Tropes about being loyal to someone or something and the reasons behind said loyalty. Contrast Betrayal Tropes.
* Anti-Mutiny
* Blood Oath
* Captain Patriotic
* The Cavalry
* The Champion
* Conflicting Loyalty
* Face Monster Turn
* Fire-Forged Friends
* Honor Before Reason
* I Am Spartacus
* I Gave My Word
* In Its Hour of Need
* Instant Allegiance Artifact
* I Owe You My Life
* I Will Definitely Protect You
* Just Following Orders
* Lawful Good
* Lawful Neutral
* Lawful Stupid
* Let the Bully Win
* Loyal Animal Companion
* Loyal to The Position
* My Country, Right or Wrong
* My Master, Right or Wrong
* Patriotic Fervor
* Psycho Supporter
* Sarcastic Devotee
* Sour Supporter
Tropes about being loyal to someone or something and the reasons behind said loyalty. Contrast Betrayal Tropes.
* Anti-Mutiny
* Blood Oath
* Captain Patriotic
* The Cavalry
* The Champion
* Conflicting Loyalty
* Face Monster Turn
* Fire-Forged Friends
* Honor Before Reason
* I Am Spartacus
* I Gave My Word
* In Its Hour of Need
* Instant Allegiance Artifact
* I Owe You My Life
* I Will Definitely Protect You
* Just Following Orders
* Lawful Good
* Lawful Neutral
* Lawful Stupid
* Let the Bully Win
* Loyal Animal Companion
* Loyal to The Position
* My Country, Right or Wrong
* My Master, Right or Wrong
* Patriotic Fervor
* Psycho Supporter
* Sarcastic Devotee
* Sour Supporter
* Thicker Than Water
* True Companions
* Undying Loyalty
* Yes-Man