| - Biohazard continues the storyline after the Plague City quest. The plot deepens as Elena finally gets a chance to process her plague samples. Buried under these samples lies a well-hidden secret.
- Biohazard ... Sie waren zwischen 2005 und 2008 aufgelöst. → Siehe auch Carnivore, Crumbsuckers, S.O.D.
- Biohazard is the thirty third event match in Super Smash Flash 2.
- Biohazard on tehtävä P2P-RuneScapessa. Tehtävä on jatkoa Plague City-tehtävään.
- Enterprise NX-01 featured a bio-hazard locker for the storage of such matter in cargo bay one. (ENT: "Impulse") Plasma coolant was considered a biohazard because it would react violently with organic matter, liquefying it on contact. (Star Trek: First Contact) In 2376, Harry Kim commented that a dirty plate left in the Delta Flyer's replicator was a biohazard. (VOY: "Memorial") In a deleted scene from "Broken Bow" , Klaang was said to have received a level one biohazard clerance for his visit to Rigel X.
- __TOC__ A Biohazarddal folytatódik a történet a Plague City után. A történet ott mélyül el, amikor Elenának végül esélye nyílik feldolgozni a pestis mintát, melyek egy jól elbújtatott titkot rejtenek.
- During Day 3, the terrorist attack was based around the immunopulmonary Cordilla Virus.
- Biohazard Is a side mission found in the Gas Works District in inFamous 2, in which Cole tracks down three Ice soldiers who have stolen volatile chemicals.
- Biohazard’s body has been transformed into viscous acidic toxic waste. He can expand in height and mass and project acidic slime geyser’s. He has a degree of invulnerability due to his semi-amorphous body, physical attacks pass through him. After alterations by Mr. Hyde he now constantly emits radiation and can split into smaller beings.
- She now needs someone to sneak back into the city and try to find it for her. Since the sewer tunnel used in the previous quest has been sealed off from the other side, she suggests you talk to her father's friend, Jerico, who keeps communication through West Ardougne via his pigeons.
- The song is featured on the album The Sneaky Ones (covered with Tonio) and The Missing Ones.
- A small Global Risk team has been sent to an underground Black List base in an attempt to recover details on a new bio-weapon; a new horrifying and powerful abomination of science. The team secures the beast's DNA chart and then desperately attempt to make their way to the surface, not knowing that the monster itself awaits them above though...
- To begin, go to western East Ardougne and talk to Elena in the house just east of the house where the Plague City quest begins. She will tell the player about how she was able to collect some good samples of the plague, but unfortunately the Mourners took all of her equipment. She now needs someone to sneak back in to try to find it.
- Consisting of eight pieces, the set is themed after the HAZMAT suits of the Envirotech HAZMAT officers. This set has Item Level 74 and is obtained as reward for doing the daily missions (heroes) or the Ace Chemicals Experiment bounty (villains) of the Home Turf episode. A minimum PvE combat rating of 70 or above and the Home Turf episode are pre-requisite of obtaining this gear.
- Biohazard is the 8th episode of S2 of The End of My Soul, it was directed by Clancy Brown. This episode marks the return of SpongeBob SquarePants, after being gone since the S1 Finale Endgame: Part 1. and This episode is the final apperance of Assistant Karen, because she gets killed by Fox Mulder. This is the episode that Timmy is aboucted by aliens. This is the last episode that Alex Kyreck & The Cigarette Smoking Man & Mr. X will appear because they both died. This is also the first episode to be featured in HD.
- A unique, sun-shaped biohazard symbol was created for Blue Shadow Virus (episode), the seventeenth episode of first season of the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. However, the real-life, trefoil-shaped biohazard sign had already appeared in the video game Star Wars Galaxies.
- She now needs someone to sneak back into the city and try to find it for her. Since the sewer tunnel used in the previous quest has been sealed off from the other side, she suggests you talk to her father's friend, Jerico, who keeps communication through West Ardougne with the use of his pigeons.
- Biohazard ... Siehe auch Rage Against the Machine, Body Count - Agnostic Front, Carnivore
- -Your NK Account must have records of reaching at least Rank 30 on BTD4, at least Rank 80 on BTD5, and at least 80 on BTD6. -The Aurae Saga must be completed. -Have killed 5,000,000 bloons in your lifetime over the three previously mentioned games. -The R.S.C must be finished and ready for use. The R.S.C is usable anytime, except for it'ss cooldown of five WON games before use again.
- Since "biohazard" is a generic term, it can refer to many different types of things, but most of them are a glowing green liquid, stored either in poorly sealed (or completely open topped), rusty, leaking barrels or small glass flasks. Either of which may explode violently when damaged, but glass flasks are usually the safer of the two. Only people in white lab coats should go near this stuff. Actually, sometimes even they should keep their distance...
- Als je met Elena praat zal ze zeggen dat ze wat goede monsters heeft kunnen nemen, maar dat ze er niks mee kan omdat de Mourners haar spullen Gestolen hebben. Je zal dus eerst een weg in West Ardougne moeten vinden. Volgens Elena kan Jerico wel helpen. Ga naar Jerico zijn huis, wat een stukje naar het oosten ligt. Jerico zal zeggen dat een man die Olmart heet een touwladder heeft opgezet, maar dat er een afleiding nodig is. Pak uit het kastje wat vogelvoer en pak een kooi met duiven uit zijn tuin. Praat tegen Olmart en gebruik dan het vogelvoer op de toren(Bij de poort). Nu je binnen bent moet je naar het noorden lopen en een rotte appel oppakken. Loop nu naar het oosten en wring jezelf door het hekje. Doe de appel in de ketel en loop om naar de voorkant van het gebouw. Klop aan en de Mour
- Du skal klare questen Plague City, før du kan starte denne quest. Start med at tale med Elena, der er inde i hendes hus vest for den nordlige bank i East Ardougne. Hun har brug for dig til at genvinde hendes distillator som de sørgende har konfiskeret og taget til West Ardougne. Da de også har blokeret op tunnelen bruges til at få adgang i løbet af Plague By quest, skal du bruge en anden vej ind i bjergomgivne by. Oprettelse af en distraktion Den vagttårn placering Infiltrere den sørgende HQ Test pest prøver Kom touch papir Apoteket placering Møde Guidor Guidor placering Din belønning er: 3 quest point
- The Biohazard is a hyper-advanced biological creature created by the krogan genius, Dr. Warlord. The organism was created from the genetically-engineered DNA of Klixen. The genetics of the beast was heavily manipulated by Warlord to be the ultimate biological weapon. From it's early development, Warlord began introducing enhanced features and traits into the organisms genetic structure. At 280 feet long, 100 feet wide, 65 feet tall, and 88 tons, the Biohazard is extremely massive compared to it's original genetic precursor.
- Biohazard (バイオハザード, Baiohazado) is a professional hero who is employed by the valiance federation. He possesses countless extremely potent diseases and biological infections within his body, but rather than being rendered weaker or being killed by them, they have actually made him stronger and much more powerful than he was as a normal human being. Countless germs and extremely potent micro organisms are contained in his being, and because of this he is considered extremely dangerous for other living lifeforms to be around, as he continuously absorbs and builds up more diseases in his body the instant that he comes int physical contact with them, thus rendering him the perfect hero to respond to biological attacks and pandemic disease outbreaks that may happen within human society.