- Jug eli kannu on astia, jonka voi täyttää vedellä tai siihen voi tehdä esim. viiniä (jug of wine) jos laitat Jug of water:iin Grapes:sseja. jug:in voit ostaa mm. GE:stä, jos Haluat ostaa sellaisen sinulla täytyy olla n.10 gp, nimittäin se maksaa noin 1-10gp. File:Jug detail.PNG
- From [[w:|]][[Category:sq: derivations|Jug]] jug.
- En almindelig kande, som du kan købe de fleste steder i Runescape. Man kan fylde den med blandt andet vand, vin og sæd, og ludere
- Jugs can be thieved from Fortunato's stall in Draynor Village. They can also be found at their spawn points in the basement of Lumbridge Castle, the Crafting Guild, the Cooking Guild (top floor), the Karamja general store and some other kitchens. The average spawn time is about 45 seconds. Jugs can be filled with water from sinks, fountains, and wells. A jug of water is the tertiary ingredient in infusing Spirit jelly pouches.
- The Jugarina is a special form of ocarina produced by a now out of business company, "Old Glory." It is a 9 hole transverse ocarina in the shape of a Jug and is glazed brown. Jugarinas also come with a tuning cork which can change the volume of air inside it to change the pitch. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- The jug is a junk item in Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
- Jugs are a type of focus item. The linked attribute is always the primary attribute of caster professions (i.e. Energy Storage, Fast Casting, Spawning Power, etc.) or, at the earlier levels, no attribute at all. This is a Guild Wars Factions campaign item.
- thumb Jug er ett viktig Tool i Runescape. Brukes mye til Cooking(Wine) men kan også brukes til Vann. Når man Examine: This Jug is empty.
- Jugs can be filled with water from fountains or sinks. They can be bought from General Stores for 1gp each. A good place to buy them is at the Falador store, as it is right next to a fountain. There is also a jug respawn in Lumbridge castle and they can be found by digging level 2 sites in Digsite.
- Players with a level of Thieving of 22 or higher can steal jugs from Fortunato's stall in Draynor Village. They can also be found at their spawn points in the basement of Lumbridge Castle, the Crafting Guild, the Cooking Guild (top floor), the Karamja general store and some other kitchens. The average spawn time is about 45 seconds. Jugs can be filled with water from sinks, fountains, and wells. A jug of water is the tertiary ingredient in infusing Spirit jelly pouches.
- Absolutely useless except at the Sleeper Base, where a jug is the receptacle used in the creation of a Clone Fluid. Be careful when picking them up in the storage room at the Sleeper Base: only grab one jug for each fluid/clone you intend to make.
- The Jug is an item that is found empty in Alone in the Dark. It is only found in the bathroom between the corner and the left side of the cupboard containing the First Aid Case. The playing character must grab the jug while avoiding the monster in the bathtub. Although it may appear unusable, it can be filled with water from the pantry, and can be used to douse the possessed smoking cigar in the smoke room. This enables the character to grab most of the items there without losing health.
- Jugs can be bought at general stores for one coin each. Jugs are not sold at the Catherby, East Ardougne, and West Ardougne general store. However, jugs are sold by the charter crew members in Catherby and Ardougne. Fortunato's Fine Wine in Draynor Village sells them for the same price as the general stores, and they can be thieved from the stall. Hassan at the Al Kharid palace may also give free jugs of water if the player has not completed Prince Ali Rescue.