| - In his room, which doubles as a shrine to his favorite team X-Force, a young man named Arnie watches old stills from X-Force missions. Unsure of what to think of the change of X-Force's name to X-Statix, Arnie contemplates their future as well as his. After returning from their first mission as X-Statix, Guy tries to bring the team together in deciding on their newest teammates. Instead of unity, Guy finds more strife as conflicts between former lovers Anarchist and Dead Girl and former friends Phat and Vivisector arise. Adding to the team's problems is the recently debuted O-Force, another media savvy mutant super hero team. Promoted by media consultant Solomon O'Sullivan and having the added twist of using the viewing audience to choose their roster, O-Force quickly gains the public's interest. So much does the new team garner public opinion, the media opts to cover their first mission rather than attend X-Statix's press conference introducing the team's newest member, Venus Dee Milo. Viewing this debut, Arnie comes to a revelation and a sense of purpose. Both X-Statix and the newest O-Force see him as nothing more than a consumer of their products. Believing in neither, he decides on a more proactive purpose, to take his town, which has made his life hell, and turn the town itself into hell. Elsewhere, Guy makes a last ditch effort to dissuade Venus from joining the team by citing it's fracturing and his very own sanity. Venus in turn teleports herself and Guy to a dilapidated cabin where, when her mutant powers first manifested, she accidentally killed her family. Seeing Venus' tragic past, Guy realizes that she is a fitting addition to the team and tells he she will fit in just fine.
- Doop takes Corkscrew in the woods to test him. As the in-training member demonstrate bipolarity, violence, and end up killing a band of horses, crazy, Doop decides to took care of him, slicing him with an axe and burying him, to prevent he could one day join X-Statix.