| - They can be created at level 92 Fletching, requiring one set of ancient bones and 25 ascension shards, granting 250 experience and creating 25 darts. As with all craftable items in the workshop, boosts will not work when making them. They are made at the workbench just outside the workshop, at the last option "thrown weapons". Ava's device does pick up the darts after they have been thrown. In PvP situations, upon death each dart is turned into 200 coins.
- They can be created at level 92 Fletching, requiring one set of ancient bones and 25 Ascension shards, granting 250 experience and creating 25 darts. As with all craftable items in the workshop, boosts will not work when making them. They are made at the workbench just outside the workshop, at the last option "thrown weapons". As of the patch on 17 February 2014, Ava's device does pick up the darts after they have been thrown. In PvP situations, upon death each dart is turned into 200 coins.