| - El número (1004) es el número natural que sigue al 1003 y precede al 1005. Categoría:Números
- Angelique feels warm again now that Wilfred is dead. She decrees this is the way she must live, and soon Quentin will suffer the same consequences. Angelique forces Hannah to become her servant, and requests she refers to her as Alexis. Hannah's first order from Angelique is to dispose of Wilfred's body, and if anyone asks questions about his whereabouts, she will tell them he left Collinsport forever. Hannah reminds Angelique that soon she will need warmth again, but Angelique tells her she will deal with that when the time comes. Angelique informs Hannah she needs to deal with Dameon's ghost, who is still haunting Collinwood, and leaves her to deal with Wilfred's body.
- Katja ist fassungslos, als ihr klar wird, dass Simone mit ihren Unterstellungen recht hat: Claudia hat ihr nur vorgelogen, dass ihr Gesundheitszustand sich drastisch verschlechtert hat, um sie zu manipulieren und an sich zu binden. Die Erkenntnis über Claudias wahres Gesicht schmerzt Katja sehr, doch sie zieht ihre Konsequenzen. Celine befürchtet, dass Richard mit allen Mitteln verhindern will, dass sie mit Oliver nach Australien geht. Doch tatsächlich lässt Richard dank Vanessas Appell zum ersten Mal den Gedanken zu, Celine und seinen Sohn ziehen zu lassen. Aber dann bekommt Richard das Gefühl, dass er als Vater ersetzt werden soll, und sieht rot. Die aufgelöste Lena findet Zuflucht bei Annette, die sie ohne jede Vorhaltungen bei sich aufnimmt. Lena muss sich eingestehen, dass ihre Schwes
| - El número (1004) es el número natural que sigue al 1003 y precede al 1005. Categoría:Números
- Katja ist fassungslos, als ihr klar wird, dass Simone mit ihren Unterstellungen recht hat: Claudia hat ihr nur vorgelogen, dass ihr Gesundheitszustand sich drastisch verschlechtert hat, um sie zu manipulieren und an sich zu binden. Die Erkenntnis über Claudias wahres Gesicht schmerzt Katja sehr, doch sie zieht ihre Konsequenzen. Celine befürchtet, dass Richard mit allen Mitteln verhindern will, dass sie mit Oliver nach Australien geht. Doch tatsächlich lässt Richard dank Vanessas Appell zum ersten Mal den Gedanken zu, Celine und seinen Sohn ziehen zu lassen. Aber dann bekommt Richard das Gefühl, dass er als Vater ersetzt werden soll, und sieht rot. Die aufgelöste Lena findet Zuflucht bei Annette, die sie ohne jede Vorhaltungen bei sich aufnimmt. Lena muss sich eingestehen, dass ihre Schwester die ganze Zeit Recht hatte: Maximilian hat sie nie richtig geliebt, und ihre Beziehung hat Lena nur Leid zugefügt. Und nun muss Lena auch noch befürchten, dass Maximilian ihr Alexander wegnehmen will.
- Angelique feels warm again now that Wilfred is dead. She decrees this is the way she must live, and soon Quentin will suffer the same consequences. Angelique forces Hannah to become her servant, and requests she refers to her as Alexis. Hannah's first order from Angelique is to dispose of Wilfred's body, and if anyone asks questions about his whereabouts, she will tell them he left Collinsport forever. Hannah reminds Angelique that soon she will need warmth again, but Angelique tells her she will deal with that when the time comes. Angelique informs Hannah she needs to deal with Dameon's ghost, who is still haunting Collinwood, and leaves her to deal with Wilfred's body. Meanwhile, Trask goes to visit Bruno at his cottage, and tells him that Angelique's body is still in her tomb, but has now been burned. But there is a more important issue at hand: Dameon. Bruno suggests Trask should move out of Collinwood, and is upset he was fooled over Alexis' identity. Angelique returns to Collinwood and finds a note on the table. It's a telegram from Jennifer (Maggie's sister) to Quentin. The letter explains that Maggie misses Quentin and wants to return to Collinwood soon. Quentin catches Angelique reading the note. Quentin is in a rather bad mood, but invites Angelique into the drawing room for a drink. "Alexis" tosses the note into the fire and immediately starts talking about Angelique, which makes Quentin more irritated. She adds that she was surprised that Quentin re-married so soon after Angelique's death. After asking more questions about Maggie, Quentin announces he will not call or write Maggie again until she wants to come home. Suddenly, the lights in the room go out and the two hear Dameon's ghost laughing at them. Quentin asks Dameon what he wants at Collinwood, but the ghost only says, "She knows." Quentin shockingly looks at Angelique, but she shrugs it off and pretends to act confused. The two wonder to each other how to get rid of his spirit. Meanwhile, Trask walks in and Quentin informs him that Dameon has made another appearance. Quentin knows that Trask knows something about why Dameon has returned to Collinwood, but Trask claims to know nothing. After Quentin leaves, Trask goes into the drawing room and asks Dameon to give him a sign of his presence, and tells him that Bruno was his murderer, not him. Quentin takes Angelique back to her room, but someone is waiting in the room for her. It's Bruno, who has come to apologize for his recent behavior and offers his friendship. Angelique appears to accept his apology. Downstairs, Quentin and Trask are still arguing about Dameon. Trask says the ghost must be banished from Collinwood before it's too late. Angelique phones Hannah from Collinwood. She asks Hannah if she has disposed of Wilfred's body, which she has. Secondly, she requests hep in getting rid of Dameon's spirit, and she must come to Collinwood at once. At Collinwood, Quentin falls asleep in the drawing room and starts to dream. Quentin hears Dameon's voice, and Dameon beckons him to follow him. Dameon leads him to an abandoned hallway at Collinwood and tells him he is going to show him "how it will all end." Dameon opens a door and sees a body hanging from the ceiling. A note is attached to the body, which reads, "I had to do this to be with the one I love."