| - The purpose of flying cities is to create a well organized, easily defendable cohesive unit. This also serves the purpose of allowing for strip mining to take place.
- The Galactic Empire is the main villain in the "Star Wars Trilogy". Xaq and his friends fought the Empire briefly when they were transported into the Star Wars Universe. (Series 1: "Star Wars: A New Hope")
- The Galactic Empire of Grand Admiral Logan Nagel traces its origins back to the foundations of the First Galactic Empire under Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. While many of the uniforms, traditions, and laws are similar in nature, there are important distinctions that can be drawn with the Empire of yesterday and the one of today. Unlike Palpatines saga, Nagel's rise to power was marked not only with military prowess but also with a politically charged and ideological movement spawned by the dissatisfaction of the galactic public who were disgusted by what they perceived as government apathy.
- The Galactic Empire, also known as the New Order, or simply the Empire, was the totalitarian and imperialistic galactic government established by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to replace the Galactic Republic and bring Sith rule to the galaxy.
- The Republic, which had lasted for at least 25,034 years, ended following a period of intense political turmoil and the subsequent devastation of the Clone Wars. After General Grievous was defeated at the battle of Utapau, and shortly before the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were killed on Mustafar by Darth Vader, Chancellor Palpatine (by then ruling with near-absolute power), began a purge of the Jedi Order, and then proclaimed himself Emperor of the galaxy and reorganized the Galactic Republic into "the first Galactic Empire" on the galactic capital.
| - The Galactic Empire of Grand Admiral Logan Nagel traces its origins back to the foundations of the First Galactic Empire under Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. While many of the uniforms, traditions, and laws are similar in nature, there are important distinctions that can be drawn with the Empire of yesterday and the one of today. Unlike Palpatines saga, Nagel's rise to power was marked not only with military prowess but also with a politically charged and ideological movement spawned by the dissatisfaction of the galactic public who were disgusted by what they perceived as government apathy. The Empire as it is today mushroomed from meager and humble beginnings as a collection of outer rim territories that stubbornly resisted both political and military pressure by the larger and more powerful New Republic. After the exploits and subsequent murder of Grand Admiral Thrawn, a new sense of pride and purpose rose among the ranks of the Empire as Grand Admiral Logan Nagel stepped in to fill the power void. Nagel rose in power and promience in a time where Republican government was weak and the galactic economy came to a grinding halt; and after nearly a decade of work and war, Nagel crowned himself Emperor of the New Galactic Empire and proclaimed that it would rule for ten thousand years. Almost immediately he set about reforming the structure of what he termed the "Old Regime" into a much more elastic, independently-minded system based on merit and accountability rather than on birth and political connection. The Imperial government is divided among four clear branches. There is the legislative body of the Senate and the Moff Council headed by Tarnya Velhawk, the executive branch that consists primarily of the military headed by Executor Vindar Xenth, an intelligence political service known discretely as COMPNOR and is under the firm command of an ambiguous woman, and a strict Imperial Court System made up of seven judges. Each of these four branches works in tandem with one another, and all are subject to the firm and direct control of the Emperor. However, the military proves to be the strongest of these four branches, and for better or for worse there exists the potential for a power struggle between the four groups when one tries to curry favor with the Emperor. Those living under Imperial rule often find that their civil liberties remain much as they were under the days of the Republic. Citizens may still vote, run their local districts, gather in public places, petition the government, and some worlds even enjoy the ability to protest publically. With memories of oppressive Sith Lords fresh in everyone's mind and a devastating war having only just recently passed by, the Empire understands the value of supporting and protecting the liberties of their citizens. For a handful of years the real power of the Empire was focused in the Core Worlds, more specifically, in and around Coruscant. However, with the consolidation of power and Galactic Reconstruction nearly completion, it was decided to shift the Imperial capital from Coruscant to the captivating, idealistic and aristocratic planet of Naboo. Nagel has since quickly claimed Theed as his center of governmental and military operations. The Empire, and by implication the Emperor himself, respect and admire hard work. They emphasize traditional values, patriotism, free market enterprise, and compulsive military or civil service. Rather than looking for ways to shut out debae, forums and programs are created to encourage it, leading to a much more stable and reasonable society. There is always a new construction site in the works, and the Imperial Fleet is an ever-looming presence in orbit. The Empire's control stretches across thousands of star systems from the Outer Rim colonies to the Inner Core worlds. After so many years of war and hardship, what the average galactic citizen desires is peace and stability. The Galactic Empire of Logan Nagel offers both, and more!
- The purpose of flying cities is to create a well organized, easily defendable cohesive unit. This also serves the purpose of allowing for strip mining to take place.
- The Galactic Empire is the main villain in the "Star Wars Trilogy". Xaq and his friends fought the Empire briefly when they were transported into the Star Wars Universe. (Series 1: "Star Wars: A New Hope")
- The Galactic Empire, also known as the New Order, or simply the Empire, was the totalitarian and imperialistic galactic government established by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to replace the Galactic Republic and bring Sith rule to the galaxy. The Republic, which had lasted for almost 25,000 years, ended following a period of intense political turmoil and the devastation of the Clone Wars. After General Grievous was defeated at the Battle of Utapau, and shortly after the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were being killed on Mustafar by Darth Vader, Palpatine began a purge of the Jedi Order, declared himself Emperor of the galaxy and reorganized the Galactic Republic into the first Galactic Empire.
- The Republic, which had lasted for at least 25,034 years, ended following a period of intense political turmoil and the subsequent devastation of the Clone Wars. After General Grievous was defeated at the battle of Utapau, and shortly before the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems were killed on Mustafar by Darth Vader, Chancellor Palpatine (by then ruling with near-absolute power), began a purge of the Jedi Order, and then proclaimed himself Emperor of the galaxy and reorganized the Galactic Republic into "the first Galactic Empire" on the galactic capital. The Empire can be said to have begun with the scheming aspiration of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, whose alter ego was Senator Palpatine of Naboo. A great manipulator of events, he furtively instigated the Naboo crisis, using the Trade Federation as a pawn, which led to Queen Amidala calling for a "Vote of No Confidence" in Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum, effectively replacing him. When his first apprentice, Darth Maul, was defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sidious took on the former Jedi Count Dooku as his new apprentice. Dooku then helped found the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which in turn ignited the Clone Wars. Emperor Palpatine announces the beginning of the New Order. Palpatine was an efficient and effective leader who quickly brought to an end the corruption in the Senate; his power was greatly increased as a result of the Clone Wars, while the Senate willingly furnished more and more emergency powers to him. Eventually, the Senate lost most of its power and became little more than a formality that Palpatine had to go through to pass his laws. Yet the Senate did have a symbolic power at least; Chancellor Palpatine still hid behind the pomp and circumstance of appealing to the Senate, but his power existed in his control over thousands of Senators that he had brought into his own web of corruption. However, Anakin Skywalker discovered that Palpatine was a Sith Lord, and after having informed Jedi Master Mace Windu of his discovery, a Jedi task force, led by Windu himself, attempted to arrest him. After a brief duel, Palpatine appeared to be defeated. Skywalker arrived and demanded the Sith Lord's life be spared, that he might stand trial. Deeply troubled, Skywalker nonetheless helped Palpatine kill Windu, prompting him to be held under Palpatine's sway as his new apprentice and enforcer, Darth Vader. Palpatine then proceeded to carry out the Great Jedi Purge, which eliminated almost all of the Jedi, while simultaneously wiping out the remnants of the Confederacy at Mustafar, thus bringing an end to the Clone Wars. Secure in his power and position, Palpatine used the so-called Jedi rebellion to issue the Declaration of a New Order and declared himself Emperor of the Galaxy in 19 BBY, replacing the Galactic Republic with the Galactic Empire. Many people under the new Empire enthusiastically supported the vision outlined in the Declaration of a New Order, largely due to the violence that had plagued the galaxy for so long. Many Senators wholeheartedly supported the new government while a number of more cautious senators chose to watch and wait to see how the new government would handle the affairs of state. It promised to trade frailty for strength, chaos for order, and uncertainty for decisiveness. In retrospect, the foundation of the Empire had already been set down during Palpatine's chancellorship and all potential threats eliminated; therefore, the transition from Republic to Empire was relatively smooth. It is important to note that not all of the Senators liked what they saw. In fact, the Petition of 2000 sought to bring the worries of these Senators to Palpatine. This petition was led by Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Padmé Amidala. Palpatine's dismissal of their concerns was one factor that led Organa and Mothma to help found the Alliance to Restore the Republic.