| - A female attending Liberty High School. She is in Ms. Marian Chavatal's class.
- Duel Record: 5-3
- Sonya (ソニア Sonia) is a playable character from Fire Emblem Gaiden and it's remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. In Echoes she is 25 years old.
- right left|100px Rencontre: Port-Faranga Faction: N/A Métier: Tenancière de la maison close Quêtes:
* Le misogyne
* Pour une nuit avec Olga Récompenses de combat et/ou de vol à la tire:
* XP+60
* 2xpotions de mana mineures, 1xpomme et 1xpasse-partout
- She has a blonde hair tied in pigtails and blue eyes.
- Sonya Lebedenko was a high-ranking member of the organization Michael Westen makes a deal to take down in Season Seven. She is portrayed by Alona Tal .
- [Source] Sonya is a character in Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted.
- Sonya (ローラ Rōra?, lit. "Laura") is a Russian DigiDestined who is partnered to [[Snimon ()|Snimon]].
- Sonya was a CTU officer familiar to Chloe O'Brian and Chase Edmunds. She was mentioned in a conversation between these two agents. Chase stated that he needed a flight to Los Angeles. Chloe responded that Sonya would never go for it just so Chase could handle the mission, since there were competent agents already present there. Chase said he would have to work around her.
- Sonya runs the local brothel in Harbour Town. You can buy information from her along with other "services" as they refer to it. She complains about the fact the Order does not come to the aid of her or the other patrons of her brothel when some of the men get extremely disgusting.
- <default>Sonya</default> Title Gender Race Ethnicity Affiliation Class Occupation Relatives Status Appearances Sonya is a Barbarian. After surviving the destruction of her home and death of her tribe, she wanders Sanctuary in search of battle and a better life for her people.
- Sonya is Sinedd's younger sister.
- Sonya is a Character in DEXTER. She was a nanny that worked for Dexter Morgan to watch Harrison Morgan before being replaced by Jamie Batista for unknown reasons.
- Sonya ist eine Flugbegleiterin an Bord von Oceanic Flug 815. Ihr Lebensgefährte Sam Thomas, mit dem sie seit fast 8 Jahren zusammen ist, stellt Nachforschungen zum Verschwinden des Fluges an. Bislang ist sie noch nicht auf der Insel gesehen worden und es ist nicht bekannt, ob sie den Absturz überlebt hat. Im Laufe des ARG Find 815 begegnet sie ihrem Partner Sam Thomas einige Male in Visionen.
- Sonya (アリア, Aria) est une poule apparaissant comme villageoise dans Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City, Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Elle est également apparue dans le jeu exclusivement japonais Dōbutsu no Mori e+, l'équivalent du jeu Animal Crossing en Europe. Sa carte Amiibo est compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
- Sonya (ソーニャ Sōnya) is a Mage who was both the aide and the container to Animus, the king of Stella. She was the driving force behind the reasoning to Acnologia's life goal of slaying all Dragons in existence.
- Sonya is a modified eyebot owned by Mel. She is used for tunneling in the Commonwealth in 2287.
- Sonya may refer to:
* Sonya Belikova, Dimitri's sister
* Sonya Karp, spirit using Moroi teacher
- Sonya was a hair stylist who appeared in The One Where Monica Sings. When Joey became worried about the appearance of his eyebrows and knuckles, he was styled by Sonya under the name Chandler Bing. Sonya assumed he was gay, and had difficulty plucking his eyebrows when he found it extremely painful. She ended up only plucking one eyebrow due to the pain, leaving Joey with mismatched eyebrows, she is played by Lori Alan who is famously known for her voice work on metal gear solid 3 as "The Boss".
- File:IconDamage.png (7/10) File:IconUtility.png (5/10) File:IconSurvivability.png (6/10) File:IconComplexity.png (5/10) Sonya, also known as Barbarian, is a hero from the Diablo series. From the frozen Dreadlands of the north comes the mighty Barbarian warriors. After surviving the destruction of her home and death of her tribe, Sonya wanders Sanctuary in search of battle and a better life for her people.
- Sonya is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. She lives in Kodh. This page is a . You can help the Professor Layton Wiki by expanding it.
- Sonya war zusammen mit Harriet eine der Anführerinnen von Gruppe B. Sie bildet in Gruppe B eine Parallele zu Newt, da beide ähnliche Eigenschaften in Interessen, Persöhnlichkeit und Aussehen haben, jedoch ist sie im Gegensatz zu ihm immun. Sonya ist Newts 2 Jahre jüngere Schwester. Bevor sie und Newt von ANGST geholt wurden, war ihr Name Elizabeth oder kurz "Lizzy".
- Sonya is a resident of the Seattle area; she works in a beige cube somewhere in a large building...but dreams of sunny garden days and quiet drawing time. Her blog can be read here:
- Sonya is the Sister of Cloe. She has a Shira named Oilviea who was acted as Raya Dolikmeni Wayway.
- Sonya was the girlfriend of Sam Thomas, and was a flight attendant for Oceanic Airlines. She is a character in the Find 815 Alternate Reality Game.
- Sonya is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy. She lives in Kodh.
- Sonya has been in in eating competitions ever since she was eight years old, and has loved doing it ever since. She sneaks snacks far too much, and her peers call her gross for burping all the time. When she was ten years old, she was entered in an eating competition, but she was the youngest one. People were shocked to find out that she had won. She joined Total Drama Killers because her parents made her.
- Sie lebt im Zirkus Zaragoza. Sie trägt einen rosa Rock, hat eine Schleife in ihrem Haar und reitet auf einem Dreirad. Sie redet nicht, sondern kommuniziert nur über Knurren und Brüllen. Während des Films bricht sie ihr Dreirad, das von einem Ducati Motorrad ersetzt wird. Bald beginnt sie eine Beziehung mit Julien, der von ihr hin und weg ist. Sie genießt das Fahren ihres Fahrrades und wird wütend, wenn es runiniert wird. Kategorie:Charakter Kategorie:Tier
- Sonya is the adoptive mother of Kathy's daughter, Hedy II.
- Sonya était l'une des hôtesses à bord du vol Oceanic 815 selon l'histoire du jeu en réalité alternée Find 815. Son compagnon, Sam Thomas, avec qui elle était depuis 8 ans, fait des recherches pour savoir ce qui est arrivé au vol. Elle n'a jamais été vue sur l'île. Il semble donc très incertain qu'elle ait survécu au crash.
- Categoria:Find 815 thumb|right|300px Sonya è un personaggio della nuova avventura on-line basata sul telefilm Lost Find 815. Era un hostess australiana e lavorava per la Oceanic Airlines. Era a bordo del volo 815 quando questò fece perdere le sue tracce il 22/09/2004. Fidanzata da circa 8 anni con Sam Thomas, questa tragedia è diventata in breve tempo l'ossesione di lui. Disposto a tutto pur di sapere che fine abbia fatto Sonya, Sam riceve da qualcuno facente parte del Gruppo Maxwell una mail in cui affermano di conoscere bene la ragazza e di quanto lei sia una persona amorevole e gentile con chiunque entri in contatto. Sul tavolo di Sam c'è un anello di fidanzamento quindi probabilmente voleva chiederle di sposarlo non appena fosse tornata dal suo ultimo volo. Non è mai stata avvista sul
- Sonya jest jednym z głównych bohaterów fabuły gry Find 815. Była Australijską stewardesą pracująca dla Oceanic Airlines i była na pokładzie feralnego lotu 815. Jej chłopak od przeszło ośmiu lat, Sam Thomas, pracujący w Oceanic Airlines jako technik, planował się jej oświadczyć (nawet kupił już pierścionek który gracze mieli szanse obejrzeć wiele razy). Po jej tajemniczym zniknięciu usilnie próbuje ją odnaleźć.
- Sonya é um personagem da história do jogo de realidade alternada Find 815. Ela era um comissária de bordo australiana que trabalhava para a Oceanic Airlines e estava a bordo do Vôo 815. O namorado dela, quase 8 anos de namoro, Sam Thomas, um técnico da Oceanic está em constante busca para saber o que aconteceu ao vôo após o acidente. Até agora ela não foi vista na Ilha, e não se tem certeza se ela sobreviveu ou não a queda.
- Sonya, eine junge Frau mit goldblonden, schulterlangen Haaren, Mitte zwanzig. Eine recht allgemeine Beschreibung, aber man könnte auch noch ins Detail gehen. Vom Körperbau her ziemlich schlank. Zu anderen Zeiten war sie sogar als dünn oder mager zu bezeichnen. Diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Sie ist wohlgenährt und alle Proportionen sind genau so, wie sie bei einer Frau ihres Alters sein sollten. Die Frau ist gerade mal 1,69 cm groß, damit sticht sie nicht besonders ins Auge. Apropos Augen, ihre schimmern in einem dunklen grün. Um den Hals trägt sie eine silberne Kette mit einem Anhänger in S-Form, darauf sind 3 kleine Kristalle eingelassen, oben, unten, und in der Mitte. Im Sommer, wenn sie Sandalen trägt, könnte auch durchaus das kleine Fußkettchen bemerkt werden, ebenfalls aus Silber mit eine
- Sonya Blade es una miembro dedicada de las Fuerzas Especiales, obsesionada con la captura del criminal Kano, su eterno enemigo. También es el primer personaje femenino de la serie y la última en ser incluida en el primer videojuego. Originalmente, Mortal Kombat disponía de seis personajes seleccionables, y el entonces presidente de Williams le dio al equipo de desarrollo seis semanas adicionales para pulir el título. En un comienzo, se decidió incluir a un personaje llamado Kurtis Stryker, un agente siguiendo la pista de Kano, pero se necesitaba de un personaje femenino. Stryker fue reemplazado por Sonya, y la historia se recicló para ser utilizada por ella. El nombre de Sonya proviene de una de las hermanas de Ed Boon.
- Sonya is a character in the alternate reality game Find 815. She was an Australian flight attendant working for Oceanic Airlines and was on board the doomed Oceanic 815. Her boyfriend of almost 8 years, Sam Thomas, a technician for the airline, had bought an engagement ring and had been planning to ask her to marry him. After the disappearance of the plane, he has been investigating what happened. Someone from The Maxwell Group claimed that they knew Sonya and sent Sam a picture of her. This person described her as a lovely person, who touched the heart of everyone who knew her.
- Sonya es un personaje en la historia del juego de realidad alternativa Find 815. Ella una azafata australiana de Oceanic Airlines e iba a bordo del malogrado vuelo 815. Su novio, Sam Thomas, un técnico de Oceanic, con el cual llevaba al menos 8 años, ha estado investigando que ocurrió con el avión desde que se estrelló. Alguien de "The Maxwell Group" dijo que conocía a Sonya y le envió una foto a su novio Sam. En el escritorio de Sam hay un anillo de bodas junto a su foto, que indica que posiblemente Sam le propondría matrimonio.