| - {A little condescending... "don't screw this up"} It's the kind of opportunity you don't want to take for granted.
- Exactly. Customers means caps, and caps means everyone's happy. When a bunch of Raiders aren't happy any more, the bullets start flying.
- {Angry, the player banished you / Angry} I'll be gone by the time you come back.
- Since you're here, can I hook you up with any supplies?
- As long as people feel safe coming here, the caps will flow. But Raiders, they're unpredictable. Quick-tempered.
- {Neutral} It changes every day, to be honest, but I try to keep a good mix of weapons, supplies and trinkets. It's a decent bet I've got something you want.
- {Cool, aloof, barely an apology / Neutral} Sorry, no offense Just trying to help. After all, if this place prospers, it's good for both of us.
- {Neutral} Word is Super Mutants just hit the place. They're still trying to rebuild. Should be easy pickings.
- {Angry, disappointed / Angry} Meantime, you better watch your back. People who make bad decisions don't last long around here.
- He's... a man in the know.
- {Neutral} It's good, Shank. I don't bring you bullshit.
- {Amused} Shank, you'll be the first to know.
- {Approving / Neutral} Will do.
- {Curious why the player has stopped talking} Well, uh... was that it?
- {Divulging a shady secret...choosing words carefully / Neutral} There's one other thing you should probably know. I've got an arrangement with Shank.
- Anything noteworthy happens either here in Nuka-World or out in the Commonwealth, odds are, he's well-informed about it.
- {Angry, the player banished you / Angry} I'll be leaving soon enough.
- {Aloof, all business / Stern} As long as you keep your eyes on the merchandise and off of me, I'm happy to do business.
- {Nervous} When I'm out on the road, I keep an ear to the ground. I hear anything interesting, I relay it to him.
- {Surprised and disappointed / Surprised} Your serious? Fine. I'll finish up my business here and hit the road.
- It's a delicate balance, this place. Lot of reward but just as much risk. All I'm saying is, don't let things get out of hand.
- A lot of people come a long way to trade here. A lot of caps flow through the market.
- {Aloof, all business / Stern} I've got all sorts of gear to choose from. Have a look.
- Whatever his faults, I'll say this - Colter built something here, something important.
- {Aloof, all business / Stern} Got a little of everything.
- {Aloof, all business / Question} So, you're the new boss? Colter was no pushover. If you were tough enough to take him out, then you definitely earned that title.
- {Approving / Neutral} I'm glad you see it that way.
- {Aloof, all business / Stern} Found some pretty good stuff while I was out on the road. Interested?
- Call it preferred status. I get first crack at whatever the gangs bring in. Helps me keep a good stock on hand.
- {Angry, the player banished you / Angry} I'll be hitting the road soon.