| - Sometimes a creator or company will strike gold. A work (film, novel, etc) may spawn sequels, adaptations to other media, and a bonanza of merchandise. Usually, it'll take place in its own distinct universe, the author having significant autonomy, or the time and place keeping it off limit for crossovers, like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. Similar to Canon Welding, except usually done at a corporate level, and The Merch plays a much bigger role, if not the entire incentive. See also Massive Multiplayer Crossover. Examples of Modular Franchise include:
| - Sometimes a creator or company will strike gold. A work (film, novel, etc) may spawn sequels, adaptations to other media, and a bonanza of merchandise. Usually, it'll take place in its own distinct universe, the author having significant autonomy, or the time and place keeping it off limit for crossovers, like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. However, sometimes the creator or company will try to replicate its own success, and come up with creations in similar genres. The similarities are noted and sooner or later the separate creations wind up crossing over with each other--either to pool resources that are individually flagging in interest, or just to enjoy the benefits of a Crossover. This new Shared Universe is a pretty perfect fit, and eventually it's seen as one giant franchise. However, at some point they may want to reboot only one piece of their mega-franchise, or adapt the simplest, most distilled aspect as it was originally envisioned. Luckily, these properties started out as their own franchise, so they can certainly stand on their own. But what you have is a modular franchise--full of properties that can be self-sustaining on their own, but also easily and even organically marketed as a unit. Similar to Canon Welding, except usually done at a corporate level, and The Merch plays a much bigger role, if not the entire incentive. See also Massive Multiplayer Crossover. Examples of Modular Franchise include: