Ogron: What? Bloom: Do you feel it? Do you feel it? It's the Believix energy! Ogron: That's enough! (grabs Roxy) Wizards of the Black Circle, the portal!
* The other Wixards begin to summon a portal.* Roxy: Huh? Believix transformation Bloom: Bloom, Fairy of the Dragon Flame! Flora: Flora, Fairy of Nature! Stella: Stella, Fairy of the Shining Sun! Aisha: Aisha, Fairy of Waves! Tecna: Tecna, Fairy of Technology! Musa: Musa, Fairy of Music! Bloom: Thank you. Roxy, your belief in us transformed us into Believix fairies!
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| - Winx Club - Episode 406/Nickelodeon Script
| - Ogron: What? Bloom: Do you feel it? Do you feel it? It's the Believix energy! Ogron: That's enough! (grabs Roxy) Wizards of the Black Circle, the portal!
* The other Wixards begin to summon a portal.* Roxy: Huh? Believix transformation Bloom: Bloom, Fairy of the Dragon Flame! Flora: Flora, Fairy of Nature! Stella: Stella, Fairy of the Shining Sun! Aisha: Aisha, Fairy of Waves! Tecna: Tecna, Fairy of Technology! Musa: Musa, Fairy of Music! Bloom: Thank you. Roxy, your belief in us transformed us into Believix fairies!
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| - Ogron: What? Bloom: Do you feel it? Do you feel it? It's the Believix energy! Ogron: That's enough! (grabs Roxy) Wizards of the Black Circle, the portal!
* The other Wixards begin to summon a portal.* Roxy: Huh? Believix transformation Bloom: Bloom, Fairy of the Dragon Flame! Flora: Flora, Fairy of Nature! Stella: Stella, Fairy of the Shining Sun! Aisha: Aisha, Fairy of Waves! Tecna: Tecna, Fairy of Technology! Musa: Musa, Fairy of Music! Bloom: Thank you. Roxy, your belief in us transformed us into Believix fairies!
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