| - Describe Distracted by My Own Sexy her- Oh. Well, hel-lo. Aren't I something? Ah... Where was I? Oh, right. Distracted by My Own Sexy is a subtrope of Distracted by the Sexy in which a character is distracted from their objective by their own good looks. This often suggests that the character is exceedingly vain, though there can be other reasons, usually by looking at themselves in the mirror or another reflective surface. In literature, this is sometimes used as an As You Know to introduce how the character looks to the reader. They often stop to consider themselves and how attractive (or unattractive) they are. Expect any given Lemon to start this way. While this can often occur in mundane situations, as with the mirror or reflective surface described above, this reaction may be caused by more fantastic reasons. A person having undergone some type of transformation may stop to admire their new looks, while Time Travel or cloning might give characters a chance to eye themselves up. Compare Distracted by the Sexy, where a character's sex appeal distracts others; see also Man, I Feel Like a Woman, where a man is distracted by his own newly gender-swapped sex appeal. Contrast Rage Against the Reflection, where characters hate to see their own image.