| - (If the Avatar is male)
* Felicia: Um, I hate to bring this up, but what are we going to do now? With Nohr and Hoshido against us, we don't have many friends... (If the Avatar is female)
* Jakob: Have you two considered what our next move will be? Nohr and Hoshido against us; we don't have many friends right now.
* Avatar: Hmm...it seems like we should lay low for a little bit.
* Azura: Then... I know a place where no one will find us. We should be safe there.
* Avatar: Really?
* Azura: Yes. And once we get there, I have much to tell you. Things I heard from my mother...and the truth about this world... (The party travels to the Bottomless Canyon)
* Avatar: This is the Bottomless Canyon where we lost Gunter. You don't mean for us to hide out here, do you?
* Azura: That's exactly what I mean. We'll jump into the canyon. (If the Avatar is male)
* Felicia: What?! H-hold on just a minute! If we jump down there, we'll all die. I know we need to keep a low profile, but I don't think death is a great hiding place! (If the Avatar is female)
* Jakob: Wait just a minute! If we jump from here, we'll all die. No one will ever find us, that's for sureābut we'll be ghosts!
* Azura: Don't worry. You won't die if you jump. You have to trust me.
* Avatar: Azura... You'll tell us more of what you know after we jump into the canyon, right?
* Azura: Yes, if that's what you wish.
* Avatar: ... Then we have no choice. (If the Avatar is male)
* Felicia: Ahhhh... Are you really serious about this, milord?! (If the Avatar is female)
* Jakob: Are you certain about this, milady?!
* Avatar: Yes. Everything will be fine. I trust Azura. (Azura walks towards the edge)
* Azura: Thank you, Avatar. I'll go first and wait for you to follow. (The Avatar follows)
* Avatar: All right. I'll be right behind you. (If the Avatar is male)
* Felicia: *sigh* If he's going in, then I guess I must follow... This is incredibly scary, but here goes! (If the Avatar is female)
* Jakob:...If my mistress is going, then I'll need to find the courage. I would give up my life if my lady commanded, after all. It should be an easy thing to follow her anywhere, even... (Felicia or Jakob runs toward them)