* Creature Swap
* Dark Factory of Mass Production
* Dark Hole
* De-Fusion
* Fusion Sage
* Heavy Storm
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Pot of Avarice
* Pot of Greed
* Polymerization x3
* Premature Burial
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Skyscraper x2
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Transcendent Wings
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Future Fusion x2
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Philosopher's Stone - Sabatier
* Polymerization x2
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* The A. Forces
* Card Destruction
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Heavy Storm
* Lightning Vortex
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* O - Oversoul x2
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Super Polymerization
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Heavy Storm
* Lightning Vortex
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* O - Oversoul x3
* Philosopher's Stone - Sabatier
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Skyscraper 2 - Hero City
* The A. Forces
* Wrath of Neos
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* United We Stand
* Card Destruction
* Double Summon x2
* E - Emergency Call x2
* Foolish Burial x2
* Heavy Storm
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Neo Space x3
* O - Oversoul x2
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Card of Safe Return x2
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Giant Trunade
* Hero's Bond
* Lightning Vortex x2
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* O - Oversoul x2
* Pot of Avarice
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Skyscraper 2 - Hero City x3
* Terraforming x2
* United We Stand
* Battle Fusion x2
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Form Change x2
* Heavy Storm
* Mask Change x3
* Mask Change II x2
* Mask Charge x2
* Miracle Fusion x2
* Monster Reborn
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Reinforcement of the Army
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Creature Swap
* Cyclone Boomerang
* Dark Hole
* De-Fusion
* Fusion Recovery x2
* Heavy Storm
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x3
* Pot of Avarice
* Pot of Greed
* Premature Burial
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Skyscraper x2
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Creature Swap
* De-Fusion
* Fusion Sage
* Fusion Recovery x2
* Heavy Storm
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x3
* Pot of Avarice
* Pot of Greed
* Premature Burial
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Skyscraper x2
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Heavy Storm
* Hero's Bond x2
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* United We Stand
* Battle Fusion
* Dark Factory of Mass Production x2
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x2
* Fusion Recovery
* H - Heated Heart
* Hero Flash!!
* Miracle Fusion
* O - Oversoul
* Polymerization x3
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Sabatiel - The Philosopher's Stone
* Salvage
* Skyscraper x2
* Card Destruction
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fake Hero x2
* Foolish Burial x3
* Last Will
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Neo Space x3
* O - Oversoul x2
* Pot of Greed
* Premature Burial
* Terraforming
* Dark Hole
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery x2
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion x2
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x3
* Pot of Greed
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Ancient Rules x2
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Heavy Storm
* Lightning Vortex
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* O - Oversoul x3
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Skyscraper 2 - Hero City x2
* The A. Forces x2
* Wrath of Neos x2
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Heavy Storm
* Hero's Bond
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Skyscraperx2
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* E - Emergency Call x2
* Form Change x2
* Heavy Storm
* Mask Change x3
* Mask Change II x2
* Mask Charge x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon x2
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Reinforcement of the Army
* The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Card Destruction
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Emergency Provisions x2
* Giant Trunade
* Heavy Storm
* Hero's Bond
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Burst Impact
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Convert Contact
* E - Emergency Call x2
* Heavy Storm
* Instant Neo Space
* Miracle Contact x2
* Miracle Fusion x2
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Neo Space x2
* O - Oversoul x2
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Wrath of Neos
* Berserker Crush
* E - Emergency Call x2
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion x2
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* The Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
* The Rival's Name
* Transcendent Wings
* Convert Contact x2
* E - Emergency Call x2
* Neo Space x2
* Neos Force
* NEX x2
* Miracle Contact
* Miracle Fusion
* Parallel World Fusion
* Polymerization
* Super Polymerization
* Wrath of Neos
* Burst Impact
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion x3
* Monster Reborn
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* The Warrior Returning Alive
* Dark Hole
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Gate x3
* Fusion Weapon x2
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Pot of Greed
* R - Righteous Justice x2
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* De-Fusion
* E - Emergency Call x3
* Fusion Recovery
* Giant Trunade
* Heavy Storm
* Miracle Fusion
* Mystical Space Typhoon
* Polymerization x2
* Pot of Avarice
* Premature Burial
* R - Righteous Justice x3
* Reinforcement of the Army x2
* Snatch Steal