Kanaan is one of the many leaders of the Athosian people, lover of Teyla Emmagan and father of their son Torren John Emmagan.
Kanaan is a minor antagonist in Suikoden.
Kanaan är en manlig Athosianer och är en av många ledare för Athosianer folket, älskare av Teyla Emmagan och far till deras son Torren John Emmagan.
Kanaan era el mejor amigo de Teyla y con el tiempo pasó a algo mas. Fue secuestrado por Michael y transformado en uno de sus hibridos pero por suerte pudo ser rescatado. Categoría:Personajes
His outer appearance is that of a gigantic fish or whale, with what appears to be long fangs, and his body is so resistant to the elements that he can actually swim in subterranean magma lakes. His avatar has the appearance of a large, bald, dark-skinned human male. Kainen lives on the edge of the mantle layer of the Earth's core, and has a close alliance with Praxis; he is regularly called upon to help relieve pressure from magma pockets by creating levees, which in turn provide near-limitless geothermal energy to the city.
A terra with roughly the same diameter as earth but lower density. Its atmopshere contains a considerable amount of oxygen but the high concentration of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide would make it unbreathable for humans.