Follow Directions is a Shining Time Station song from Mapping it Out. Paul Fierlinger did the animation.
Follow Directions is a song shown in the Season 1 episode, Mapping it Out, shown through The Anything Tunnel by Mr. Conductor to Stacy Jones after she wonders where Matt and Tanya had disappeared to. The song has the general meaning of how following directions can get one to their destination and when making things. The song was written and performed by Steve Horelick.
Follow Directions is a Shining Time Station song from Mapping it Out. Paul Fierlinger did the animation.
Follow Directions is a song shown in the Season 1 episode, Mapping it Out, shown through The Anything Tunnel by Mr. Conductor to Stacy Jones after she wonders where Matt and Tanya had disappeared to. The song has the general meaning of how following directions can get one to their destination and when making things. The song was written and performed by Steve Horelick.