| - Metroid: Other M (メトロイド アザーエム Metoroido Azā Emu) é o décimo jogo da série Metroid, anunciado pela Nintendo na E3 2009. O jogo é uma produção da Nintendo em conjunto com a Team Ninja, famosa pela série Ninja Gaiden. O jogo é a sequência direta de Super Metroid e antecedente direto de Metroid Fusion, e foca mais no personagem de Samus do que qualquer outro jogo da série. Other M é jogado com o Wii Remote na horizontal, similar ao controle do NES/Famicon, enquanto que apontar o controle para a tela troca para a visão em primeira pessoa, similar à série Prime.
- Metroid: Other M is a game in the Metroid series, that was featured at the 2009 summer E3. It is being developed by Team Ninja and Nintendo, and will take place after the events of Super Metroid. It was announced that the game would be released on June 27, 2010, but then the release date was delayed to August 31, 2010.
- Metroid: Other M(メトロイド アザーエムMetoroido Azā Emu) is the eleventh Metroid game, announced by Nintendo at E3 2009 and a collaboration between Team Ninja and Nintendo. An interquel between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, the game focuses on Samus' character more than in previous games with an emphasis on the game's storyline. Other M is played with a sideways Wii Remote similar to the NES Controller, while aiming it at the screen switches the view to a first-person perspective similar to the Prime series.
- Categoria:Pagine da correggere Metroid: Other M è un videogioco per Nintendo Wii, sviluppato da Tecmo/Team Ninja e Nintendo. Presentato all'Electronic Entertainment Expo il 2 giugno 2009, il gioco è stato rilasciato sulla console nel Settembre del 2010. Si tratta del capitolo più recente della serie di Metroid. Il gioco è il penultimo in ordine di tempo e si ordina cronologicamente tra Super Metroid e Metroid Fusion. Questo gioco si focalizza sul personaggio di Samus, nessun gioco precedente poneva tanta enfasi sulla storyline. il gioco è il primo, tranne che per alcune piccole parti di Metroid Prime, Metroid che aggiunge il ruolo parlante di Samus, la cui voce è interpretata da Jessica Martin.
- Metroid: Other M ist ein Action-Adventure der Metroid-Serie. Ds Spiel erschien in Europa am 3. September 2010 und wurde von Nintendo, Team Ninja und D-Rockets entwickelt. Kategorie:Metroid
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Metroid Other M.
- Metroid: Other M (メトロイド アザーエム) est un jeu vidéo d'action-aventure édité par Nintendo sorti le 2 septembre 2010 au Japon et le 3 septembre 2010 en Europe sur Nintendo Wii. Il a été développé en collaboration avec Team Ninja à qui l'on doit entre autres les séries Ninja Gaiden et Dead or Alive. Le jeu opte pour une orientation beat'em all, exercice dans lequel le studio Team Ninja se montre particulièrement à l'aise.
- The game takes place between the games Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. The game will focus on the events that took place between the games and a character named Adam Malkovich who was mentioned in Fusion. What happened to Adam will be revealed in this game since he wasn't present in a physical form in Fusion. The lady at the end of the trailer will also be a character who has an important role in the story, and the developers of the game have confirmed that it is not a clone of Samus. During the game a character says "Remember me?", and the developers of the game have explained that this is a new character who is a soldier of Adam. Various villains from the Metroid universe also appear, such as Ridley and Mother Brain. The scene where Mother Brain destroys the Baby Metroid from Super Met
- Metroid: Other M lautet der Titel des neusten Wii-Spiels der Metroid-Reihe. Das Spiel wurde auf der E³ 2009 erstmals vorgestellt und auf der Gamescom 2010 hatte man die Chance, den Titel anzuspielen. Die Entwicklung wurde an Team Ninja übertragen, einem In-House-Studio von Tecmo, welches bereits mit der Dead Or Alive-Serie sowie dem seiner Zeit grafisch und spielerisch opulenten Ninja Gaiden Bekanntheit erlangte. Metroid: Other M wird auf einer Dual-Layer-Disc ausgeliefert. Nun werden die zwei Perspektiven aus den früheren Metroid-Spielen kombiniert, nämlich die klassische 2D-Ansicht und die 3D-Ego-Perspektive. Gleichzeitig bildet es zahlreiche Aspekte und Facetten vorangegangener Episoden ab. Am stärksten spielt es auf Super Metroid und Metroid Fusion an, was unter anderem daran liegt, da
- Metroid: Other M es un videojuego de acción-aventura en tercera persona perteneciente a la saga Metroid, desarrollado por Project M (Nintendo y Team Ninja). El juego salío a la venta para la consola Wii el año 2010 y para la Consola Virtual de Wii U en marzo de 2016 en Japón y Europa y en diciembre de 2016 en América.