| - Quads are jumps with 4 notes, where all keys will need to be pressed at the same time.
- The Quads debut single "There Must Be Thousands" was received with great enthusiasm by Peel in 1979: "When I first heard it in the office the other morning I couldn't wait to get it onto the radio. I've been looking forward to playing it on the radio all day." [2] He played both sides of the 7" for the first time on 09 August 1979 and then immediately played the start of the A-side again because he liked the opening guitar passage so much. At the close of that evening's show he played 40 seconds of the B-side again in lieu of his usual signature tune. Both sides of the 7" were played again on his next show, Monday 13 August 1979, while each show for the remainder of that week featured either the A or the B side. Peel went to see their gig in Birmingham on 8 December 1979 (ref 10 December 1979). This may have been a John Peel Roadshow booking. He claimed many years later to have played football with them, and averred, "they were as good at that as they are making records." (Peel Out In The States (Program 01)) The Quads debut remained a firm favourite with Peel: JP: 'I keep hoping that I'll be asked to do Desert Island Discs again on the radio here in Britain. I've done it once, but Arthur Askey did it three or four times, I think. "Who's Arthur Askey?", you're probably asking. If I did, I think I'd put the Quads record in there, for no other reason other than to acknowledge those bands that kind of briefly flame through the night sky before disappearing without a trace, but leave behind them one or two great records, and I have to say I would not swap my single of There Must Be Thousands for the entire recorded works of Oasis or Radiohead.' (20 December 1999 (BFBS)) In December 1999 'There Must Be Thousands' was picked for the Peelenium 1979. Afterwards, Peel enthused, "What a great band this was, and why did they break up and why did they disappear? If only they were going still, they would have made some fantastic records." Over the years, debut single B-side 'You've Gotta Jive' probably edged ahead of the A-side in Peel's affections, as the list of plays demonstrates. Peel called the song "one of the great guitar records of all time" on 23 September 2004. A copy of 'There Must Be Thousands' was located in John Peel's Record Box.