, and that in turn made my movements more violent.
"Aha. So good! It feels so good, big brother!" I cried out in joy as I rode atop big brother, making my hips rise and fall fiercely. My field of view was dimming, stained white with pleasure. But my other sense, and the pleasure like an electric shock ceaselessly pouring into me, were telling me that this was real and no dream. My insides were being sloppily stirred around and melted to mush. Caught up in that hallucination, I shook my hips determinedly. The nectar spilling from me was dirtying big brother's body, and making stains on the sheets as well.
Before I knew it, big brother was moving his own hips as well. He was thrusting powerfully up into me from below, his glans colliding violently with the entrance of my womb.
"Ah! Mmm... Yes, more, moreee!"
I shook my hips in time with his rhythm. The pleasure doubled, and I continued to cry out in delight. My inner walls coiled about and tightened on his rod independent of my will, trying to obtain still more pleasure.
I closed my eyes, bit my lip, and tried to endure the too-intense pleasure. Already the stimulation had become unbearable. And yet my monster's mind and body, greedy in pursuit of pleasure, would not allow me to stop, and I went on moving as I trembled and shuddered.
Big brother also seemed to be growing unable to endure the pleasure generated by our fierce motion, and looked like he was nearing his limit. Every time he thrust upward, his face twisted with strain at the too-intense pleasure. Even so, he showed no sign of stopping. It appeared that the simple instinct of a male animal lusting for a female was forcing his body to keep going in search of pleasure.
Neither of us was in any position to worry about the other, so we were both merely tossed about by the pleasure. Big brother grip on my thigh grew forceful enough to hurt, and his fingers bit into my skin. But even that was converted into pleasure, and guiding me towards climax.
"Oh, big brother! I love you! I love you so much! Oh, big brotherrr!"
I shouted my love for big brother while being struck and jolted by his body. As if in answer, his thrusts from below were increasing in ferocity. I continued to shake my hips intently, even as my cries of pleasure grew close to shrieks. The smack of flesh colliding with flesh echoed in the room. The shock reverberated to the deepest depths of my body, to my very soul, and made cries rise still higher.
"Ah... Ooo! Oh no, I'm, going to cum!"
"M, me too! I'm almost..." Big brother squeezed a cry out from between his gritted teeth. Shaking my head at that, I thrust powerfully.
"It's... Ah! It's fine! Cum, big brother!"
My bottom and big brother's hips collided, and his glans violently struck the entrance of my womb. A muffled cry leaked from big brother's mouth, and at the same time something hot exploded inside my vagina. Fluid was spurting out, pouring into my vagina and sating my body's thirst.
"Ah! It's coming out! Ah, aahhh!"
At the force of the semen gushing into my body, I too approached climax. My vision went white as I arched my back and quivered.
It seemed like an eternity. When at last everything had been spewed from his pole, I softly collapsed over big brother's body. As I tasted the sensation, which resembled a sweet numbness, with my entire body, I gently pressed my cheek to big brother's chest.
I could hear big brother's heartbeat. It was still clanging fiercely, unmistakable proof of his desire for me. My tail wagged in delight. "Eh he he. You sure shot out, a lot for me..."
Cloudy fluid overflowed from the place where we'd coupled, dirtying our skin. Feeling that it was somehow a waste, I softly wiped up the spilt semen with my fingers. Just like that, I lapped up the globs of semen stuck to my fur.
The syrupy liquid touched the tip of my tongue. To me, a monster, big brother's semen tasted like sweet nectar. It was melting like ice on my tongue and seeping into my body.
Big brother started at my spellbound murmur. His pole, still buried in my vagina, responded, and in no time at all it was regaining its size and hardness.
"Aha. Looks like you've perked up."
Realizing that big brother was desiring me, I couldn't help flashing a smile. I would have liked to do it once more like this too, but I had other ideas, and softly raised my body.
I quietly lifted my hips off his pole. My vagina, still sensitive with the lingering aftertaste of having reached climax, birthed a pleasure that was like going numb. I couldn't suppress a moan.
Semen flowed gooily out of the place from which his rod had been pulled entirely free. I got down from the bed, heedless of the white fluid that ran down my thighs and dirtied the fur covering my feet.
"Lilia?" big brother asked with a look of suspicion, turning his still-slightly-dazed eyes in my direction. Without answering him, I put my hands on the floor and went down on all fours. I faced my bottom towards big brother and stuck it out like I was putting it on display. My quivering, twitching femininity was exposed to big brothers gaze. In spite of everything, it was just a little embarrassing.
"Wh, what are you-?"
Big brother was confused at my abrupt behavior. But his eyes locked on my intimate parts and he did not avert them. As I felt his gaze pour into that place, my nectar, which had already begun to melt, dripped thickly. The droplets plopped to the floor and left little marks.
"Hey, this time... you take the lead, big brother." Still on all fours, I turned my face towards the bed and enticed him. "Do it however you like, big brother. Ravish me lots and lots."
Although it had a childish ring to it, my voice was lasciviously enchanting. I could tell that my entreaty made big brother swallow hard. I turned a flushed face and moist eyes on him, and wagged my tail invitingly.
I sensed him gulp behind me. I could hear a creaking noise. Big brother, raised himself unsteadily and, still silent, got down from the bed. I could tell that he had flung off his disheveled clothes and was slowly approaching me with the gait of a sleepwalker. I heard the floorboards groan with each step he took, sensed him standing behind me. In response to his nearness, the sexual desires within me were growing hot again.
"Big brother..."
My voice was coquettish. It made him gulp audibly.
"Lilia... I can't..."
Pausing briefly, big brother opened his mouth. His strained voice reached my ears. I felt a pang in my chest at the sound of it.
I turned my head and stared into his eyes. The part of him that wanted desperately to hang on to reason and the part of him that wanted to abandon himself to desire like this were in conflict, and his blue eyes were wavering.
"Don't hold back, big brother. Let's feel good together," I whispered, knowing that to him it was the temptation of a demon. Looking faintly pained for just a moment, big brother screwed up his face and he turned it aside.
But when his eyes turned once more in my direction, there had ceased to be anything in them but the light of sexual desire. It seemed that my enticement had put his reason to sleep and awakened the lust that had been secreted in the bottom of his heart.
"I'm sorry, Lilia."
Words of apology. But whatever he said, big brother was slowly leaning over me as I lay on all fours like a beast. Hands were laid softly on my hips, and something hard was drawn up against my intimate parts. Even that faint touch was enough to send a weak electric current flowing through my body.
"Here I go..."
"Yeah... Give it to me, big brother."
For just a little while, big brother stiffened and stopped moving. But his hesitation was momentary. He thrust his pole into me, smashing our hips together with all his might. The merciless insertion birthed an intense pleasure.
"Ooo! Aaahh!"
I felt myself being penetrated by a rod even harder and bigger than before. Big brother was advancing his hips, heedless of my cries. At that I knew that he too had fallen to a monster's pleasure. As I engulfed his pole, which had reached the deepest part of my vaginal walls, my heart was once again filled.
"Aah... This is, so good... Big brother, your thing is, incredible..."
Spellbound, I tasted the pole inside my vagina. It seemed mere insertion was enough for the essence oozing from big brother's thing to begin soaking into my body. My thirst was cured, and at the same time my desire to taste big brother more was swelling.
"Big brother..."
"Ah... Lilia, I'm gonna start moving..."
Big brother nodded at my impatient exclamation. His hands gripped my hips more forcefully, and he moved his pole with frustrated speed. Maybe because of the different position, it rubbed me in different places than it had before, and brought about a new pleasure.
"Ooh... I love, this too," I murmured, shivering. Big brother continued to move his hips while gritting his teeth and enduring the pleasure.
Next he stopped moving for a moment, and then pushed his rod into me vigorously. My womb was struck with a force that rubbed flesh fiercely against flesh inside my vagina and threatened to break it. For a moment I was unable to breathe because of the excessively intense, almost violent, pleasure that surged over me like a raging wave.
Big brother was pulling his pole out again. This time he did it even faster than he had at first. My love juices made a sound, and my nectar overflowed. Then I was forcefully gouged into again. The sensation of being fiercely violated from behind delighted me and made me tremble, and my nectar flowed out ceaselessly.
Big brother was gritting his teeth and shaking his hips. Although he was grimacing at the excessively intense pleasure, he certainly made no move to slow his movement. I responded with a severe piston motion, taking the initiative to pound my bottom into him. At every thrust fireworks went off behind my eyes and scorching-hot flames burned my breast.
"More! Do it harder! Pleasure me lots and lots!" I shouted simply because it still wasn't enough, shaking my hips as I pressed my face to the floor. My sharp claws scratched the floor and my tongue lolled out of my now-half-open mouth. Every time his pole collided violently with the entrance of my womb, my body trembled and I shed tears and spittle.
"Aahn! So good! It feels so good, big brother!" I howled, exposing my coquetry to big brother without the least shame and with a look of supreme bliss on my face.
"Lilia! Lilia!"
Feverishly calling my name, big brother had not a shred of reason left either. He became an animal just like me, lusting for nothing but pleasure. The constant thrusting in and pulling out continued to send waves of pleasure into us, only exciting us more.
But even that couldn't last forever. Before I knew it, an anguish he couldn't completely suppress was mixed with big brother's cries. As it did so, his pole twitched violently, signaling that it was near its limit. Still, he tried desperately to resist cumming and was continuing to move, wanting to taste the pleasure even one second longer.
"Oo, ah... Big broth, errr, you can, cum, any time," I whispered, likewise feeling climax near, I too resisting reaching it. Even as I did so my sucking and squeezing vaginal walls squirmed like they had a will of their own.
Then, we crossed the final line.
"Ooo! Lilia, I'm cumming...!"
As he cried out, he put all his might into one last thrust and his semen gushed out again. Again something hot was poured into my deepest parts. At the shock of that, I too reached climax.
"Oh, it's hottt! Cumming! Ah... I'm gonna cum... Aaahh!!"
The scorching-hot liquid that flowed into my vagina seemed almost like lava. I opened my eyes, bent my lower jaw, and shouted. Even as my body contorted and twitched, my femininity wriggled and clamped down on big brother, trying almost greedily to wring out his semen.
With a cry of anguish, big brother pulled his still-ejaculating pole out from inside me. My vagina, sensitive with climax, quivered at the pleasure of being rubbed as it had semen poured into it and the heartrending sorrow of being separated from big brother. My folds coiled about his pole.
The instant it was completely free, his rod touched my petals and twitched. The remaining cloudy fluid was expelled over my bottom, dirtying my flushed skin. Feeling the heat on my skin and the touch of thickly-dripping semen, I let out a sigh thick with heat.
"You, shot out, a lot for me again, huh, big brother? I'm, really glad."
The inside of my belly was filled with semen from his second ejaculation, and my face was melting in ecstasy. The stifling smell that filled the room, a mix of sweat and nectar and semen, was very pleasant.
"Lilia... that felt, great. Thank you," big brother, lying on top of me, whispered in my animal ear. There was no longer a shred of guilt in his tone. When I turned my face to look at him, I saw on it a blissful expression, aware of the joy of having become a slave to devilish pleasure. I'm sure the same look was on my face as well.
"It was great for me too, big brother," I whispered, smiling sweetly.
Those words prompted big brother to circle his hands around me from behind and hug me tight. I entrusted my body to those gentle hands, and we stared at each other. Then we touched our lips together. I couldn't tell which of us made the first move.
We twined our tongues together in a long, long kiss. Lascivious, wet sounds tickled my ears. When I opened my eyes a crack, I could see blue eyes still delirious with passion. His tear-choked eyes were showing my reflection.
Softly, reluctantly, we parted our lips. Feeling a faint loneliness, we touched and twined our tongues together just one last time. I traced my lips with gentle fingers. Big brother's touch still lingered on them. Softly, I closed my eyes.
"...I still want it," I whispered to myself. I ached miserably down there, seized by a momentary tightening.
It looked like becoming a baphomet had made me greedy. Even though I'd gotten him to do so much, my body and heart wanted more, and complained of their thirst. That thirst became an ache and lit a fire in my body.
Feeling my cheeks flush, I quietly cast down my eyes. Sensing big brother's presence right beside me, I silently opened them. I sat demurely on the floor and fidgeted with my hands.
"Hey, big brother... can we do it one more time...?" I asked, staring at him with upturned eyes. Big brother raised his eyebrows at that.
"What, again?"
As might have been expected, it didn't look like he would readily consent to my request. Tensing my face slightly, I replied with another question.
"Yeah. Can't we? I want more of you, big brother."
I hugged him, wagging my tail like a puppy. Staring straight at big brother with tear-choked eyes, I waited for an answer. He groaned for a little while, but at last he heaved a big sigh and turned back to face me.
"I guess I've got no choice. But this is the last time, okay?"
"Sure! Thank you, big brother!"
I held him tight, my face beaming. Just then, I felt his pole, pressed against my belly, swelling and regaining its size.
"Ah ha. Looks like you've still got plenty of energy down here, big brother," I laughed, causing big brother to avert his eyes, looking embarrassed. I giggled and kissed the bright-red face before my eyes.
"Thank you, big brother. You got all frisky because of me, huh? I'm very glad," I whispered in big brother's ear, tears rising in my eyes, and his cheeks got redder and redder. I laughed again at that, and we returned to the bed. Once we were seated on it facing each other, big brother opened his mouth to speak.
"What are we going to do this time?"
"Hmm..." Putting a finger under my chin, I pondered a little.
Doing it once more like the first time, with me on top of big brother, wouldn't be so bad, but having him get on top of me and violate me as he pleased sounded fun too. Still, I had a feeling that, since I'd gone to all the trouble, we should try a slightly different way of enjoying ourselves.
As soon as I thought so, an idea popped into my head. Maybe it was thanks to my having become a monster, but the knowledge of what I should do to make my wish come true seemed to come to me naturally.
"Well, how about like this?"
I quietly recited the incantation that had popped into my head. I shouldn't have known any magic at all, and yet words with a queer ring to them were flowing unfalteringly from my mouth.
As I recited the spell in front of big brother, who was watching over me attentively, my body was emitting a faint purple light. At the same time, black mist oozed from what should have been empty space.
The mist enveloped my body, gathering as if it had a will of its own and forming shapes. It was taking form as I watched, changing into something like tentacles.
The mist left big brother at a loss for words. I didn't blame him. After all, even I was a little surprised. I hadn't thought becoming a monster would suddenly enable me to use magic so skillfully.
Even in the time it took me to think that, the tentacles were becoming tangible and solid. They were taking on definite existence just as I envisioned them, perhaps reflecting my mental image. Thin, long, and supple, their glossy surfaces were wet with a sticky liquid.
They were wrapping my skin, tangling together and bending loosely back and forth. Their queer touch on my skin was like soft flesh; like leather bags stuffed with water; like squishy slime; like and yet unlike all of these things.
But, strangely, it wasn't a bad feeling. On the contrary, the inhuman touch on my skin became a new stimulation and gave me pleasure. Half-unconsciously, I was abandoning myself to the tentacles.
They, sensitive to that, began coiling themselves around me more assertively. They wrapped round and round my limbs like creeper vines and gently crept about my belly. When they stuck to my breasts with a plop, I cried out in spite of myself.
As if pleased by that, each of the tentacles coiled around my body wriggled sinuously however they pleased, fondling my skin. Their movement was just a bit eerie, but there was also something humorous about it.
Some of them fastened on my nipples, and others wiped the sweat that had risen on my skin. Still others stroked my still-sensitive nether regions. I quivered and cried out as I felt my slit spread open and my entrance lightly touched.
At the same time, several tentacles got behind me and fondled my back. I gave a start at the pleasure from a place I couldn't see. The tentacles that lapped up the semen that clung to my bottom seemed to take a liking to its flavor, and pounced on more almost like dogs.
"Oh, this is, incredible... Aah..." I murmured at the pleasure the grotesques brought about, immersed in ecstasy. Even as I did so, the tentacles were still being born and seemed on the verge of engulfing me.
An audible gulp reached my ears. When, still delirious with pleasure, I turned my ears to the sound, I found big brother staring fixedly at me, his ragged breaths mingling with the squishy sounds of the squirming tentacles and my lewd, wet noises.
He was getting aroused at the sight of me being violated before his eyes. When I realized that, my own lusts accelerated too.
I wanted to show him something ever more lascivious. I wanted to make his heart pound more. Those feelings were reaching the tentacles and making them move with renewed intensity.
The tentacles violating my whole body were lusting for me almost as if each had become a living thing with its own separate will. That in turn was generating intense pleasure and painting over my mind in the color of sexual desire. With a sigh of yearning, I turned my gaze to big brother.
His face looking back at me was thoroughly suffused with carnal desire. It looked like he couldn't content himself with just watching anymore either.
"Lilia, I..."
Impatiently whispered words. He wanted to be wrapped in tentacles and wallow in devilish pleasure with me. The misery of his tone and expression were telling me that more eloquently than his words ever could. And I felt the same.
Responding to my desire, several tentacles slithered out and twined themselves around big brother's body. At the uncanny touch, big brother cried out in spite of himself. The tentacles, heedless of his protest, gave his arm two or three light tugs. In that movement, like a child tugging on its parent's hand, there was no malice. It seemed a little of big brother's unease remained even so, and he looked back and forth between me and the tentacles in confusion.
"It's alright, big brother."
My smile seemed to convince him that they meant no harm. Big brother relaxed his body and surrendered himself. Several tentacles, seemingly delighted to have been accepted, twined themselves further around him and began slowly drawing him towards me.
"Big brother."
Now so close that our skins touched, we softly called out to each other. Even as we did so, the tentacles were continuing to twine and coil around our bodies. Still held fast in their grip, we wrapped our arms around behind each other and embraced. The tentacles coiled around those limbs as well, binding them in that position and pressing our bodies even more closely together. I felt that comfort was oozing into me every time a tentacle touched me.
Before I knew it, the top of the bed had become like a black swamp with me at its center. The black stain, which continued to spread, was birthing one new tentacle after another to coil around us.
Entirely heedless of that strange scene, we thought only of enjoying the pleasure. Soon my beloved would be all that I saw, and pleasure all that I felt.
"Hey... Let's go 'squish, squish' together..."
Staring at each other, we exchanged words thus. The black tentacles that surrounded us quivered and caressed our skin. Delirious with the heat pouring into us, we were already losing our human reason.
Then the two of us, become in our lust beasts greedy for pleasure alone, tasted each other's bodies. We kissed, touched each other's skin, and made our genitals couple, intent only on moving our hips. With satiation far off, I even felt it would be nice to stay like this forever.
Almost as if to bless the two of us as we lay like that, the black tentacles were enveloping and engulfing us. As we rubbed our bodies against each other while covered in syrupy, sticky fluid, I felt somehow as if me, and big brother, and these tentacles were melting together and become a single creature. The form I pictured would probably have seemed sinister to a human, but as I now was it seemed a very lovely thing to me.
As we felt the joy of being engulfed in the color of darkness and of becoming one in copulation, big brother and I embraced each other powerfully and continued to raise cries suffused with delight.
Then, later, only a black egg that, still one, birthed delighted cries and licentious odors remained
- The town was gently wrapped in early afternoon sunshine. The sun shone dazzlingly in the perfectly clear, blue sky, illuminating the people who came and went on the stone-paved streets.
The main street was lined with shops whose signboards advertised foodstuffs, daily necessities, books, and a variety of other goods. Before their doors clerks cried their wares, holding up the goods on display and extolling their virtues to anyone who stopped to listen. Beside them horse drawn carts loaded with goods were busily racing past.
The usual sights of a peaceful town.
As I stared through the window at the scene, I, Lilia Flimlight, let out a little yawn.
Sitting in my chair, leaning on the counter and resting my chin in my hands, I wiped away the tears that had risen in the corners of my eyes. A few more tears oozed out when I blinked.
"Ah, I'm so sleepy. The weather's nice and warm, too, so I guess it's no wonder I ended up wanting to take an afternoon nap," I mumbled.
Even indoors the gentle weather enveloped me, coaxing me towards drowsiness. If I let my mind wander, it would soon creep up on me and tempt me off to sleep. I shook my head lightly in an effort to dispel my drowsiness, but unfortunately that had no great effect.
Be that as it may, I couldn't allow myself to fall asleep here. For the time being, I was in charge of minding the shop. Business might be in a slump, but I couldn't abandon my duty.
In an effort to drive off the persistent drowsiness somehow, I extended my arms, still seated, arched my back and stretched. As I did so, the hem of my short smock lifted and my belly button peeked out briefly.
"Oops." I cast a furtive glance around me, wondering if that might not be a bit improper for a girl. I don't know if "lucky" is the right word for it, but there was no one to find fault with me. There wasn't a soul in the dim little shop aside from me. It was filled with a quiet atmosphere, in contrast to the bustle outside.
"Although I guess it is nice that I get to take it easy," I said to no one at all in an effort to cover my embarrassment. My painstakingly maintained vigilance wavered, and I let out another huge yawn. Then I turned in a circle, surveying the inside of the shop.
"Flimlight's Odds and Ends," a small shop on the town's main road. That was the name of the shop big brother and I ran, and which was also our home.
True to the name, we stocked a great variety of goods. To start with, there were antidotes and medicines for treating wounds. Then came knives, lamps, and a miscellany of flints and compasses, as well as amulets and rings infused with magical power. Besides all that, there was a mountain of goods I couldn't readily identify piled in one corner of the shop. It didn't look like anything but junk to me, but the things in it sometimes turned out to be shockingly valuable, so I couldn't to treat it lightly.
To be honest, I had no clear idea what more than half the items arranged around the shop were used for. Medicines and daily necessities were one thing, but I'd given up hope when it came to the specialty goods needed by adventurers. In most cases our customers knew what they needed on their own, so just minding the store was no trouble. That was a relief.
Besides, even with the best will in the world you couldn't say that the customers who came into this shop were many. Big brother and I ran it just the two of us, so that was probably preferable to being so busy we couldn't keep track of everything, but even so I couldn't deny that it sometimes made me sad and uneasy. If anyone asked me what I wanted, I'd have wished for it to be a bit more prosperous.
"Hmm... I wonder if I can think up any good ideas."
Chin still cupped in my hands, I stared up into empty space and pondered. I considered several possibilities, but ultimately there wasn't much that could be done with a little family-owned shop. I was probably better off letting things remain peaceful and uneventful than I would be attempting some hare-brained scheme and failing.
I remained in my chair as I thought, and there was not the least sign of a customer coming to justify my presence there.
"Like I thought, there's nothing for me to do," I mumbled, throwing myself down on the counter.
I tried staring aimlessly at the goods in the shop, but there wasn't much there to draw my interest. If there had been clothes or accessories I could have enjoyed myself thoroughly, but no matter how long I stared at the goods sold here there was nothing of interesting to an ordinary girl.
After a fleeting glance at the wares, I returned my gaze to the window. Beyond it was a peaceful-looking townscape, unchanged since I had last looked. A cat lay on the ground in front of the shop across the way, basking in the sun. The sight of its contentedly closed eyes made me just a little bit jealous, and I shifted my gaze.
Then, the figures of a boy and girl walking hand in hand right in front of the shop were reflected in my eyes. From the impression of closeness the two gave, I guessed they were lovers.
The girl didn't look that much older than me. She'd clearly put a lot of effort into dressing up, and a lovely bag was hanging from her shoulder. They were probably on their way to play somewhere. The girl's smiling face was turned to the boy walking beside her, and she seemed to be talking to him of this and that. The boy responded to her words and flashed an occasional smile. I couldn't hear the content of their conversation, but from their expressions I could tell they were having fun.
"A date, maybe?"
I followed the couple with my eyes for no particular reason, watching them until they turned a corner and vanished from sight. When they completely vanished from my field of view, I let out a murmur that was half a sigh:
"Must be nice."
Romance draws a girls interest like nothing else. Especially if they had someone they fancied, or someone they loved. Recalling the image of the couple — the girl's happy expression — I sighed once more.
"I wish I were going off to play too, not minding the boring old shop."
Not alone of course. With someone I liked. And I'd decided who that was a long, long time ago. We hadn't actually gone on a date yet, however.
"I wonder if big brother will come home soon."
Still cupping my chin in my hands, I stared at the entrance. My gaze rested on the large, wooden door. But, of course, it showed no sign of opening. Big brother, the rightful proprietor of this shop, and my only family, was out today procuring stock.
Most of the goods our shop dealt in were procured from friendly merchants. But very occasionally a bargain market where peddlers hawked goods from far off places was opened in a nearby town. At such times it was normal for big brother to go out himself in order to obtain goods that couldn't be got through the usual suppliers.
Besides that, big brother also single-handedly took responsibility for business meetings, negotiations, and most other important jobs — jobs I couldn't do. I say that "Flimlight's Odds and Ends" was our shop, but the reality was that big brother managed most of it.
That was why big brother had gone out early this morning. It looked like he might be back late, so he he'd told me when he left that when it got dark I could close the shop without waiting for him to come home.
I glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. The short hand was still pointing between the two and three. Heaving a sigh, I muttered, "I guess there's still a while until closing time."
Even if no customers came in, I could still have killed time talking if big brother were here, but alone I couldn't even do that. That being the case, I should probably have done some little job around the shop, but I'd mostly taken care of arranging the goods on the shelves and cleaning the shop over the course of the morning, and there was no need to do it again in the afternoon.
Of course, I wasn't completely out of work, and there were still a few things left to do if I wanted. But faced with the lazy afternoon weather, I couldn't muster the energy. Still, slow business day or not, I was in charge of the shop for the time being, so I couldn't leave the place.
"He might as well have taken me with him. I wish he had," I complained, pursing my lips. I had no interest in bargain hunting, but it would be far preferable to staying here alone.
The idea of just flipping the wooden tag hanging on the storefront to "closed" popped into a corner of my mind. Napping until evening seemed like an extremely attractive idea.
"But I guess I can't do that, however much I'd like to." I gave my head a little shake and chased those thoughts away. Still, I had a feeling that idea would be just a bit difficult to keep out.
"I already said I can't do that." Still regretting the loss of my afternoon nap, I gave my head another shake and continued to diligently mind the store.
And still, not a single customer appeared. The tedious hours flowed on.
I genuinely had more free time than I knew what to do with. I stood up, thinking that moving my body a little would help keep me awake. I thought I'd do some cleaning around the shop, even if there wasn't much point to it. I crouched down under the counter and grabbed a worn-out feather duster from its metal hook.
Then I heard the door open. The clear tone of the bell hanging from the wooden lintel signaled that someone had entered the shop.
"Ah... Welcome to our shop," I called out instinctively as I stood up. I was just a little flustered by the unexpected appearance of a customer, but I was steeped in the ways of a shop clerk. My dulled senses switched over to customer service mode as I turned my gaze to the entrance. But even before I got a look at the person who stepped into the shop, their words reached my ears:
"Much appreciated, Lilia."
The voice carried a gentle quality, even in a short utterance. It's familiar sound was enough to tell me the identity of the speaker. As I did so, I felt my face break into a smile of its own accord.
"B, big brother." My voice practically oozed with delight. The slightly drooping blue eyes turned in my direction were filled with a gentle light, and the mouth below them widened in a quiet smile.
His features were said, making allowances for the difference in sex, to closely resemble mine, and revealed the same gentle disposition, but there was also a manly dignity running through them. His hair, tawny with a slight reddish tint, was neatly arranged and gathered behind his head into a bunch like a tail.
There was something androgynous about the impression created by his overall silhouette, which was somewhat slender for a man, coupled with his gentle features. He was dressed simply in jacket, shirt and trousers. His neat clothes, without a tear or a stain anywhere on them, seemed an expression of his earnestness.
Shutting the door behind him, big brother walked over to the counter where I was sitting. He was much taller than me. Big brother always had to look down at me when we stood face to face.
To be honest, I didn't like standing face to face with tall people all that much. People looking down at me gives me a complex about being so tiny. But in big brother's case, I didn't mind it at all. On the contrary, when big brother looked at me it gave me a ticklish, warm, happy feeling.
"Thank you for taking care of the shop. It must have been hard all on your own."
As he voiced his gratitude, big brother narrowed his eyes and looked hard at me. Faced with his slightly apologetic expression, I hurriedly shook my head in denial.
"No, not at all. It's been just as you see," I added with a smile, indicating the empty shop, and big brother flashed a little wry smile back.
"I suppose so. Actually, that's not something to laugh about, is it?"
"Ah ha ha. I guess you're right. Oh, will you take a seat?" I offered him a chair in front of the counter, and he took it. While I poured tea for big brother, who sighed, I asked:
"You're early. What happened?"
He'd told me he'd be back late, so I'd been sure his business would take him until nighttime. But he'd returned while the sun was still high, so I naturally had questions.
Maybe he had concluded his business early. Maybe that was why he'd come home so early. But if that were the case, he ought to look happy. My hope must have shown on my face. Big brother turned towards me with a look of discomfort.
"Ah, no. Sorry, the business isn't entirely finished. The actual procurement is done, but I still have to go meet with the client firm. I just ended up with some time on my hands, so I came by to look in on you for a moment."
"I see," I replied, although I still felt inwardly disappointed. If my wilted hope showed in my voice, I think it's understandable. To be honest about my feelings, I wanted big brother to stay in the shop with me like this always, but there was no way I could interrupt important business with my own selfishness.
That being the case, the most I could do was to keep my eyes on big brother's face and put up with it. I quietly shifted my gaze to that face with its calm expression. In an effort to distract myself from my feelings of loneliness, I tried to burn big brother's face into my memory anew. I'm not sure if he noticed that or not, but he took one look at me and chuckled.
"What's the matter?" I asked, my head tilted slightly to one side in concentration.
"Oh, nothing," he answered, smiling. "I was just thinking that you're always staring at me, Lilia."
"I, is that so? Sure it's not just your imagination?" I hurriedly denied his words, aware that my face had grown hot again. It must have been dyed crimson. In spite of that, I tried to preserve as much of my usual expression as possible so as not to be found out.
I pointed to his empty teacup, hoping to change the subject even if I had to force it.
"Oh, look at that. Would you like more tea?"
"Hm? Sure." Big brother looked where I was pointing and nodded.
"Got it. It'll only take a moment," I said, picking up the teapot and pouring black tea into his now empty cup. The rising steam was accompanied by a faint aroma that tickled my nose. It was the aroma of our favorite brand. We always kept plenty in stock so that we could drink it any time.
"Here you are."
"Thank you." Big brother smiled as he accepted the cup I offered him.
"You're welcome." I returned his smile and poured tea into my own cup as well. I picked up the steaming teacup and brought it to my lips. The liquid was just a wee bit too hot on its way down my throat.
"Heh heh... Don't rush; sip it slowly, okay? There's plenty more where that came from."
"Yeah. Thanks," I smiled at big brother, and he grinned again in return.
We made idle chit-chat for a little while longer.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
"Well, it's about time for me to get going," big brother said, taking advantage of a pause in our talk. The sound of his setting down his empty teacup on the counter resounded in the quiet shop.
"I've already stayed longer than I meant to. They're sure to be angry, and they'll have a right to be if I'm any later than this."
I followed big brother's gaze to the clock on the wall, and sure enough quite a lot of time had passed. I wondered bitterly why fun times go by so fast.
"I guess you're right. It'd be awful if you were late." I understood that, but a note of loneliness still crept unconsciously into my voice. Hearing it, big brother looked a little distressed, and opened his mouth:
"Come on, don't be like that. I'll come home as soon as I possibly can."
Rising to his feet, big brother came up beside me, laid a hand on my head, and stroked it gently, as if to give comfort. I narrowed my eyes at the feeling of his warm hand combing through my hair and nodded.
"Okay; I understand. I'll save dinner for you, okay?"
"I'll look forward to it. Well then, see you later."
"Yeah. Later."
At my words, big brother's hand withdrew. Feelings of loneliness filled my breast. I could bear it. I called after him in spite of myself.
"Big brother."
When he looked back, I clutched the hem of my apron and forced myself to smile.
"Ah, I mean... Take care."
"Thanks. Well, I'm off."
Flashing a smile at my words, big brother left the shop. I watched his retreating figure, unable to completely deceive myself about the feelings growing in my breast.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
I lingered by the window for a while after big brother left, following his progress with my eyes. But he soon vanished from sight among the hustle and bustle of the town. In spite of that, I stared longingly out the window for a little while longer. With a sigh, I slowly lowered the arm that had been pressed against the window glass.
Really I would have liked to go with big brother, but I couldn't abandon the shop on a whim. Smothering my feelings of loneliness at our parting, I sunk weakly into a chair. I was on my own again, staring vacantly about the shop. The very air seemed to grow stagnant and heavy.
When I looked at the wall clock, I saw that, while the hands had advanced, there was still plenty of time left until I could close up shop. I didn't know whether or not there would be any customers, but for the time being I had no choice but to mind the shop until evening, the usual closing time. Realizing that I would have to pass more tedious hours alone, I let out another sigh. I didn't feel all that motivated, but I couldn't stay staring into space like this forever.
Stepping away from the window, I approached the counter. The empty teapot and two cups lay where we had left them. I cleared them away, and then stared at the chair in which big brother had been sitting until moments before.
"Big brother," I murmured, and stretched out a hand to gently brush the chair. It seemed to me that the faint body heat that lingered on its smooth surface transferred itself to my fingertips.
Softly wiping my hands, I moved away from the counter. Still in that state I crossed the shop and stood before the mirror that hung in one corner.
The mirror, which big brother had received from an acquaintance a long time ago, was fairly large, and when I stood a little way back from it, it could show almost my whole body. A large mirror in an item shop could serve no real purpose, unlike in, say, a clothing shop, but I could use it to check that there was nothing wrong with my outfit before work, so I found it useful.
I stood squarely in front of the mirror, and my figure was reflected in its cloudless surface. A petite girl stood in the mirror. Her familiar childlike face and small body were my own. Her long hair was gathered into pigtails, one bunch on each side.
I don't mean to boast, but I was fairly pleased with my looks. Big, blue eyes and a small mouth. I worried that my nose was a bit flat, but taken as a whole I thought it achieved a certain balance. My long hair I groomed carefully every day without fail, and thanks to that it flowed silkily through my fingers when I ran a hand through it. On the whole, while I might not be able to call myself a beauty due to the strong childlike impression I gave off, I thought that I could say I was plenty cute, although I might be biased in my own favor.
"But," a dissatisfied grumble escaped my lips. The face in the mirror reflected my thoughts, knitting its brows in a downcast frown. I understood the cause of that dissatisfaction only too well.
My body was extremely slow to mature compared to other girls my age. No, it would be more accurate to say that past a certain age I hadn't matured at all. I was poor in curves and small in stature. My body looked as if it could be lifted and carried easily by most adults and not at all like that of a girl who would turning seventeen this year. Subtract seven from that age and I could still probably pass.
"Why do I have to look like this?" I groaned, glaring at the childlike girl in the mirror. I'd tried all sorts of things, drinking milk every day and doing exercises to improve my figure. But unfortunately I had nothing to show for it.
"It's not like I don't get enough to eat."
We weren't exactly rich, but we weren't badly off enough to be called poor, either. At the very least we ate normally, so I'm sure I was getting enough nutrition. I mean, it was enough to make big brother taller than average. I couldn't understand why only I didn't grow.
I hung my head, shifting my gaze downward, and my meager breasts came into view. My chest was too flat for my age. The chests of other girls my age had swelled enough to be obvious even through clothing, but mine was practically perpendicular. I might as well call it a sheer cliff. I tried to gently cup my breasts in my hands. There was nothing for me to grab onto. As a girl, it was extremely saddening. I felt myself on the verge of tears, but I managed to hold them back.
I ran my hands over my breasts, slid them softly over my skin, and was eventually able to feel enough of a bump to assuage my fears. I looked in the mirror every day, and in the past several years my appearance hardly seemed to have changed at all. Actually, I thought I might have begun to swell recently. I thought so, but my hands felt nothing, the same as always. When I removed my hands from my breasts, unable to completely deceive even myself, I let out yet another sigh.
I took a step back from the mirror and tried taking another look at my full body. I was currently wearing a jersey blouse, a gently flared skirt, and a white apron with a frill. I couldn't call it a uniform, as I chose my work clothes to suit my needs each day, but I generally wore something like this when I was minding the shop.
I liked this outfit for its cute design, but I also had a feeling that it encouraged the childlike impression I gave off. Having said that, it was clear as day that a deliberately adult outfit wouldn't suit my child's figure.
"I'm not much of a match for big brother like this, am I...?" I wondered aloud, saddening myself.
"I'm sure big brother would prefer a beauty to an underdeveloped girl like me, too," I murmured, hanging my head. I pictured someone who wasn't me walking shoulder to shoulder with big brother, and ended up bringing myself back to the verge of tears. We were brother and sister, so we could probably never be lovers. But still, when I thought about my beloved big brother being taken away by somebody else, my chest hurt so much it seemed about to burst.
"Not that." I couldn't hold back my tears. I wiped them with the back of my hand, but they flooded out one after another and wouldn't stop. My small sobs resounded in the deserted shop.
Just then, a voice called out unexpectedly from behind me. "Excuse me, is this a bad time?"
- My moans rose, mingled with the creaking of the bed. Strained cries, steeped in pleasure. My animal ears twitched.
My moans prompted big brother to grasp my hips and pull out his rod, gushing semen, from my intimate parts. A slippery sound passed through my insides and reached my brain as the pleasure did. A hot, cloudy shower fell on me from big brother's thing, making a splashing sound. The fluid splattered directly on my skin was hot, and I even imagined that it would scald me. The fluid produced an odd sensation as it glided thickly over my skin.
"Ah. Big brother... Oh... It's hot..." I whispered quietly, still lying face-up on the bed. When I shifted my gaze, I could see big brother, breathing on my shoulder, and the white fluid scattered over my belly.
"Mmm... So much, and so white..."
With a look of ecstasy, I lovingly smoothed out the semen, smearing it evenly across my belly. The syrupy fluid clung to the fur that covered my hand, but I didn't mind at all.
Still, I really would have liked to get big brother to shoot it out in my vagina, and to become pregnant with his child. But that didn't mean that I hated other things. Of course getting him to spray lots onto my body was also to my liking. Doing it with big brother was the happiest thing in the world to me now.
I let out a long sigh. That instant, a swishing sound reached my ears, and tentacles formed into clothes coiled around my body. They pounced on the semen scattered on my belly and dripping from my intimate parts. It looked like my mind had become muddled due to having climaxed. The tentacles, separated from my will, followed my monster's instincts and tried to gobble up the semen just as they pleased. The stimulation was too strong for me, my sensations still keen, and I let out a cry in spite of myself.
The tentacles ignored my cries and fondled me. The sticky fluid that wet their surfaces and the semen mixed, and were gooily dirtying my body.
"Ah. No. I said 'no'..."
Still, whatever I said, these tentacles were things I'd created myself with my magical power to begin with, so I could make them behave or get rid of them if I felt like it. Right now I just quivered at the tentacles' caresses without doing either.
Maybe some part of me couldn't forget the pleasure I'd tasted when I became a monster. Before I knew it, I'd grown quite fond of clothes made of tentacles. Since the day I became a monster, the frequency with which I summoned these clothes had increased, and now it was to the extent that I spent whole days in them.
Seeming to read my mind, one of the sinuously squirming tentacles softly nestled against my cheek. I gently stroked it, stared at my own licentiously made up body, and smiled.
Big brother slowly flopped down right beside me. When I quietly turned my eyes to him, I saw that he was staring back at me.
"Big brother."
We called each other's names. That alone was enough to fill my heart.
About ten days had passed since the day we first coupled. Having become slaves to the pleasure of being with the person we most loved—and that engendered by a monster's body—we'd been making love like this every day. So much so that the first several days we'd even forgotten eating and sleeping.
Big brother was becoming a full incubus now. Even his almost-transparent blue eyes were turning a purple steeped in magical energy, the same as mine. I was a little glad they matched.
"I love you, Lilia," big brother whispered to me softly, and kissed my cheek. In return, I stuck out my tongue and licked the side of his face. I tasted his sweat on the tip of my tongue. Gleaming traces of saliva remained on his flushed cheek.
For a while, we stayed embracing each other on the bed, basking in the post-coital languor.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
All of a sudden, I sensed a presence in the room. Still lying down, I turned my face towards the door.
The darkness of night was blackly piling up in a corner of the room, filling it. An ordinary person probably wouldn't have been able to tell, but I was a monster, and I noticed the figure of a person standing there. A figure I wasn't likely to mistake, even muddled with the lingering aftertaste of pleasure. I made sure of what I was seeing, and let out a little cry in spite of myself.
A lone woman, leaning against the door and staring amusedly in my direction. When she noticed that my gaze had shifted, she turned up the corners of her mouth and narrowed her eyes. The smiling-faced woman opened her mouth, and spoke with an air of intimacy.
"Pardon the intrusion."
Her silver hair framed a beautiful face that no one could resist being charmed by; her red eyes were cheerfully narrowed; and the white devil tail that extended from the hem of her garment was swaying listlessly.
At the sight of the person who, in a certain sense, could be called my benefactor—no, my mother—I raised myself on the bed and smiled sweetly.
"Oh. Good day."
"Hee hee. Good day. And you must be the brother. Pleased to meet you." The lilim flashed a smile and greeted us. Reflexively, big brother bobbed his head in return.
"P, pleased to meet you. I'm Lilia's older brother. Umm, it seems you helped my sister, and she's very grateful to you, so..."
His odd greeting provoked a smile from the lilim.
"Not at all. As long as you two are happy, that's enough for me."
Then the lilim looked at my body, covered in semen, and giggled.
"Oh my. You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself. I hope I'm not interrupting."
Those words, delivered in a teasing tone, made us both blush. The lilim saw that, and grinned amusedly. She seemed to have had enough of teasing us for a while, and walked briskly over to the bed.
"How are you? Then again, now that I get a good look at you, I suppose there's no need to ask. It looks like you managed to hit it off with your brother."
"Yes. I'm happy all the time. I can feel so good with my beloved big brother now, after all," I answered, putting both fluffy hands to my cheeks, in which the flush had deepened from the slight embarrassment I felt. Big brother nodded in agreement, his cheeks similarly flushed.
"Tee hee hee. I'm glad you were able to get it to suit you."
The lilim looked delighted and satisfied at our happiness, as if it had been her own. At that expression, we ended up with smiling faces just like hers.
"By the way, what brings you here today?" I straightened my posture and asked the lilim. Now that I was a monster myself, I possessed information—albeit hazy—about Her Majesty the Dark Lord and the lilim. It was difficult to believe that she, a daughter of the Dark Lord, had come all the way to a place like this just to see how I was doing.
Just as I expected, the lilim, still smiling calmly, began to speak.
"Well, as a matter of fact, there is something I'd like you to give me a bit of help with."
The unexpected request prompted me to exchange a glance with big brother.
"Something you want our help with?" I repeated, and the lilim nodded.
"You see, I'd like to set up a branch of the Sabbath in this town."
"The Sabbath?" I answered with a question, puzzled by the unfamiliar word. Beside me, big brother was looking equally bewildered. Seeing our confusion, the lilim continued.
"That's right. It's one of the groups that preaches about the virtues of monsters and how wonderful it is to make love as one desires. Even among those, the Sabbath is an organization particularly dedicated to spreading a certain ideology and sense of values, I suppose. Well, I'll explain about that in detail later."
She glanced out the window. From this room on the second floor, the lights of houses could be seen standing in rows beneath the night sky.
"The main point is that I want to teach the virtues of monsters to the people of this town. And as a first step, I'll be changing some girls into monsters. You just became a baphomet, so I'd like to ask you to help."
At those words, that lovely sensation I'd felt when I became a monster was revived within me. The memory alone was enough to send a shiver down my spine. And now I would be able to let everyone taste that pleasure. It seemed a fascinating, delightful thing to do.
Instinctively, my mouth formed into the shape of a smile. Seeing my expression, the lilim grinned cheerfully.
"Hee hee. Going by the look on your face, I doubt I even need to ask your answer. Well then, I look forward to working with you again, my cute little baphomet."
Leaving those words behind her, the lilim vanished into the darkness. Big brother and I, left in the room, exchanged glances, and tried to imagine everyone in this town becoming monsters and passing joyful days with the people they loved. Surely, that would be the most wonderful thing in the world. We were unable to check our growing arousal, and overlapped our bodies again.
I had a feeling that the day this town would become a paradise for monsters wasn't so far off.
The end.