| - Over the next several centuries, the Iksar grew to greatness on the buried ashes of their former masters. They migrated outward across the continent of Kunark and formed five principle tribe-states: Kylong, Nathsar, Obulus, Jarsath, and Kunzar. This last tribe-state was led by Venril Sathir, a young and powerful warrior-mage, who raised an unyielding army of undead with the assistance of dark magic.Shissar Kingdom <--> The Rule of Rile
| - Over the next several centuries, the Iksar grew to greatness on the buried ashes of their former masters. They migrated outward across the continent of Kunark and formed five principle tribe-states: Kylong, Nathsar, Obulus, Jarsath, and Kunzar. This last tribe-state was led by Venril Sathir, a young and powerful warrior-mage, who raised an unyielding army of undead with the assistance of dark magic. Sathir and his Kunzar armies conquered and annexed the remaining tribe-states under his rule as the first king of Sebilis, the renamed Iksar nation. In order to build his Sebilisan Empire, Sathir brutally captured and enslaved the Hill Giants, Forest Giants, and Froglok of Kunark. Throughout Sathir's life, the Sebilisan Empire quickly grew in might, power, and grandeur.Shissar Kingdom <--> The Rule of Rile