A flavour description of certain cheeses, often refers to a hazelnut flavour.
Previously known as "Nuttymonkee" is 1 of the top Nex Crashers/Masses in RS3. Very well known for being the first person to use magic as a viable option at Nex and the first person to start crashing with Seismics. Before a nerf was made to Stalling he heavily dominated along with Fumbra
He isn't exactly evil, and in most episodes can be friendly, more so crazy or mischievous. However, he is known to occasionally be antagonistic towards others, due to his addiction to sugar. His addiction has put his and other characters' lives at risk, and he is shown to care more about getting sugary treats than others injuries (such as when he causes Cub to get his face ripped off).
In online version, Nutty was a cat that Grandpa left outside for a long time by mistake and the cat froze to death. It was Grandpa's birthday when he was in their house, then Frank got angry and kicked him out of the house even before he could blow the candles on his cake and eat it.
Nutty is one of the main characters of Happy Tree Friends and a playable character in the False Alarm video game and Deadeye Derby.