| - The following estimations are based on calculations made by Karen Wynn Fonstad for her Atlas of Middle-earth.
- Travelling in Asheron's Call is done by using your feet or through the use of portals. No creature large enough has ever been tamed for use as a mount.
- == Travelling on Rubi-ka== There are many ways to travel in Anarchy Online. Probably the way you'll initially be travelling is through Whompah, which are teleport portals which are located in every large city. Whompahs are a free way to travel to most large city hubs, but are not always a preffered means of travel if your destination is located away from big cities, although there are a few Whompahs in rural areas. On the map, Whompah entryways are represented by colored arrows with the names of the destinations they lead to next to them. Blue is to an Omni-Tek controlled destination, green is for nuetral destination and orange is for Clan destinations.
- Once a player reaches Level 15, he is able to travel to certain destinations This is a list of all currently available destinations and the time needed to travel to each of them: Mexico 20min (14 min with Airstrip)Canada 37min (26min with Airstrip)Cayman Islands 57min (40min with Airstrip)Hawaii 2h 1min (1h 25min with Airstrip)United Kingdom 2h 32min (1h 47min with Airstrip)Switzerland 2h 49min (1h 58min with Airstrip)Argentina 3h 9min (2h 13min with Airstrip)Japan 3h 23min (2h 22min with Airstrip)China 3h 39min (2h 33min with Airstrip)United Arab Emirates 4h 19min (3h 1min with Airstrip)South Africa 5h 11min (3h 37min with Airstrip)
| - The following estimations are based on calculations made by Karen Wynn Fonstad for her Atlas of Middle-earth.
- Travelling in Asheron's Call is done by using your feet or through the use of portals. No creature large enough has ever been tamed for use as a mount.
- == Travelling on Rubi-ka== There are many ways to travel in Anarchy Online. Probably the way you'll initially be travelling is through Whompah, which are teleport portals which are located in every large city. Whompahs are a free way to travel to most large city hubs, but are not always a preffered means of travel if your destination is located away from big cities, although there are a few Whompahs in rural areas. On the map, Whompah entryways are represented by colored arrows with the names of the destinations they lead to next to them. Blue is to an Omni-Tek controlled destination, green is for nuetral destination and orange is for Clan destinations. Another good way to travel is the Grid. Grid entryways are represented on the planet map as small blue triangles. The downside to the Grid is that you have to have a fairly high Computer Literacy to use it to much effectiveness, as this skill determines what locations you can grid to. Vehicles, such as the Yalmaha, are also a great way to get around, especially when used in combination with the Grid or Whompahs. They are very pricey for starter players though, with the cheapest land vehicles being at least 200,000 credits, while air vehicles such as the Yalm are probably going to be around 5 million credits at the least. Vehicles also require the skills for their type to be high enough, so you will also have to invest some IP points into vehic les.
- Once a player reaches Level 15, he is able to travel to certain destinations This is a list of all currently available destinations and the time needed to travel to each of them: Mexico 20min (14 min with Airstrip)Canada 37min (26min with Airstrip)Cayman Islands 57min (40min with Airstrip)Hawaii 2h 1min (1h 25min with Airstrip)United Kingdom 2h 32min (1h 47min with Airstrip)Switzerland 2h 49min (1h 58min with Airstrip)Argentina 3h 9min (2h 13min with Airstrip)Japan 3h 23min (2h 22min with Airstrip)China 3h 39min (2h 33min with Airstrip)United Arab Emirates 4h 19min (3h 1min with Airstrip)South Africa 5h 11min (3h 37min with Airstrip) Each destination has it's own items and item prices. A player can initially bring only 5 items back, but can increase this number by buyinb Suitcases (E.G. with a Medium Suitcase, a player can bring back a total of 8 items) Travelling inflicts the economy in many ways, since it can be a decent way to make profit, as well as to save up, but it also allows many more things to be done, E.G. In Cayman Islands you can put Money in a savings account by paying a 3% fee, but this Money can only be withdrawn by you when visiting Cayman Islands, making it nearly impossible for it to be stolen While travelling, players can also attack other players, possibly mugging them for some extra income, or just to cover the fees of travelling itself There are multiple ways to reduce travelling time, one of which is having a Private Island with an Airstrip, which greatly reduces the time needed to travel to various Destinations In South Africa, players are given the option of Hunting, investing Money and Energy but gaining even more Money back and also increasing their Hunting Stats. There are three known Merits that can be gained by Hunting In China, players can get a "Prediction" (Players can pay Money in order to find out how close they are to their next Levelup)