| - Brugmansia is a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae, native to subtropical regions of South America, along the Andes from Colombia to northern Chile, and also in southeastern Brazil. They are known as Angel's Trumpets, sharing that name with the closely related genus Datura. Brugmansia are long-lived, woody trees or bushes, with pendulous, not erect, flowers, that have no spines on their fruit. Datura species are herbaceous bushes with erect (not pendulous) flowers, and most have spines on their fruit.
| - Brugmansia is a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae, native to subtropical regions of South America, along the Andes from Colombia to northern Chile, and also in southeastern Brazil. They are known as Angel's Trumpets, sharing that name with the closely related genus Datura. Brugmansia are long-lived, woody trees or bushes, with pendulous, not erect, flowers, that have no spines on their fruit. Datura species are herbaceous bushes with erect (not pendulous) flowers, and most have spines on their fruit.
* Brugmansia arborea. Andes (Ecuador to northern Chile).
* Brugmansia aurea. Andes (Colombia to Ecuador).
* Brugmansia insignis. Lower mountain zone of Eastern Peru.
* Brugmansia sanguinea. Andes (Colombia to Peru and Bolivia).
* Brugmansia suaveolens. Southeast Brazil west to Bolivia and Peru.
* Brugmansia versicolor. Ecuador.
* Brugmansia vulcanicola. Andes (Colombia to Ecuador). These species are divided into two natural, genetically isolated groups. Brugmansia section Brugmansia includes the species aurea, insignis, sauveolens, and versicolor; and is causually referred to as the warm-growing group. B. section Sphaerocarpium includes the species arborea, sanguinea, and vulcanicola; and is casually referred to as the cold-growing group.