| - The words Yoshiro had said to Kenji when he came out of his Inner World shocked him, to tell the truth. He was walking ahead of the others currently, because he wanted time to himself and time to think. Whatever it was that was causing these dreams, Kenji was frightened of it. He would admit that much. He remembered the dread he felt when his energy began rising on its own without control, remembered feeling like he was an outsider looking through his own eyes. Just what the hell is happening to me? It still felt like his hands were trembling. To stop them, he grasped his zanpakuto's hilt in a white-knuckled grip and exhaled slowly, going through old calming techniques his mother taught him. It involved picturing a raging river in your mind that slowed gradually until not even a ripple broke its surface. When like that, he could feel more. His father said it was something that came with being a Shinigami. The Soul Society, even areas as remote as this area in the Rukon District, had spiritual particles in abundance. But that wasn't what made him jump back; or draw his zanpakuto to deflect a knife-like projectile. Landing lightly, Kenji spun and deflected two more before catching the third straight out of the air. They were small throwing discs with one side designed for cutting while the other balanced it as if flew. Looking around, Kenji turned and saw his friends running towards him, "Wait! Don't move!" Looking around anxiously, Kenji tried his best to calm his body and mind, but even mental exercises weren't helping him now. "Well, well," A voice called from the darkness. It was male, but its origin was lost. A second ago, this area was as clear as the star filled sky; but now it was covered in a thick, menacing fog that clung to the skin and left you blind. Kenji discarded his eyes and closed them, trying to feel instead. Yoshiro and Momoko were fine, if a little annoyed. He was suddenly sent flying and smacked against the trunk of a tree with enough force to snap it clean in two! Coughing blood, Kenji tried to find his attacker, but his vision was obscured by that damn fog! Damn that hurt...My bodies in agony, after only one blow. He struggled to his feet and an unseen force struck him hard in the chest with enough force to knock every ounce of air from his lungs. Falling to his knees, another struck him between the eyes. Vision blurring and ears ringing from the blow, Kenji tried to stand but only fell to the ground uselessly. "Freeze Aisumēkā!" A barrier of the coldest ice formed a shield in front of Kenji and there stood Yoshiro! "Momoko, heal his injuries. That barrier will hold for a while. Now, I think it's time to get rid of this fog." An aura of coldness radiated from Yoshiro's body and the moisture in the air was completely removed, becoming one with the icy aura surrounding the young Shinigami. A man with white robes and two curved blades greeted them when the mist cleared. "Hmm? You got rid of the mist, did you? That's unfortunate. Now, young Yoshiro, kindly step aside so i can dispose of the weakling behind you." Shaking his head, Yoshiro slammed his right hand into his open palm! Sharpened Ice sprouted from the ground in multiple places, and the man was forced into the sky. "What and abandon my friend to you? Yeah right, get real!" An eagle of the most brilliant design ever flew from Yoshiro's hand towards the white robed man, but was cut clean in two by one of his dual-zanpakuto. Yoshiro grunted, and turned in surprise as a hand grasped his shoulder. Kenji stood beside him, mouth bloody, but his eyes, crimson or not, were determined...and angry. "Yoshiro," he whispered, voice raspy, "We'll take this guy together, okay? Momoko. We'll need your help." Spiritual energy swirled around him and for once, his eyes didn't glow their crimson color, they glowed dark blue like they were supposed to. "Strike Aoi Inazuma!" Kenji held his sword to the heavens, and both Yoshiro and Momoko leaped back as a bolt of lightning struck his blade, "just try to hit me again, you white-robe wearing bastard!" The smoke cleared, revealing Kenji's Shikai. It was an elegantly curved blade with no real guard to speak of and more designed for one handed combat than two. Lightning discharged around Kenji's body. "That's the way to do it, Kenji. Let's get 'em!" Yoshiro fell in to Kenji's right and nodded. Momoko fell in on the left and grinned, "Well, you aren't leaving me out of this. My Kidō might be able to help, you know." She patted both on the back and sighed. "I guess I should tell you my name, at least. I am The Trickster, and I'm here to kill you, Kenji Hiroshi."