| - NightsVille is a small town located in the Wilderness, inhabited by humans, during its construction the walls were blessed by Saradomin mages that no evil could touch the wall without being SEVERELY weakened. As it is a peasant town the blessed walls are the most luxury thing this peasant town has, second in line is the mayors house with some expensive items to show. Multiple ways are to come via charter ship or through the dangerous revenant-infested Wilderness, most people cannot afford charter ships as they cost a lot of GP, So some peasants venture through the Wilderness, peasants are lucky to get past the Wilderness route, most times they travel in groups of 10, armed with spears with blessed tips, basic armory of the village are blessed weapons, as they weaken evil creatures severely
| - NightsVille is a small town located in the Wilderness, inhabited by humans, during its construction the walls were blessed by Saradomin mages that no evil could touch the wall without being SEVERELY weakened. As it is a peasant town the blessed walls are the most luxury thing this peasant town has, second in line is the mayors house with some expensive items to show. Multiple ways are to come via charter ship or through the dangerous revenant-infested Wilderness, most people cannot afford charter ships as they cost a lot of GP, So some peasants venture through the Wilderness, peasants are lucky to get past the Wilderness route, most times they travel in groups of 10, armed with spears with blessed tips, basic armory of the village are blessed weapons, as they weaken evil creatures severely, as most blessed weapons are lost during the wilderness route, 4 months one or two crates come with blessed spears, blessed swords, blessed axes and maces. Every single house has a blessed weapon in it for self defense, they are considered extremely valuable for the peasants who inhabit NightsVille, But for adventurers, they are just another weapon for killing monsters. Silverlight once belonged to a knight who was born Nightsville, as it was a blessed weapon. Until the Knight went down into the sewers and was massacred by zombies, until Wally found the sword and then defeated the demon Delrith.