Home Guard Headquarters Purpose Race Gender Loyalty Notable Members First Seen The Home Guard are the personal corps of Elven Hunters beholden to the King or Queen of the Elves. Separate from the Elven army, the Home Guard is specifically tasked with protecting the ruler and their family from any dangers, whether they are in the Elven palace at Arborlon, out on a trip, or on the battlefield. Centuries after the Elf Queen Wren Elessedil, the Home Guard are still predominantly men, while women have come to dominate the tracking units of the Elven army.
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| - <default>Home Guard</default> Headquarters Purpose Race Gender Loyalty Notable Members First Seen The Home Guard are the personal corps of Elven Hunters beholden to the King or Queen of the Elves. Separate from the Elven army, the Home Guard is specifically tasked with protecting the ruler and their family from any dangers, whether they are in the Elven palace at Arborlon, out on a trip, or on the battlefield. Centuries after the Elf Queen Wren Elessedil, the Home Guard are still predominantly men, while women have come to dominate the tracking units of the Elven army.
- The Home Guard was the elite military corps of Maar Sul in the time of Kagetsu I. After the Explosion and Kagetsu's death the corps were succeeded by SAVAGE.
- The Home Guard is the national defense force of the Anari Commonwealth.
- The Home Guard was a British organisation in which people outside of the armed forces were assigned to the defence of the country. The force operated during World War II. George Woods and Clyde Langer intended to warn the home guard of a Nazi group which had landed on the coast. However, they were told by Miss Wyckham that the group themselves were prisoners of another Nazi group. Wyckham herself was a Nazi spy and was lying. The Home Guard later managed to capture and arrest Wyckham and the Nazis. (TV: Lost in Time)
- You have your army, perhaps it is a Badass Army, or just a Redshirt Army, but in any case, it is the standing army of your nation, with everything that entails. Of course, not everybody in the army does it for a living. Some folks just do it for the bit of extra pay, or the college benefits, or as a way to keep connected with the military after they retire and settle down to start a family. If they end up getting invaded and defeated, expect these guys to help form La RĂ©sistance. See also Training the Peaceful Villagers and Instant Militia. Examples of Home Guard include:
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| - *The Elfstones of Shannara
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| - Home Guard
- Anari Home Guard
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| - *Crispin Islanbor
*Ard Patrinell
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| - *To protect the King or Queen and their family
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| - *House of Elessedil
*Home Guard
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wikipage disambiguates
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| - <default>Home Guard</default> Headquarters Purpose Race Gender Loyalty Notable Members First Seen The Home Guard are the personal corps of Elven Hunters beholden to the King or Queen of the Elves. Separate from the Elven army, the Home Guard is specifically tasked with protecting the ruler and their family from any dangers, whether they are in the Elven palace at Arborlon, out on a trip, or on the battlefield. Centuries after the Elf Queen Wren Elessedil, the Home Guard are still predominantly men, while women have come to dominate the tracking units of the Elven army.
- The Home Guard was the elite military corps of Maar Sul in the time of Kagetsu I. After the Explosion and Kagetsu's death the corps were succeeded by SAVAGE.
- You have your army, perhaps it is a Badass Army, or just a Redshirt Army, but in any case, it is the standing army of your nation, with everything that entails. Of course, not everybody in the army does it for a living. Some folks just do it for the bit of extra pay, or the college benefits, or as a way to keep connected with the military after they retire and settle down to start a family. These guys are the Home Guard. Typically, they will get called up when the nation goes to war, or in the event of a natural disaster or civil unrest. Many of them will be military veterans who got out of the regular army, or folks who had imminent life plans that precluded being away from home permanently. In more desperate situations, the Home Guard might include people who otherwise would not have been accepted into the military, but are being organized into a militia as a last ditch defense of their homes. Depending on a variety of circumstances, they might be equipped with obsolete weapons and equipment from decades past, or even less. In more ideal situations, they will use the same equipment as the regular troops, to better allow them to serve along side them in combat when needed. Even the version of the trope where the Home Guard is little more than a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits armed with whatever they have on hand, it can be Justified as freeing up more troops to fight the enemy before they can invade the home country. In practice, these forces might also be called the Reserves or the Militia, with either name (in the United States, at least) carrying different connotations. From an American point of view, "Militia" sounds more like Training the Peaceful Villagers at best, and more like "Right-Wing Militia Fanatic" at worse. "Reserves" gives more of an impression of professional soldiers (again, from an American audience's perspective.) If they end up getting invaded and defeated, expect these guys to help form La RĂ©sistance. Named for the British Home Guard troops who were formed to protect Great Britain in the event of German invasion during World War II. See also Training the Peaceful Villagers and Instant Militia. Examples of Home Guard include:
- The Home Guard is the national defense force of the Anari Commonwealth.
- The Home Guard was a British organisation in which people outside of the armed forces were assigned to the defence of the country. The force operated during World War II. George Woods and Clyde Langer intended to warn the home guard of a Nazi group which had landed on the coast. However, they were told by Miss Wyckham that the group themselves were prisoners of another Nazi group. Wyckham herself was a Nazi spy and was lying. The Home Guard later managed to capture and arrest Wyckham and the Nazis. (TV: Lost in Time)
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