| - The Beiteynu-Luthori War, also known as the Luthori-Yishelem War and formerly referred to as the Rebellion in Yishelem by the Holy Luthori Empire, was a war between the Beiteynuese Republic (successor state to the Kingdom of Yishelem) and the Holy Luthori Empire from 2863 to 2875. Luthori declared war on the Beiteynuese Republic for violating the Treaty of Yishelem in 2863, and the Beiteynuese Republic responded by declaring war on Luthori in 2865. Hostilities continued until 2875, when, due to the bombing of Birahteynu, Fruskila, a ceasefire was proposed by the Beiteynuese Republic and signed by both nations. Sporadic terrorist attacks against Luthorian civilians and military personnel were carried out by a group calling itself the "True Republican Armed Forces of Beiteynu (True RAFB)" until about 2877, when their leader, former Beiteynuese General of the Army David Zuckerman, was caught by Luthorian armed forces and executed. After the war, a peace conference between the two nations was held in neutral Poesy, Pontesi, to resolve all underlying issues of the war. The end result of the conference was the Treaty of Poesy, which served as both a peace treaty and a reformation of the Beiteynuese government into the Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu.