| - Sitting on the opposite end of the spectrum from Camp Gay, Manly Gay is when a homosexual male character is shown not only in lacking Camp or feminine traits, but kept going in the opposite direction and into the realm of pure masculinity. A character who is Manly Gay is the complete opposite of the Camp stereotype. Typically such characters are large and strong, and shown doing masculine things like sports and working class jobs. He may have a Carpet of Virility, he may be a Badass, or he may have Stout Strength...but regardless of how he got here, the result is the same: While being gay, he's manlier than your average man, straight or Straight Gay. This is a stereotype more associated with modern gay porn, but is also a certain distilled ideal of gay men that appeals more often to other gay men -- one of the reasons it has become so associated with gay porn. Such characters also appear in other works as a means of telling a Gay Aesop about homosexuals not all being flaming queens. Manly Gay characters are often seen as a form of Straight Gay by some (especially Western) audiences, while a gay stereotype in and of itself to others (especially Eastern audiences). Compare with Straight Gay. If the character is stereotypically Camp or Played for Laughs, then he's actually Macho Camp. May be The Bear, a Big Beautiful Man, a Leather Man or a Gay Cowboy. Many a Gayngster qualifies. May also be an Armored Closet Gay. Is also commonly a Badass Gay. See also Bara Genre, the genre where Manly Gay men... have fun with one another. Also see Lipstick Lesbian for this trope's Distaff Counterpart. Examples of Manly Gay include: