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- The details of a kidnapping are similar to a series of rapes and murders, which leads Detectives Munch and Tutuola to a serial killer
- This week, The Escapist's Zero Punctuation reviews Manhunt.
- Manhunt is a violent and controversial video game released by Rockstar North in November 2003, the game is notable for various tie-ins with the Grand Theft Auto series (the 3D Universe in particular), most notably the use of Carcer City, a location mentioned in Grand Theft Auto III, as the game's setting. In 2007, the game was succeeded by a sequel, Manhunt 2, which featured fewer relationships to the GTA series.
- Alva; Antedeans; Antede systeem; Antede III; Artifs IV; barkeeper; Betazed; Betazoid fase; Betazoids; Californië; Carlos; Chicago; Cuzzo, Jimmy; Duitsland; Engeland; europium; Frans; gadolinium; Heilige beker van Rixx; Heilige Ringen van Betazed; Hill, Dixon; Hill, Dixon (holoroman); holodek; Haircut Lipinski; Hitler, Adolf; jukebox; Krab nevel; "Maanlicht Serenade"; Marejaretus systeem; Marejaretus VI; O'Farron, Marty; Omicron systeem; Oolans; Pacifica; Rex's Bar; rye and ginger; samarium; San Antonio; San Francisco; scotch; Stalin, Jozef; Terbium; The Big Good-Bye; Troi, Ian Andrew; Tweede wereldoorlog; ultritium; Zuid Amerika.
- UPN: 2001
- Manhunt is a mission in Grand Theft Auto: King of The Hill, given to Miklos Lipton by Lincoln Jones.
- Each session lasts for ten minutes, separated into two rounds of five minutes, with two teams of three to four participants each. At the beginning of a session, individuals are either given a choice of joining either team, or assigned to one. Following this, one team is selected to hunt first, with the other team hiding, while the roles are reversed for the second round.
- The men are working on tracking down a known terrorist before he can launch an attack. At home, the women must face their own danger when a stranger approaches one of the children.
- Manhunt is the fourth episode in season nine of CSI: Miami.
- Охота на людей (en:Manhuntангл. Manhunt) — это игра в жанре «Стэлс-Экшен» с элементами психологического хоррора от третьего лица. Manhunt — это жестокая и спорная видеоигра от Rockstar North, вышедшая 18 ноября 2003 года. В игре множество отсылок к серии Grand Theft Auto, главная из которых — место действия, город Карцер-Сити, упоминавшийся в Grand Theft Auto III и продолжениях как часть игровой вселенной. В вышедшем в 2007 году продолжении связь с серией GTA уже не столь очевидна.
- Manhunt is the ninth episode of the first RIS Bouteina season.
- Manhunt is the third episode of Due South's first season. Storyline: When an old friend of Fraser's father goes missing a week before his retirement, his daughter Julie asks Fraser to find her father before something happens to him. First Air Date: October 6, 1994 Written by Paul Haggis Directed by Paul Lynch
- Manhunt es el cuarto episodio de la novena temporada de CSI: Miami. El equipo debe averiguar por qué el asesino, Memmo Fierro, de la esposa de Horatio, Marisol Delko-Caine, ha salido de la cárcel, y detenerle antes de alguien más se convierta en su próxima víctima. En una situación de rehenes, Horatio y Delko no lo matan porque su hija está allí. Memmo escapa y no es encontrado al final de este episodio.
- "Manhunt" is the third episode of Under the Dome, airing on CBS on 8 July 2013. The episode was written by Adam Stein and directed by Paul Edwards.
- Manhunt is the first side quest of the Fable III DLC Traitor's Keep. After putting an end to the riot, Lieutenant Hadley requests your aid in finding and "dealing" with five groups of inmates who broke out, each containing five members.
- A manhunt was an extensive search for a fugitive. Any time an unusual crime was committed on Deep Space 9, Quark ran a "manhunt pool" to bet on how long it would take for Odo to catch the perpetrator. It was very popular. (DS9: "Crossfire") This pool was the subject of the Strange New Worlds 2016 short story "The Manhunt Pool (β)". After Kovin turned hostile, a USS Voyager crew investigation of him turned into a manhunt. (VOY: "Retrospect") While not explicitly termed as such, the hunts for Roga Danar and for the Krajensky imposter were also a clear example of manhunts.
- Manhunt is the 28th mission of Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel.
- Manhunt is the fourth episode of British television series Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons.
- manhunt on k-18 peli. pelissä tapetaan useitta jengiläisiä hyvin julmin keinoin. jengit. smileys.innosentz,skins,ward dogs,hoods,swat,c.c.p.d,cerberus. hahmot. james earl cash,piggsy,leonel starweak,ramirez,white rabbit...
- (Observando a los Antedeanos) "Que Raza tan Hermosa." - Worf "Si, Troi ya me hablo de eso cuando empezmos a salir juntos. Cuando una mujer Betazoide pasa por la fase... Cuadruplica su impulso sexual" "O más." "O más? Eso no me lo dijiste." "No quería asustarte." - William Riker y Deanna Troi
- Living in the spotlight is a very bad choice for an immortal, but Carl Robinson followed his dreams. He was enjoying his successful baseball career and had just been invited into the realm of politics when he is found and challenged by Myron Corman. Corman was a drifter who suffered his first death in a shootout during the American Old West. His lifestlye did not change with the times; Corman moved from town to town, city to city, stealing what he needed and challenged the first immortal he found there, always at high noon, then moved on.
- Manhunt è una serie di videogiochi composta (momentaneamente) da due capitoli, che basa la propria innovatività sull'iperviolenza e la sodomia, rilasciato dalla Rockstar Vancouver nel 2003 per Playstation 2, Xbox e PC. Inutile dire che l'uscita del videogioco fece girare le palle a molte cosche mafiose associazioni internazionali a causa dei suoi contenuti per l'appunto oltremodo violenti e sanguinosi, che si presumeva potessero portare i numerosi bimbiminkia che ci giocavano a trasformarsi in feroci serial killer (un po' come dire che Charles Manson fosse diventato quello che era per colpa di Pac-man). Sta di fatto che alla fine la vendita del gioco fu proibita in molti paesi, mentre il seguito subì diverse censure (sforzo inutile, visto che lo stesso si vede tutto) nelle parti più intere
- Manhunt und Manhunt 2 (englisch für „Fahndung“, „Verbrecherjagd“; wörtlich „Menschenjagd“) sind zwei Videospiele, die wegen ihrer deutlichen und extremen Gewaltdarstellungen sehr kontrovers diskutiert werden. Manhunt 1 wurde im November 2003 für PlayStation 2 und im April 2004 für Xbox und Windows-PCs von Rockstar Games herausgebracht, Manhunt 2 erschien Ende Oktober 2007 für PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Windows-PCs und Nintendo Wii.
- Manhunt is a third-person stealth action game. The game consists of twenty levels, and four bonus levels that can be unlocked; the levels are referred to as "Scenes". Players survive the Scenes by dispatching enemy gangs and "hunters", occasionally with firearms or primarily by stealthily executing them in bloody over-the-top ways. Manhunt also makes use of the PlayStation 2's optional USB Microphone and the Xbox Live microphone feature on the Xbox version of the game. When such a device is connected, the player can use the sound of his or her own voice to distract in-game enemies.