| - Brief description: A paladin (Dandramere?) starts giving a big speech on the Light, all very dramatic and theatrical, when a warlock puts him to sleep (dead). Then the wife of the Pally comes along and there is some more hitting, lots of funny punchlines, etc...) Pally: (...) Characters: Male Paladin (Dandramere?), Female Paladin (Maegwen?), Warlock. Male Paladin: (Voiceover) I am a knight of the Silver Hand... my name... it's not important. All that matters is I all those years ago, I pledged to defend the Light and the city of Lordaeron. Male Paladin: (Voiceover) Oh crap.
| - Brief description: A paladin (Dandramere?) starts giving a big speech on the Light, all very dramatic and theatrical, when a warlock puts him to sleep (dead). Then the wife of the Pally comes along and there is some more hitting, lots of funny punchlines, etc...) Pally: (...) Characters: Male Paladin (Dandramere?), Female Paladin (Maegwen?), Warlock. Male Paladin: (Voiceover) I am a knight of the Silver Hand... my name... it's not important. All that matters is I all those years ago, I pledged to defend the Light and the city of Lordaeron. Male Paladin: (Voiceover) I failed. And Uther the Lightbringer died, while Lordaeron fell. The North is now a land of plague and filth, as the Scourge walk rampant... Male Paladin: (Voiceover) But no more. For I have discovered a way to defeat the Scourge for one and for all... Male Paladin: (Voiceover) For once I find the legendary artifact, I will be able t- Male Paladin: (Voiceover) Oh crap. Warlock: Now the final hurdle is out of the way... The Forsaken will rise greater, stronger and more powerful than ever bef- Female Paladin: I told you (Male Paladin Name), no long angsting or dramatic voiceovers! It always attracts the wrong type of audience! Ah well. I guess I better ressurect you... Male Paladin: (Weakly) I'm not dead yet... Male Paladin: Okay, dead now. (Male Paladin gives sounds of croaking and dying.) Female Paladin: That's better.