| - Artrin na Yel was a male Triexian in the 23rd and 24th centuries. From about 2283 to 2373, Artrin served as Supreme Magisterial Authority of Triex, the highest judicial authority on that world. In an emergency session on 5 Torus Fortil of the Triexian calendar (Earth year 2372), Artrin issued an order illegally imprisoning a Federation citizen, a Chameloid named Wusekl, without benefit of a trial, under suspicion that he was a Dominion Changeling.
| - Artrin na Yel was a male Triexian in the 23rd and 24th centuries. From about 2283 to 2373, Artrin served as Supreme Magisterial Authority of Triex, the highest judicial authority on that world. In an emergency session on 5 Torus Fortil of the Triexian calendar (Earth year 2372), Artrin issued an order illegally imprisoning a Federation citizen, a Chameloid named Wusekl, without benefit of a trial, under suspicion that he was a Dominion Changeling. In 2373 Artrin was selected by the Triexian Curia as their representative to the Federation Council. He was widely respected during his term, and was appointed one of the "back eight" members of the Federation Security Council. In January of 2380, he was also nominated to a seat on the Federation Judiciary Council by Federation President Nanietta Bacco. In March of that year, the order regarding Wusekl was leaked to Councillor Severn-Anyar of Grazer, and to Bey Toh of President Bacco's staff. In light of this information, Artrin was compelled to resign his position. In August, Artrin appeared as a guest panelist on Illuminating the City of Light, where he opined about the upcoming hearing regarding the legal status of the android B-4. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)