| - The Dark Council was a 12-member council that served as the ruling body of the reconstituted Sith Empire throughout much of the government's history.
- The Dark Council (abbreviated as DC) was an online forum for The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game players, founded in 2005 with the aim of leading the Forces of Evil during the The War of the Ring Online Campaign, hosted by Games Workshop. The Dark Council changed after the War of the Ring, and later joined up with other sites to make a "Campaign of LoTRs" for the "veterans" of the original campaign.
- The Dark Council is the twelve-member council that served as the ruling body of the Sith Empire for most of the history of the government. Located in the Imperial Citadel on the Sith throne world of Dromund Kass, the Dark Council would convene on matters of state and eventually run the day-to-day operations of the Sith Empire itself. Each member of the Council held the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and controlled one of the twelve Spheres of Influence within the Empire. As such, the power of Dark Council members were solely below the Sith Emperor himself. Seats on the Dark Council were dangerously contested by the Sith, with the tenure of members ranging from mere months to several decades.
- The Dark Council consisted of a group of three charismatic and powerful surviving Elders personally chosen by Katsumi Scarlet
- The Dark Council was a Sith organization, a front for None Whatsoever, created in 17 ABY.
- The Dark Council consisted of the highest-ranking members of Darth Batar's Order of Dark Jedi. They searched the galaxy for Force-sensitives and decided who got into the order. Anyone who refused to join was killed. They were also known to kill members to keep their power, as Sac Sak did. They basically ruled the order and Batar played little part in the control of his order. They often did little fighting and were the most common survivors because of their traitorous nature.
- The Word Bearers primarily reside on the Daemon World of Sicarus within the Eye of Terror. Beneath churning clouds of pendulant fire and blood the surface of Sicarus is covered by massive temples, towering cathedrals and blasphemous monuments dedicated to the worship of the Chaos Gods in the form of Chaos Undivided. Millions of slaves toil endlessly in the construction and raising of new structures and monuments of dark devotion. New levels are built upon existing crumbling edifices which results in towering spires that reach kilometres into the foreboding sky. This results in the creation of the sprawling subterranean warren of labyrinthine passages that interconnect the various devotional structures. From this daemon planet, the Word Bearers' Dark Council, a collection of the Word Bearer