- Jam contains both fruit juice and pieces of the fruit's (or vegetable's) flesh, however some cookbooks define jam as cooked and gelled fruit (or vegetable) purees. Properly, the term jam refers to a product made with whole fruit, cut into pieces or crushed. The fruit is heated with water and sugar to activate the pectin in the fruit. The mixture is then put into containers.
- Jam (蛇六(ジャム), Jamu) is the second brother and a Kung Fu master. He also has a very violent temper. His trademark attack is the Secret Technique - Fantastic Dream Wall (秘技・幻惑夢壁, Higi - Genwaku Muheki), in which he uses Junk to obstruct the opponent's field of view and then attacks their blind spot. He uses the technique to kill Ramenman's father Somenman, but when he tries to use it on Ramenman who had mastered Chojin Kung Fu, Ramenman doges and splits him and Junk in half with the Hyappo Shin Ken.
* Seiyu: Kazumi Tanaka
- Jam is a combination of Pam and Jim. It is commonly used by fans of The Office who focus on the Pam/Jim relationship. This Nickname "Jam" is never mentioned by any of the characters
- Jonathan Andrew Manley, nicknamed Jam, is an Ohio boy who once flew to Oz on a giant kite. He had a string of adventures with Dorothy Gale and her friends before Princess Ozma sent him home with the Magic Belt. (The Hidden Valley of Oz) Jam later returned to Oz for further adventures. (The Blue Emperor of Oz)
- Wird beim CSMA-CD-Zugangsverfahren eine Kollision entdeckt, so wird die Übertragung sofort abgebrochen und ein spezielles Störsignal (Jam-Signal) auf den Kanal geschickt. Nach Aussenden des Jam-Signals wird eine zufällige Zeit gewartet, bevor die Übertragung neu versucht wird. Der sofortige Abbruch im Falle einer Kollision und das Senden des Jam-Signals verkürzen die verschenkte Zeit auf die Zeit der Kollisionserkennung. Dies ist besonders vorteilhaft bei langen Nachrichten. Die erste Station, die eine Kollision erkennt, sendet ein 4 bis 6 Byte langes Bitmuster das aus 16 1-0-Bit-Kombinationen (Jam-Signal) besteht. Die Länge dieses Störsignals liegt damit deutlich unter der kürzesten zugelassenen Ethernet-Paketlänge von 64 Bytes.
- Jam is a type of fruit-based spread commonly served on toast. Also, it's the friendship between Jeff and Sam.
- Jam is a 2004 comedy brickfilm by James Morr. It is about Mr. Tater visiting a psychiatrist who finds him insane. It is the third film in the Kevin and Mr. Tater series and the final installment of The Breakfast Trilogy, and directly follows the events of Toast.
- Jam is a preserve made from fruits boiled in sugar and set with pectin, especially including the seeds of the fruit. Jam is commonly spread on toast and other breakfast foods.
- Jam, A.K.A. Experiment 202, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba. He is designed to use his high-pitched shriek to jam radar. His one true place is with Keoni Jameson as his pet.
- jam m. (Plural: jams, diminutive: jammetje) 1.
* jam (conserved fruits where no parts of fruits are visible anymore)
- NBA Jam estas arkada basketbala videoludo. La ludo estis eldonita en 1993. Ĝin evoluigis kaj eldonis Midway Ludoj. La ludado de Jam estas bazita sur la 1989-a videoludo Arch Rivals, kiu estis alia 2-kontraŭ-2 basketbala videoludo. La ludo estas tre populara en populara kulturo. En la ludo, se vi eniras specifan kodon vi povas malŝlosi Bill Clinton. Ĝi estas 2-kontraŭ-2 arkada basketbalo.
- The band drew upon a variety of stylistic influences over the course of their career, including 1960s beat music, soul, rhythm and blues and psychedelic rock, as well as 1970s punk and new wave. The trio was known for its melodic pop songs, its distinctly English flavour and its mod image. The band launched the career of Paul Weller, who went on to form The Style Council and later had a successful solo career. Weller wrote and sang most of The Jam’s original compositions, and he played lead guitar, using a Rickenbacker. Bruce Foxton provided backing vocals and prominent basslines, which were the foundation of many of the band’s songs, including the hits "Down in the Tube Station at Midnight", "The Eton Rifles", "Going Underground" and "Town Called Malice"....(read more at Wikipedia)
- In Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll, Jam gives the player tips throughout the game and is the comic relief. He returns as a playable character in Super Monkey Ball 3D.
- Jam was a condiment enjoyed with bread by Ewoks on the forest moon of Endor. It was stored in jars.
- Jam is the first track on Michael Jackson's 1991 album Dangerous. It was released in the US on July, 13, 1992 Recorded in 1991. Length (album version): 5:38 Label: Epic Written and produced by: Michael Jackson, Teddy Riley, Bruce Swedien, and Rene Moore. The bridge of the song features a rap performed by Heavy D. The music video featured NBA star Michael Jordan.
- thumbJAM (kurz für JAM: A Map) ist eine interaktive Karte für GTA: San Andreas auf der, neben den üblichen Orten wie Burger Shot und Speicherhäuser, auch alle Fundorte von Waffen und Fahrzeuge. Des Weiteren werden Screenshots der Fundorte bereitgestellt.
- Jam is a slang term for a very hard drug similar to crystal meth commonly employed by school children. If your child asks for a jam sandwich they are most likely a communist, a drug user, or an Iraqi terrorist. It is for their own good that you immediately inform the police. And whatever you do, please don't call it jelly.
- Jam is fruit that's been smothered to death in a paste. It tastes yummy on anything. Except toes; toe jam is nasty.
- Jam is a purple bat/lizard-like experiment with four arms, a lion-like tail, large wings on his shoulders and a Stitch-like face. 202's pod was later accidentally moved by a frog off the ledge and into the waterfall, activating the experiment, which then flew off. He is designed to use his high-pitched shriek to jam radar.
- Name: The Jam Origin: Jam Gender: Unknown Age: Unknown Classification: Carnivorous biomass Powers and Abilities: Absorb any organic material it comes in contact with in a matter of seconds Attack Potency: Unknown (Capable of destroying all life for at least hundreds of kilometers) Stamina: Unknown Range: At least hundreds of kilometers Standard Equipment: Unknown Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: A special chemical designed to convert it to harmless water, can be beaten by wrapping yourself in plastic
- A jam involves musicians playing music together without a lot of planning or pre-arrangements, essentially making it up as they go along.
- Jam è una delle trentacinque isole che costituiscono l'arcipelago Tottoland e si trova a sud di Whole Cake Island.
- In 2152, while stranded on a moon with an Arkonian pilot, Commander Tucker joked that Captain Archer would demote him to steward for crashing a shuttlepod and that he would have to ask Archer if he wanted jam or marmalade with his breakfast. (ENT: "Dawn") In a Section 31 holoprogram, Doctor Julian Bashir ordered moba jam along with hot buttered scones and red leaf tea for breakfast. (DS9: "Inquisition")
- Jam is a grape worm who only appeared in the episode "The Grape Worm". In the beginning of the episode, Chowder ate grapes off a vine infested with worms, and soon after Jam appeared, living in Chowder's belly button. Chowder thought Jam was his inner voice. He can also tell Chowder what to do but only because he is loud, annoying and direct. Jam is neaurotially obsessed with hygiene and considers almost anything to be disgusting and dirty including all types of food and unfreshened air. Jam did stuff like make Gazpacho's customers angry, spray Kimchi with clean spray, and forbid Chowder from even the most basic needs such as eating or going to the bathroom. Chowder eventually manages to scare Jam out of him by going to the foothills, where grapes get crushed by giant mechanical feet to pr