| - Power Core Combiners is a line of Autobots and Decepticons that can combine with drones. The line also features Mini-Cons able to be used by the Scout-sized "Commanders", in any of the four ways: as a partner of the Commander, a weapon, an armor, or as a vehicle weapon. There are two type of products in this line: Commander 2-packs, in which a Commander is partnered with a Mini-Con, and the Combiner 5-packs, in which a Commander figure is in charge of four Legends-sized drones that can combine with either their own Commander or a Commander from another 5-pack team, as well as with 2-pack Commanders. Once a drone links up with a Commander once he has transformed into Combiner Mode for combination, the drone auto-transforms into a limb. When a Mini-Con links up with a Commander who has trans
| - Power Core Combiners is a line of Autobots and Decepticons that can combine with drones. The line also features Mini-Cons able to be used by the Scout-sized "Commanders", in any of the four ways: as a partner of the Commander, a weapon, an armor, or as a vehicle weapon. There are two type of products in this line: Commander 2-packs, in which a Commander is partnered with a Mini-Con, and the Combiner 5-packs, in which a Commander figure is in charge of four Legends-sized drones that can combine with either their own Commander or a Commander from another 5-pack team, as well as with 2-pack Commanders. Once a drone links up with a Commander once he has transformed into Combiner Mode for combination, the drone auto-transforms into a limb. When a Mini-Con links up with a Commander who has transformed into Power Core Combiner Mode with four drones, the Mini-Con generally works as armor, extension-wise, to further enhance the powers of the Commander even more. The Mini-Cons in this line may be more powerful than normal Mini-Cons, as they serve to transform into an extension for the Commander, which means that the Commander's overall power may increase twice, once for Power Core Combination, and again for the Mini-Con's armor mode. The Commander's power increases four times for Power Core Combination, once for each drone, which means the Commander's power changes 5 times. It is possible that the Commander, the drones and the Mini-Cons may all be powerhouses boasting great power that lies dorman and which awakens through combination.