| - The Mariposans were technologically-savvy scientists, and had brought a significant amount of equipment with them on the Mariposa. Notably, some of them had experience in cloning technology. Mariposan society maintained a political structure consisting of a prime minister and chief of staff as well as a minister of health.
- The Mariposans were a Human culture which developed on the colony world of Mariposa beginning in the early 22nd century. The original Mariposans were a collection of geneticists, molecular biologists, neurologists and other scientists, who left Earth in 2123 aboard the SS Mariposa, along with another group known as the Bringloidi. After leaving these others on a planet named Bringloid, the Mariposa continued on to the planet Mariposa, where tragically, the ship hull breached, killing 289 and leaving only five survivors. In order to build their colony and society, these five successfully cloned themselves. Over the following centuries, the Mariposans prospered, though they struggled with the problem of DNA replicative fading, which would render any further cloning impossible.
| - The Mariposans were a Human culture which developed on the colony world of Mariposa beginning in the early 22nd century. The original Mariposans were a collection of geneticists, molecular biologists, neurologists and other scientists, who left Earth in 2123 aboard the SS Mariposa, along with another group known as the Bringloidi. After leaving these others on a planet named Bringloid, the Mariposa continued on to the planet Mariposa, where tragically, the ship hull breached, killing 289 and leaving only five survivors. In order to build their colony and society, these five successfully cloned themselves. Over the following centuries, the Mariposans prospered, though they struggled with the problem of DNA replicative fading, which would render any further cloning impossible. In 2365, the Mariposans came back into contact with the rest of humanity when USS Enterprise-D visited. The Mariposan Prime Minister, Wilson Granger, appealed to the Enterprise crew to donate DNA which they could use to produce additional clones, but was refused. He then attempted to steal cellular samples from the crewmembers, but when discovered, the Enterprise crew destroyed the samples and the clones being grown from them. An arrangement was then reached where the former Bringloidi, having been rescued from their dying world, were transplanted to Mariposa, primarily to ensure the planet's population would continue to propagate. (TNG episode: "Up the Long Ladder") The Mariposan government formally became the United Ficus Colony, headed by both a Mariposan and a Bringloidi Prime Minister. However, the two groups remained distinct from one another, and endured a significant degree of strain during the first decade following reunion. (SCE eBook: Out of the Cocoon)
- The Mariposans were technologically-savvy scientists, and had brought a significant amount of equipment with them on the Mariposa. Notably, some of them had experience in cloning technology. Mariposan society maintained a political structure consisting of a prime minister and chief of staff as well as a minister of health. Only five colonists (two females, three males) survived the crash landing, including the Mariposa commander, Walter Granger, so they became the first Mariposans. Unfortunately, they knew that two women and three men could not sustain a society, they looked to cloning as a way to survive. Future generations later referred to the original five as the "progenitors". As a result of the cloning process, the Mariposans suppressed their natural sex drives through a combination of drugs and punitive laws, to the point that they found sexual reproduction undesirable. Furthermore, over time, they suffered from replicative fading and were facing extinction during the 24th century, unless new genetic material could be obtained. The existence of the Mariposans was revealed to the Federation in 2365 by the nearby Bringloidi, who were also descended from Mariposa colonists and had recently been evacuated by the USS Enterprise-D. The Mariposans asked the Enterprise crew for DNA which they could use to continue their colony. When they refused, the Mariposans attempted to steal it from William T. Riker and Katherine Pulaski through their epithelial cells, erasing their memories afterwards. However, they eventually found out and considered this a breach of their personal rights, terminating the clones. As a solution, Captain Jean-Luc Picard proposed merging the Mariposan population with the Bringloidi. Thirty couples were available between the two groups, which was technically enough to create a viable genetic base, however, Dr. Pulaski recommended to broaden the base for a safer and healthier society. This meant that each woman, from both groups, had to have at least three children by three different men. This, however, also meant that monogamous marriages would not be possible for several generations. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder" )