| - thumb|left|The "new" Iron Man
* This would mark Gremlin's final appearance in the mainstream continuity. During the Armor Wars Iron Man apparently killed the Gremlin in his new Titanium Man armor, when it was set on fire by Iron Man's boot jets. Soon after, during the second Armor Wars; The Living Laser posed as the Gremlin in his Titanium Man armor in order to confuse Stark. A short while after, Boris Bullski, returned and reclaimed the mantle of Titanium Man, taking the deceased Gremlin's place amongst the Soviet Super-Soldiers, and wearing his original armor for several years before upgrading.
* Iron Man's Stealth Armor upgraded during the Armor Wars.
* The Armor Wars were actually called "Stark Wars" in the comic books.
* The Armor Wars took place in Iron Man #225, #226, #227, #228, #229, #230, #231, and #232.
* The Armor Wars was first collected in a trade paperback in 1990. The book's popularity resulted in it quickly falling out of print and would not be re-released until 2007, when Marvel released a new printing . The book collects issues #225-#231 as well as the epilogue to the story presented in issue #232. The Prologue story was published in a trade paperback in March, 2010.
* The Armor Wars were also featured in two episodes of the Iron Man TV show in the 1990's.
* Everyone in the world except for Stark and Rhodes assumed the old Iron Man died in the struggle with Firepower, and that he was replaced. Years later, Stark would reveal to the press that he is infact Iron Man and always has been.
* The "Old" Iron Man's armor was called the Silver Centurion Armor.
* There was also a story known as "What If Iron Man Lost the Armor Wars?" which features Tony Stark destroying Stark Enterprises and eventually giving up the mantle of Iron Man.
* Despite its name; The second Armor Wars has little to do with the first. Infact, hardly any of the heroes, villains, or other minor characters reappear apart from Tony Stark and James Rhodes of course.