| - Name: Rolan Chillbreeze Date of Birth: Undefined - no earlier than 598, no later than 606 (In-game year as of 2008 AD is 628 ATA) Spouse: Lora, stays in Crown's Refuge Children: One daughter, very young (less than 2 years), lives with Lora Occupation: Hunter/woodsman. General Wildlands survivor - although he is a horrible cook. Background: Barely defined. Makes his living out in the Wildlands, visits Crown's Refuge to see his family and Mysra. Frequency varies, currently averages around once a month. For the sake of RP, this is highly flexible. Contact: In-Game, page/@mail the Minion called Lamia.
| - Name: Rolan Chillbreeze Date of Birth: Undefined - no earlier than 598, no later than 606 (In-game year as of 2008 AD is 628 ATA) Spouse: Lora, stays in Crown's Refuge Children: One daughter, very young (less than 2 years), lives with Lora Occupation: Hunter/woodsman. General Wildlands survivor - although he is a horrible cook. Background: Barely defined. Makes his living out in the Wildlands, visits Crown's Refuge to see his family and Mysra. Frequency varies, currently averages around once a month. For the sake of RP, this is highly flexible. Personality: Barely defined - shy about nudity, and Mysra believes him to be nice. Her definition of nice is rather loose, though, so if he can smile and returns her hugs that's enough. Notes: The human who discovered the Syladris named Mysra out on the Wildlands. The two are very close friends and he greatly enjoys her cooking. He also has a sister. "Rolan isss the firssst human Mysssra ever met! He isss very nicsse, and very good at cutting down treesss and making firesss with them, and usssing a bow. And he likesss Mysssra'sss cooking very much, and taught her how to cut down a tree and it fell on her tail, but it wasss a sssmall tree ssso it only hurt for a little while. And then he ssshowed Mysssra how to make a fire from the tree and he wasss pleasssed that ssshe did not burn down all of the other trees, too! And he taught Mysssra about clothesss and why the grassssesss whisssper to themssselvesss but not to Mysssra, and why the sssun hurtsss her eyesss when ssshe triesss to look at it and how it doesssn't mean to!" Seems the Syladri is more excited about this topic than cooking, "And he visssitsss sssometimesss, and Mysssra cooksss for him and tellsss him ssstoriesss about new thingsss ssshe hasss learned!" Contact: In-Game, page/@mail the Minion called Lamia.