| - The episode starts back at the Vestal Interceptor as they make their way through the galaxy at light speed. Inside the bridge, Dan is down but he says I certainly wish we could have done something better as Drago says I shouldn’t have used my Nine Force Dextra so early but Dragaon says it’s neither of your faults – we didn’t expect such an offensive but don’t worry; I know we can improve. Just then, a Vestal worker says we have arrived, Master Spectra as Spectra says good as they arrive and are amazed at all the defenses Korborn has in place. At that moment, Spectra and Dan’s BakuStrike Launchers light up and the Destructors appear outside as part of the defenses and take their positions amongst the forces. Korborn is waiting on the loading dock as the Interceptor docks and everybody comes out. Korborn says hello everyone – I know things are hard right now and I’m sorry that I couldn’t help at Earth but come inside and I believe we can stop him. Fabia says I hope so because we are losing morale very quickly as Korborn smiles & says I think we can change that as they go inside to rest and prepare. Meanwhile, the scene shifts back to the forest where Atrion and the others are hiding as Sid says you know, he's good at his entrances with Blakai saying yeah but now, he's got to worry about being blasted. Just then, a group of shadows appear behind them as Atrion senses them and says we have company as they turn & prepare to fight. However, Thorius appears and says don't worry - it's us as Tsurambo, the Masters, Wistorn, Carta, Daedathron, Marnitac, the Mechtogan and Baraxx appear unshadowed. The others breathe a sign of relief as Tsurambo says harshly where's Zakaros as Torin points and says right there as Tsurambo says oh no, we're too late but Wistorn says Sonic Voice and conjures a tunnel of wind that acts like a loudspeaker and says let's hear and see what happens next. Meanwhile, back at the battlefield where the DarkGods and HighGods were about to face each other – Zakaros is standing in the middle and holding them back. Neotaro says loudly how fortunate it is that you are here Zakaros – now, our victory will be that much more satisfying. Maxoric says across the way not so fast Neotaro – he is mine as both sides start cheering for the destruction of someone that they both agree on apparently. Zakaros says loudly to both sides I’m here to give you one last chance at ending this War – don’t you realize where we are. Neotaro says of course, we are preparing for the final battle of BakuThia and BakuTopia and with it, the end of the War and the dawn of a new era of darkness as Maxoric says wrong, this is my era – only those worthy of such a position are myself and my legions of HighGods as they cheer constantly. Zakaros says don’t see what is happening around you as he gestures towards the destroyed landscape – you are in the afterlife where those who die pass on to live out their days. Neotaro says in an angry tone ridiculous – BakuGods do not die; we are immortal and all powerful as he fires a blast towards the HighGods. However, Zakaros jumps up and redirects it back at Neotaro who in turn redirects the blast out of harm’s way. Zakaros says please listen – both of you were manipulated into fighting each other by one BakuGod; he wanted to cause devastation to all and get rid of the one race of people who could destroy his ambitions. Maxoric says sarcastically then tell us oh great and wise Zakaros – who would dare manipulate us and who is a better BakuGod of ambition than me as Zakaros says Calthor. The BakuGods of both sides start to murmur to themselves as Neotaro says in confusion Calthor doesn’t even exist – I am the leader of the DarkGods until our great leader from his journey in the skies. Maxoric says liar, my leader is not this Calthor that you speak of and he shall return when I claim the glory and fame for our victory. Zakaros says doesn’t it seem stranger that both of your leaders are gone and you have had no contact with them. Neotaro says that matters not; we have faith in our almighty leader as Maxoric says as do we so if you are done blabbering on, I want to destroy you now. Zakaros says please listen to me; right now – Calthor has destroyed all the planets in the mortal galaxy and if he conquers the galaxy’s core; all will be lost. He continues by saying I ask for you to stop this War for all you do is give him power. However, neither side listens as they continue jeering to destroy Zakaros once and for all. Zakaros says very well, if you will not listen to reason like I thought you would'nt - he slams his staff into the ground, gets into an Indian position and says then destroy me. He continues by saying but know this, if you choose to do so - know that you are not only destroying the MasterGod but you are sealing your fates as well for eternal suffering. Both sides are hesitating a bit as Tsurambo says he is gambling on this; he is not thinking clearly of what they will do but Baraxx says he is thinking clearly, trust him. Daedathron then hooks up a mind link with everybody except Tsurambo and his friends as he says we are going to have to go in - get ready but don't alert Tsurambo or the others with everyone saying right. Back at the battlefield, the BakuGods on both sides are jeering for his destruction as Maxoric says calmly open fire - no one takes my glory as the HighGods open fire with the DarkGods doing so in retaliation. The blasts come straight towards Zakaros in full force as Gell says Master, Master – Gell wants to protect Master but can’t unless Master throws Gell. But Zakaros doesn’t move as across the way, Tsurambo yells out no - we don't know what will happen if he's destroyed here but the, 6 shadows appear out of the shadows and flip in like a Power Rangers lineup as they all say loudly Bakugan Brawl. The blasts supposedly hit Zakaros and causes smoke to appear as both sides await what happens next. Back at Avagan, the people are watching this happen as Miyoko says I can't stand by and let these brave people risk their lives for us as a Neathian says but what we can do - we couldn't even save our home. Shun's Grandfather says on Earth, we have a saying - we never give up no matter how grim things look; my grandson taught me that. A Vestal man says I'm not risking my family's safety for these people; I'm grateful for all the good they have given us but we would just be in the way. Zarodius then says I know you have courage, human but we are vastly outnumbered and overpowered. Miyoko says that's not true - I know we can help and I know a perfect way how. Back at the forest, Tsurambo says who interfered as Hydron says well - see for yourself as the smoke starts to clear a bit. Neotaro laughs manically and says it's done - my victory is all put certain but then, he hears a different voice says "Ability Activate - Viking Pillar Strike!" as then, Gigan Taures appears with a giant golden pillar along with Rock Golem having one and they wipe the DarkGods away in front of them easily. Neotaro says in complete shock Gigan Taures, the only one who has that Bakugan is and at that moment, Atrion appears out of the smoke with this other Bakugan behind him. Neotaro says no, he's supposed to be with me but Atrion merely says sorry; you obviously weren't paying attention as he says "Fusion Ability Activate - Absorb Fire!" as Cerebrus says a fire blast to Sky Manta who absorbs it and fires it back towards the DarkGods and dealing strong damage. Barodius says we will assist as he throws Dharak and activates Exodus Shaker but then, Marnitac appears and says "Release - BakuBlaster - Lokux!" as he throws a Bakugan that looks like a turtle with a giant mouth but it has a disk in it. He says launch it as Lokux says as you wish and throws it, neutralizing the Exodus Shaker. Mag Mel says I'll deal with this as he activates Hyper Meteor Destruction but Blakai then appears with this Bakugan as he says "Ability Activate - Desert Geo Cannon!" as Acro Gezard fires a huge blast of Subterra energy, neutralizing the attack and causing more damage. Neotaro says cease your firing; you're only causing more problems as Barodius says oh, like you are doing any better. On the other side, the blasts were neutralize as Maxoric says who dares as Daedathron appears in his cloaked form and brings out Blast and Torpoedor Dragonoids to handle the situation. Maxoric says you with the mask; we meet again but Daedathron says unfortunately, I'm not wearing this mask any longer as he throws it off - revealing his true face. Maxoric immediately knows who it is as he says no, no, no NO - I destroyed you; you should be dead - I did it myself as Daedathron says I am dead and so are you as he says "Double Ability Activate - Disk Turret plus Bombardment Force!" as both Dragonoids attack the HighGod side and cause damage. Maxoric gets angered and says send the Mechtogan in but then, Firebaxx appears in the sky and Baraxx activates King Kong Slam, knocking the Mechtogan down hard. Thorius then appears out the smoke and says Sechs and Seis Tavanel, ready yourselves - the rest, stay with me as he says "Double Fusion Ability Activate - Dark Light Cannon plus Shine Light Cannon!" and both fire blasts at the HighGods, dealing damage. All six people form a dextra symbol around Zakaros like the attribute wheel as Zakaros stands up and says I don't want you interferring as Atrion says trust me, it didn't work and you need us. But soon, the HighGods and DarkGods begin to overwhelm them and they get closer. Neotaro says oh well, it was a noble effort but you can't stop our attack but then, a voice says Double Caliber and suddenly, Dryoid appears and slices down some enemies. Zakaros says Dryoid, what's he doing here as then; Hydron, Volt, Lync, Sid, Torin and Masquerade appear with their Bakugan and start attacking both sides evenly. Zakaros says please leave everybody - you'll be risking your lives for me as Lync says hey, remember what I said earlier - you ain't getting rid of us that easy as he says take him down Aluze and activates Aero Aegis, at which point Aluze says time to feel the hurt and hits the DarkGods hard. Sid then says we have a stake in this as well as he activates Ba Arrow and Neo Ziperators hits the HighGods hard. Torin says we are in this together as good friends as should as Zakaros says thank you, my friends. However, even with this new wave of reinforcement - they are pushed back as well as Maxoric says I knew you couldn't face me, Zakaros and now, it's over as then, a voice booms from the sky and says this must come to an end. Neotaro says who is that - show yourself as out of the sky come Tsurambo, the Attribute Masters, Wistorn and Carta as they push back the forces again. Maxoric says it's MasterGod Tsurambo - he hasn't been seen for years as Neotaro says why is that idiotic fool here - he never got involved with the War. Tsurambo says I will not allow you to harm the MasterGod as the Attribute Masters change into their Bakugan forms and prepare for defense. Neotaro says but you are the MasterGod as Tsurambo I am not anymore, he is as he points to Zakaros and even though I no longer hold the title I can still defend him as an ally as they stay on defense. However, Maxoric laughs manically as he says please, you expect us to believe a half-breed to be our ruler - pathetic and even with your little gathering Zakaros; you still are no match for the thousands of soldiers, weapons and Bakugan that I possess as Neotaro says for once, we agree on that notion and you'll be destroyed by us. But just then, a familiar voice says how about millions as then, Miyoko appears on a nearby rock as Zakaros says oh no, I will never forgive myself if Dan's mother gets hurt. Neotaro says who's that - another mortal who wants to be destroyed by our supreme power; fine but Miyoko has a determined and brave look on her face and says I'm not alone as a series of voices says BakuCloaks - return and suddenly, they are surrounded by all the BakuGods under Daedathron's command, Gundalians, Neathians, Vestals, Humans and Bakugan that have been taken out by Calthor and his forces. Both the DarkGods and HighGods are in complete shock and start to retreat back a bit but there is no way out as Zarodius and Sanzu join up with Miyoko and says I have to admit, this worked better than I thought it might. Miyoko says one of your kind destroyed our homes in our world and now, we're fighting back as the Bakugan start to charge up as Zakaros says if this doesn't work, I don't know what will as meanwhile, Neotaro and Maxoric's eyes start to fluctuate color. The scene now shifts back to the Bibliocore and more specifically, to another part where ANDRUS is being repaired for the damage he took during the battle for Earth. Spectra and Marucho are fixing him up as Marucho says and there we go - you're back to full opertional status ANDRUS. ANDRUS says gratitude: I thank you for all you have done for me - despite what I was a part of. Spectra says I have a question for you; why did you turn from Calthor as ANDRUS says revelation: I developed what you humans call a conscience - I deduced that what my creator and Master were doing is wrong and I didn't wish to be a part of it. Clawbec says it was the same with me; I was created for evil intentions but when they started doing things to ANDRUS and to me - I couldn't side anymore with them. Preyas says well, it's good that we have help as ANDRUS says statement: I am also sorry for the loss of your worlds - I will do whatever I can to correct what I have done. Spectra says we understand; let's get to the main control room as all three of them head out. In a separate room, Lindsata is by herself with Baraxx's BakuStrike Launcher as Blan Shoult says he was a brave man and an even braver BakuGod. Lindsata sheds a tear and says now, I don't have anyone except you, Ginryu, Jaguard and Aigle. Ginryu says that's not true; you have the Brawlers and their friends as well as Lindsata says but they cannot replace the ones I knew and cared about in my time; I'm alone as then, Baraxx's BakuStrike Launcher clicks on and reveals a message on the device. Lindsata is surprised as Baraxx says final journal entry - if you are reading this Lindsata; I'm glad you can hear what I have to say. He continues by saying I chose to sacrifice myself to save you and the other Brawlers because you are all the last chance the galaxy has right now - I served my part. And plus, there are some amends I need to make up before the inevitable occurred - I have faith in you all and I will get Zakaros to you as soon as possible. He then finishes with saying as a final gift; place Nino Daishow and War Cry on the two slots above and see what happens - good luck as the message cuts off. Lindsata looks at the two Bakugan slots at the top of the Gauntlet and puts War Cry and Nino Daishow, neither of which had still woken up from their slumber by Wistorn. They glow their respective colors for a few seconds and get shocked and soon, it stops. And, at that moment, Wary Cry and Nino Daishow open up and get up. Lindsata gets euthsiastic as War Cry yawns and says wow, that was some nap as Nino Daishow says oh, hey Mistress Lindsata - where are we. Lindsata just grabs them and hugs them tightly, saying I can't believe you're finally awake and here as War Cry says Master..you're.....squishing us as she says oh, I'm sorry - I'm just excited. Nino Daishow says it's like you haven't seen us for a while; where we away or something as Lindsata says I'll explain along the way but we have to go as War Cry says all right, I missed being on your shoulder as all her Bakugan hop on and she heads to the main command bridge. Soon, everybody is on the main deck as Korborn says good, I'm glad you are all here - we can finally begin to prepare. Fabia says Korborn, may I ask you something - why are you so positive. Korborn says I don't understand the question, your Highness as Fabia says just call me Fabia - I'm not a queen anymore. Korborn says of course you are and you had better start thinking that way because even though you lost many of your people, you still have those with you who look up to you for inspiration. Fabia is a bit taken back as are the others as he then turns to Nurzak and says you are the leader of your people as well; you need to show that you can be strong and valiant for them. Korborn then walks over to a bookshelf and takes a book down titled The Red Badge of Courage. Korborn says you know, human literature amazed me very much because of the creativity you put into your stories. He says in this story, even though the soldiers were beaten and injured in a time of civil war, they continued to fight for what was right and in the end, they even called their injuries a red badge of courage. He puts the book away and says even though things have looked bleak during these brawls and battles, you have all earned badges of courage for your dedication and your strive to win. I know that if you can put those badges of courages on you again for this final battle; nothing will stand against you this time. Dan then says you know, you're right as he says Korborn is right guys - we have fought against all sorts of enemies from Naga to King Zenoheld to the Twelve Orders and even Coredegon and Wiseman. He continues by saying and even though we lost a lot of our battles; we never gave up and we were able to conquer them and save the universe. He says I know things are bleak; I've blamed myself for a lot of those things but this isn't a time to give up now - who's with me. Everybody is silent for a minute as then, ANDRUS walks up and says statement: while I don't believe I have such a badge of courage, I will join you in this fight. At that moment, a familiar voice says we will as well as everybody turns to see Mylene and Shadow being held up by Mira as Mira says they asked to come. Spectra says you should be resting Mylene as Mylene says no, we made a lot of mistakes and we realize what's at stake - even if we spend the rest of our lives in a cell, at least I want to feel I did something right for once. Shadow says I agree with everything she said - we did a lot of bad things and we want to fix them. Shun then walks up and says I will as well and soon, Marucho, Julie, Runo and Alice all step forward. Julie says we were the original six Battle Brawlers and we fought our way through thick and thin to save the world. Alice says and we've all made new friends from all the different places we've visited and fought for. Drago says the time is now; we will stop Calthor and find a way to restore balance to our galaxy as everybody cheers as Lindsata walks over to Korborn and says you really inspired them, Master Korborn. Korborn says it's the truth - they can defeat him but it all depends on what happens elsewhere as if he knows more. The scene now shifts back to the standstill as the millions and millions of people surround both BakuGod factions as a HighGod general says we are surrounded, we have nowhere to retreat to. Neotaro on the other side says you think this will help you Zakaros - in case you didn't realize, a Mechtogan can wipe out civilizations and there are six on my side as Coredegon prepares to attack them but Maxoric says you aren't the only ones as he releases his chained Mechtogan again and they fire. Zakaros says oh no, I can't let them harm the innocent as he takes his Mechtogan horn out and blows it quickly. But a voice says you really didn't need to sound that off as suddenly, the Mechtogan forces of Mechtros appear out of the sky and take the blasts as MechtoTron, Grace Swift and Sky Sprint appear in the group and help surround Zakaros even more as Cordegon says today, old fool, vengeance is mine as MechtoTron says no, it is you who will be destroyed. Neotaro says so Zakaros; are you going to stand behind your little bodyguards and helpers like a coward as Zakaros then says Diamond Whip and divides the group in two. Atrion says Zakaros, what are you doing as Zakaros say you all have to trust me - I know what I am doing as Tsurambo says you are too important to risk dying here - we don't know what will happen as Zakaros says it won't come to that. Everybody looks at him so they give him some space as Zakaros says Neotaro, Maxoric - please listen, I don't wish for our people to fight each other but if you continue to do so - you will be furthering the destruction of the afterlife and the mortal world but if you insist, go ahead and destroy me. Blakai says Zakaros, why but Neotaro laughs and says if you want to be destroyed so badly Zakaros – I’ll be happy to oblige: Trianic – let’s show him what we are capable of. Trianic looks at Zakaros and raises his guns like he is going to attack as Neotaro pulls out an ability card and says Ability Activate but then, the card disappears from his hand. Neotaro looks in shock and says what happened – where did your ability go Trianic as he looks at him. However, Trianic is not looking as he lowers his guns and Neotaro says in amazement Trianic – what is wrong with you; I order you to attack. Trianic then turns and takes his clawed hand and slowly aims it towards Neotaro. He grabs Neotaro gently by the waist and turns to Gravi Norm as Neotaro struggles and says let me go Trianic – release me right now. Trianic walks towards Gravi Norm as Gravi Norm says you better not try anything but Trianic just puts Neotaro on Gravi Norm’s shoulder. Neotaro is taken back and asks why are doing this as Trianic turns around and walks straight towards Zakaros’ group. The DarkGods prepare to open fire on the supposed traitor but Neotaro says hold your fire as he says to himself you have turned him against me, you usurper as he looks at Zakaros. He yells out and says Zakaros, for turning my own Bakugan against me – I shall but then, Trianic says no; he has done nothing. Neotaro stops as Trianic turns around with a sad look on his face and says I am doing this of my own free will now. Neotaro says in shock what do you mean Trianic as Trianic says back when we fought Zakaros and his group in the forest, you had me use a mind attack as flashbacks begin to what happened at the Gate to the Third Amulet Guardian. He continues by saying I used it and so did Tornador and as we both saw into Zakaros' mind; we saw the truth. He continues by saying at first, I believed my mind was being manipulated like you think now but I looked into the memories of a human boy who came here named Dan Kuso and that confirmed what I saw. Neotaro says what did you see, old friend as Trianic says loudly that we are all fools; we are not home Master – we are in the afterlife where those who have passed should be living happily and free. He continues by saying but all this War has done in our old home and here is death and destruction to everybody as Neotaro is shocked at how vibrant and passionate Trianic is right now. Trianic says I will not attack or harm you Master but if you intend to harm the MasterGod as he powers up his cannons for fire – I will not hesitate to fight back! Neotaro is in complete shock as he stutteringly says Trianic……you would do this...... Meanwhile, on the other side, Maxoric laughs and says looks like they are having some bonding problems but luckily, Tornador and I don’t have such problems but then, he realizes he is on Dagger Odos’ shoulder and Tornador is walking towards Zakaros’ group as well. Maxoric says hey, how did I get on your shoulder as Odos says don’t know myself. Maxoric says Zakaros, how dare you take such a Bakugan of but Tornador then says you know, I've been meaning to say this for a while Master - you need to quit the chatter. Maxoric is taken back and says what are you talking about as Tornador - you wouldn't turn on me, would you as Torandor says we have all forgotten our duties Master - it was the BakuGods duty to keep the Bakugan safe and to keep the species alive and it was the job of the BakuGods Bakugan themselves to bring peace and enjoyment to everybody on the world but we forgot that purpose when the War broke out. And now, I don't want to bring destruction to any more people or worlds as she says Elfen Force Armor as he clads herself in amor and says but my main duty is to protect the MasterGod with my life and I will do so, even if I have to attack you and your forces as Maxoric says incredible, Tornador would never turn against me unless this was something that she truly believed in as Dagger Odos says her scent is different than before, it is more determined and purpose driven, not blind and obedient like the others. Zakaros says you don't have to do this as Trianic says this is the only way to help our Masters see as Torandor says but our duty is to you. Back on the DarkGod side, Hal-G says so, the traitors are revealed - what's your plan but Neotaro has gone into shock as has Maxoric. But then, they both grab their heads quickly grab their heads in pain and looks towards the sky, screaming as Neotaro's eyes change back to a normal purple color and Maxoric's change to a white and royal blue color. Back at the DarkGod side, Neotaro falls down and wonders what just happened as then, he looks at the surroundings as they fluctuate between the cities of BakuTopia and the afterlife and finally, it’s just the afterlife. Neotaro looks around and says what….is this place – this isn’t BakuThia; I can’t remember anything. A DarkGod general then comes up to him and says Master Neotaro, what are your orders sir as Neotaro notices his blackened eyes and pupils. Neotaro says what is wrong with your eyes, general as the general says my eyes are just fine sir as Neotaro then sees that all the DarkGod soldiers have the same eyes. And on the other side, Maxoric notices that all his HighGod forces have completely golden eyes and pupils. Maxoric says what Tornador said was true; this must be the afterlife and if Zakaros was right; he could be right about much more. Torandor says Master, you have the power to stop this conflict as on the other side, Trianic says Master, please trust me – talk to the MasterGod at least as Neotaro says Trianic, I feel but then, Barodius walks up and says you should destroy them now and claim your victory with ruthless aggression. Neotaro says to himself unfortunately, I remember him all too well. Neotaro says quite mortal before I take that smile off of your face. Barodius just sneers back as Neotaro looks back at Zakaros who is looking at him as well and they stare down. Neotaro then looks down and says general, signal a white flag of truce as the General says Master, you can’t be serious in surrendering. Neotaro says I’m not surrendering you fool but I must know if what Zakaros says is true and I trust my Bakugan with my life as Trianic nods. He then calls out Zakaros; I wish to speak with you – I will come unarmed and alone. Zakaros yells out you can come as then, Maxoric yells over I wish to do the same Zakaros and Zakaros gives the okay. Neotaro says Gravi Norm, set me down and remain here as Gravi Norm says yes Master and puts him on the ground. Dagger Odos does the same with Maxoric as they both give their staffs and extra Bakugan to their soliders and walk towards Zakaros' group with the fate of the War still very much uncertain. The scene now shifts back to another part of space where Calthor and his forces are flying towards the galaxy’s core. Tivala says from the story you tell; I can’t believe Sivac was so old and conniving as Calthor says don’t be so surprised – I knew it from the beginning. Tivala says Master, he said some things such as destroying me for my failures; I have served you faithfully all this time – will I have a place in your vision for a new world. Calthor doesn’t say anything but gets a little bit of a stern look as Tivala notices he may be angry. Calthor says that is something you shouldn’t be asking but then, I agree with Sivac a bit that you have failed me numerous times but don’t worry; I always have a purpose for everything – sometimes for my own pleasure and sometimes, for the greater good. Tivala breathes a small sigh of relief for herself but Calthor says but I also just like to destroy those who fail me and since you have all failed me one point or another; don’t expect a smile as he flies ahead and Tivala watches on. The others come about as Jin asks what did he say as Tivala says honestly, I don't know. (End of episode)