| - Lance's life was hard after his father vanished. With no other family to take him in, the King and the then-heroic General Modula made arrangements to send Lance to the Galaluna Military Academy. There, they hoped the boy would become a grand soldier, but more importantly, he would be surrounded by friends. However Baron constantly bullied Lance, abusing school-wide respect and reputation to debase him. Ultimately, his one friend Arthur abandoned him out of fear. As a result, Lance drove himself to train in order to prove himself and earn some respect. Eventually, he became the youngest student at the time to win the "Medal of Excellence," but it further enraged Baron. On the day Lance was to be awarded his medal, Baron attacked him with laser rifles, attempting to outrightly kill Lance. The fight escalated to both boys using Manus armors and destroying much of the school until Modula disabled them. In the school's jail, Baron made one last crack to Lance about how he didn't have a father to bail him out like him. The King then bailed Lance out in order for him to spend the summer fixing the damages the fight caused. Here, Lance's personality took a drastic transformation. The happy child he was ceased to be and Lance became a loner and developed a self-loathing complex as he finally accepted that his father was never coming back.