| - Megatron, later known as Galvatron, is the main antagonist of the Unicron Trilogy, being a trio of three anime television series; Armada, Energon, and Cybertron. Being the brutish yet polite power-seeker that he is, he is rivals with the Autobots with his loyal Decepticons and uses his militaristic pawns to gain power via the dozens of Mini-Cons scattered around the galaxy before he uses said power to take it over. He is voiced by David Kaye (who also voiced Megatron in the Beast Era such as Transformers: Beast Wars and Transformers: Beast Machines).
- Megatron is not content with conquest of Cybertron. When he learns of some power greater than his own, he does not attempt to merely defeat it. He will subjugate it, bend it to his will, carve up its corpse and integrate its power into himself. Megatron demands complete submission from those around him. Any opposition is savagely crushed, any insubordination violently punished. He is a monster in every sense of the word. Megatron tempers this barbarism with regal militaristic formality. He calls his closest troops "gentlemen." He speaks politely and intelligently. He makes it perfectly clear that he is completely cognizant of his madness.