*Transformers: The Beast Within
**The Beast Within, часть 1
*Transformers: Legends (Манга)
**Legends Bonus Edition: Skullcruncher
*Transformers VS G.I.Joe (IDW)
*Transformers: Deviations
*The Power of the Titan Masters
**Не всё так просто (часть 1)
**Не всё так просто (часть 3)
**Путь в никуда
**Разделяй и властвуй
**Огонь в небе
**На помощь, диноботы!
**Схватка на вершине
**Окончательное уничтожение (часть 1)
**Окончательное уничтожение (часть 2)
**Отсчёт гибели
**Нашествие инсектиконов
**Война тяжёлого металла
*Transformers (Commodore 64)
*Transformers: Mystery of Convoy
*Transformers Legends (Игра)
**Covert Operations
**The Master Builders
**Cosmic Rust (Legends)
**Web World (Legends)
**Signature Series: Dan Khanna
*Transformers Rising
**More than Meets the Eye - I
**More than Meets the Eye - II
**Divide and Conquer (Rising)
**Fire on the Mountain (Rising)
**The Ultimate Doom - I
**The Ultimate Doom - II
**Countdown to Extinction (Rising)
**Changing Gears (Rising)
**City of Steel (Rising)
**Attack of the Autobots (Rising)
**Traitor (Rising)
**A Prime Problem (Rising)
**The Core (Rising)
**Microbots (Rising)
**Quest for Survival (Rising)
**The Search for Alpha Trion (Rising)
**The Revenge of Bruticus (Rising)
**Masquerade (Rising)
**Five Faces of Darkness - I
**Ghost in the Machine (Rising)
**Grimlock's New Brain (Rising)
**The Burden Hardest to Bear (Rising)
**The Return of Optimus Prime - II
*Transformers: Devastation (Игра)
**The Proudstar
*Angry Birds Transformers (Игра)
*Transformers Operation Omega
*Transformers: Earth Wars