| - The "Monster in the Locker" (unofficial name) is a non-combative monster found in a room within the Otherworld version of Brookhaven Hospital in Silent Hill 3. Heather Mason finds this creature in the same room she finds the plastic bag in the garbage can. As its name would imply, it is trapped inside a locker, which upon being opened, reveals that a layer of wire mesh stops it from escaping. The monster appears to be suspended by chains with hooks attached, as well as being held within a sack of some kind, obscuring its details from view. Regardless, it spends its time thrashing uselessly against its restraints and emitting gurgling noises as it does so, seemingly choking on blood constantly. Its purpose or significance is unknown, as well as the reasons of its punishment, though it's likely that it is a sadistic warning to Heather as she travels the Otherworld. It is similar to the Prisoners and the Glutton, as they are both completely harmless and unable to fight. Unlike the Prisoner, this creature is impervious to any attack. It is also a strong possibility that this is Valtiel hanging upside down inside the locker, turning a valve hidden out of sight as he is usually seen doing.