| - Basic Trope: An entirely idealistic world.
* Straight: Adam and Brenda go into land of Sugar Bowl, a bright, colorful, happy world which runs off the Rule of Cute.
* Exaggerated: In Mary Suetopia, the world is so sweet that Adam and Brenda are infected with diabetes.
* Justified: The plants release spores that, when inhaled, prevent non-cute thoughts from occurring.
* Or: Sugar Bowl has been created and is run by (someone with a mentality of) a 5-year old girl.
* Inverted: Crapsack World
* Subverted: Adam finds a journal: "If anyone is reading this, get out of here! Run! Sugar Bowl is anything but perfect, they're all cannibalistic little pagans!"
* Double Subverted: Brenda talks with the natives. They aren't really evil, it's just that all the humans aren't ver
| - Basic Trope: An entirely idealistic world.
* Straight: Adam and Brenda go into land of Sugar Bowl, a bright, colorful, happy world which runs off the Rule of Cute.
* Exaggerated: In Mary Suetopia, the world is so sweet that Adam and Brenda are infected with diabetes.
* Justified: The plants release spores that, when inhaled, prevent non-cute thoughts from occurring.
* Or: Sugar Bowl has been created and is run by (someone with a mentality of) a 5-year old girl.
* Inverted: Crapsack World
* Subverted: Adam finds a journal: "If anyone is reading this, get out of here! Run! Sugar Bowl is anything but perfect, they're all cannibalistic little pagans!"
* Double Subverted: Brenda talks with the natives. They aren't really evil, it's just that all the humans aren't very considerate of their veneration of Moloch.
* Parodied: Sugar Bowl is a crayon-colored wonderland of rainbows and kittens and resembles Fluffy Cloud Heaven, and everyone has a unicorn.. and all the girls wear pink... and all their characters are adorable furry Funny Animals who like to sing about friendship and happiness....
* Or for a more brutal parody, unleash a Sugar Apocalypse just for laughs.
* Although it is exactly as pleasant and wonderful as it looks, the Sugar Bowl is being used as an Ironic Hell for some form of manly man.
* Deconstructed: Sugar Bowl's perfection causes everyone to become lazy (and fat) due to the lack of conflict. Nearby Crapsack World decides to take over Sugar Bowl and does it with ease.
* Reconstructed: But then a Chosen One from another world enters Sugar Bowl and frees them from the Crapsack World citizens. The citizens slowly recover, but does it with a smile no less. They learn to never make the same mistakes again.
* After the takeover, Crapsack World realizes how shortsighted it's being. It reaches out and tries to make amends with the remaining Sugar Bowl inhabitants. When they do reconcile, they manage to learn from one another. Sugar Bowl becomes armed against other outsiders, and Crapsack World becomes not so crapsack-y
* Zig Zagged: Adam and Brenda create the colorful world of Sugar Bowl using their crayons (despite being warned not to). It all works out nicely, until they develop their own separate religions of Adamology and Brendaism. Religious wars are about to be fought, but their religions combine into one, bitheistic religion.
* Averted: The world, if more pleasant than our own, still has its share of plausible dangers and problems.
* Enforced: It's a series for very young children, and a more realistic setting would be inappropriate.
* Lampshaded: "Welcome to Sugar Bowl! When it comes happiness, Disney ain't got nothin' on us!"
* Invoked: An evil overlord creates a realm which is lovely and non-threatening to put the heroes off their guard and entertain the citizens.
* Defied: Adam and Brenda go to Sugar Bowl and are bent on destroying every aspect of it.
* Discussed: "My world's so happy, it makes Disneyland look like crap!"
* Conversed: "What is this?!" "Disney's newest show, Happy Happy Joy Joy Fun Farm. It's popular with all nice princesses, funny clowns, and lions." Back to the wonderful world of Sugar Bowl!!