| - Falzrahm was the younger daughter of Olhazeta Falenas and second in line to the Falenan throne. Giving in to Salum Barows' wishes, her mother, Olhazeta, allowed Falzrahm to have her Sacred Games tournament to decide her husband, before her sister, Shahrewar Falenas, who was the Crown Princess of Falena. After her mother's death, Falzrahm ruthlessly usurped Shahrewar's rights and priviledges to the throne after being pushed by Salum to seize the throne. A vicious succession struggle developed between the two sisters which splintered the Queendom.
| - Falzrahm was the younger daughter of Olhazeta Falenas and second in line to the Falenan throne. Giving in to Salum Barows' wishes, her mother, Olhazeta, allowed Falzrahm to have her Sacred Games tournament to decide her husband, before her sister, Shahrewar Falenas, who was the Crown Princess of Falena. After her mother's death, Falzrahm ruthlessly usurped Shahrewar's rights and priviledges to the throne after being pushed by Salum to seize the throne. A vicious succession struggle developed between the two sisters which splintered the Queendom. Falzrahm became Queen (following the death of Olhazeta) when Shahrewar, tired of the killing and political intrigue, gave up her right to the throne. Falzrahm then had Shahrewar murdered by Nether Gate to ensure that her reign would not be contested. Her husband, Kauss Barows also died in the conflict, presumably having been murdered by Nether Gate. Falzrahm later died, having only served as Queen for two years, and was succeeded by her daughter, Arshtat Falenas. Please help us improve Suikoden Wikia by creating or editing any of our articles.