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- Klaatu era uno de los varios kadas'sa'nikto que trabajaba para Jabba el Hutt. Era el ayudante de Barada, y se encargaba de arreglar los esquifes. Siempre había sido un jugador, y solía buscar un buen lugar para observar a los desafortunados que caian al pozo del rancor en el Palacio de Jabba.
- Klaatu was a character from the science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still. He was an extraterrestrial who traveled with an android. In 2153, after seeing the film on the Enterprise, the Cogenitor Charles asked Charles Tucker III why Humans feared Klaatu and his android. Tucker replied that before first contact with the Vulcans, Humans were distrustful of things that they didn't understand and wanted to kill Klaatu. Charles responded that she understood the sentiment felt by the Humans. (ENT: "Cogenitor")
- Klaatu was one of several Nikto who served Jabba the Hutt. He was Barada's main assistant, in charge of repairing the skiffs. Klaatu was noted as a gambler, and would try his best to make his way to Jabba's throne room to view executions by Jabba's Rancor. He was secretly plotting to kill Jabba, but was killed himself while fighting Luke Skywalker on the deck of Jabba's sail barge during the Skirmish at Carkoon, as seen in Episode VI.
- Klaatu was a male Kadas'sa'Nikto gambler who worked for Jabba the Hutt. He often repaired the crime lord's skiffs. Klaatu also took enjoyment in Jabba's executions by rancor in Jabba's Palace. He was killed aboard Jabba's sail barge on Tatooine during the failed execution of Luke Skywalker and his companions.
- Klaatu was a Canadian Progressive Rock band formed by John Woloschuk and Dee Long, with drummer Terry Draper later joining then. As their name indicates they named themselves after the alien Klaatu from The Day the Earth Stood Still. Their most famous track was the song "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft", which reached even more exposure thanks to being covered by The Carpenters. Their fame was also increased when, due to a lack of credits on their debut album and their sound, they were mistaken for a reunion of The Beatles. Discography:
- Klaatu arrives in a Flying Saucer in Washington, DC, wearing a silver spacesuit and accompanied by a large humanoid robot, Gort. Klaatu arrives as a peaceful ambassador from an extraterrestrial confederation, but when he presents a harmless device he is shot by one of the soldiers that form his rather apprehensive welcoming committee. Klaatu explains the device was a gift to the President and could have been used to study life on other planets. To protect Klaatu, Gort vaporizes all of the surrounding weaponry.