| - Chief Petty Officer Charles-D314, born Charles Hanley, is a SPARTAN-III Supersoldier, and designated marksman of Minotaur Team. Born on the Inner Colony of Paris IV on January 23, 2548, to Jason and Mary Hanley. Mary died due to complications during birth, causing a deeply distressed Jason, a UNSC Marine, to become a heavy drinker. †Deceased[DISBANDED] † Deceased
| - Chief Petty Officer Charles-D314, born Charles Hanley, is a SPARTAN-III Supersoldier, and designated marksman of Minotaur Team. Born on the Inner Colony of Paris IV on January 23, 2548, to Jason and Mary Hanley. Mary died due to complications during birth, causing a deeply distressed Jason, a UNSC Marine, to become a heavy drinker. Charles was a little more than a year old when the Covenant attacked Paris IV. His father was sent to assist civilian evacuation, while Charles himself was loaded onto an evacuation vessel. While the ship successfully fled the battle, Charles was never informed of his father's fate. Later on, Jason was listed as Missing in Action, presumed Killed in Action, and Charles was placed in an orphanage on Earth. It was here that he grew up, secluding himself from the other children. It was also here that he was recruited for the fourth company of the SPARTAN-III Program. †Deceased[DISBANDED] † Deceased