| - Entrance - Decepticon Outpost - Cuprahex Tucked into the mountainside beneath the spire-like trees of the Petrified Forest is the entrance to the Cuprahex Decepticon outpost. It's large enough to house approximately 20 Decepticons in comfort, as well as all the twirling radar dishes overhead and various antennae jutting skyward to facilitate long-ranged radio traffic. The outpost is protected by powerful shields and patrolling guards, two of which always stationed before the giant circular door, armed with wicked electrified spears. So thanks to an explosion that rocked Protihex a few megacycles ago, Cuprahex is now without its generators and thus without its shields. The destroyed reactor was all over the news, so there's no doubt that the Decepticons are expecting the Autobots to take advantage of the situation and mount an assault on the outpost while it's still vulnerable. But if they do take it, how are they going to defend it without its shields? Well, hopefully operations has a plan when it comes to getting the shields back online before the 'Cons try to retake it so they can actually keep their spoils this time around. That is, if there's anything -left- of the base by then... The alarms begin to screech throughout the base as multiple enemy hostiles are suddenly detected on swift approach. This shouldn't have come as a surprise to the Decepticons, though--it was only a matter of time! And guess who's leading the charge? If Blast Off is around, he'll have noted that Blurr is the one at the head! "Air Raid, Silverbolt--you two are in charge of the aerial forces, I'll direct the terrestrial ones. Alright 'Bots, let's make it count!" In other words...ATTACK! Combat: Blurr sets his defense level to Protected. You receive a radio message from Air Raid: Keep your head on your shoulders this time! You send a radio message to Air Raid: Thanks. Flying above the ground-pounder forces of the Autobots, Silverbolt angles his nose slightly up to gain more altitude as they close in on the Decepticon base. The Aerialbot leader transmits out orders, "Aerialbots, funnel the Decepticons down to the ground so they can't use their mobility against our troops. Our job is to contain the aerial forces and let the rest of the Autobots do their jobs." The Concorde seems to lose a bit of yaw control before straightening out. F-15E Strike Eagle is, naturally, flying out of formation and spinning haphazardly through the evening sky. He may or may not be following Silverbolt, but he does at least heed him and ascends abruptly to keep an eye out for the more flightly 'cons. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle sets his defense level to Fearless. "Can we make this drive a little smoother? Please?" Halo switches off her laser scalpel and rolls her optics at the Autobot piloting the skiff she's riding in. "I understand that it's a battle charge and all, but seriously? Some of us are working." She gestures sharply at the prototype rifle in her lap for emphasis. "Seriously, this isn't the Last Stand of the Wreckers." She stands, sighting the weapon's scope and then holding it against her arm: white on white. "Sight is good." She sighs. "Color is off." The skiff hits another bump and she stumbles forward. "SERIOUSLY?" Blurr may be the speedster of the group, but as the Autobot group advances Sandstorm pulls towards the head of the pack. "If they've got the air covered, then I'll cover the ground!" The buggy bounces his front end as if nodding to Blurr, and then noses himself ahead and abruptly slams on the brakes. It results in a metal screeching 360 spin followed by another half to bring his back end facing in the direction of the outpost and away from the inbound Autobots. Tires squeal as they continue to spin while he's holding down his breaks, combined with his exhausts bellowing loudly as the combination throws up one of the clouds of grit he's so aptly named for. It spreads out towards Cuprahex, creating a bit of a smokescreen against whatever suvallience the Decepticons have put up to help obscure just what directions the Autobots are coming from. Combat: Desert Patrol Vehicle sets his defense level to Protected. Blast Off, newly appointed CO of the Aerospace Division, stands at the entrance of Cuprahex watching the repairs get done.... way too slowly, as far as he is concerned. The normally aloof and distant Combaticon can't help but keep glancing out in the distance as if he is expecting company- and indeed he is. With the shields down, the Decepticons have been expecting an attack. But it's not just that, and it's not just that as CO he must be a leader in the defense when they do. No, it's more personal than that. The shields are down in the first place due to the escalating rivalry between Blurr and Blast Off... Blurr destroyed the place trying to destroy the Combaticon along with it. On top of that, Soundwave has been threatening to have Blast Off's command taken from him if he doesn't do well defending the outpost. Blast Off isn't even sure he really wants this command, but losing it means yet another strike against him in Galvatron's optics.... and he would just really prefer to stay under Galvatron's radar entirely. Suddenly, alarms ring out... the attack has come at last, and Blast Off must lead the defense. And wait.... he scans the incoming Autobots...and slag it, there's Blurr. The Combaticon's trigger finger suddenly itches... but he has to concentrate on command. "Aerial forces- to the sky, intercept those turbo-turk...I mean Aerialbots. Keep them as far from here as possible. Aerial forces may be key to this battle, keep that in mind. Ground forces- do the same with the gound-pounde- I mean ground forces. Do not allow them to dirty the floor of this outpost with their filthy feet. Do NOT allow those ...Aerialbots to get too close together either. Soundwave... uh, continue doing what you are doing." Blast Off then flies up, bringing out his ionic blaster. As much as he'd like to, however, he doesn't strike at Blurr (though he does keep an optic on him)...instead he targets the Aerilabots. Silverbolt is lined up in his scope sight, and he fires! In the skies near Cuprahex, a black Rafale is running picket duty. 2 contacts with the wrong IFF appear on his radar screen. << Interessant...>> The jet banks left and heads for the contacts. Suddenly Soundwave calls out on the radio. << Zhis is Vendetta. I have two bandits inbound. Moving to intercept.>> He recognizes Air Raid <> The Rafale lines up the F-15 and switches to guns. No locking tone is heard. <> The GIAT 30 autocannon starts pumping rounds towards the Aerialbot. Combat: Black Dassault Rafale strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with his 30mm Autocannon attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Blast Off misses Concorde SST with his Aerial Assault attack! [Pulled -1] When things go terribly, horribly, and sometimes even catastrophically wrong...you can count on one mech to always be there. Because every team needs a nice hand-holding moment and a reason to show those wonderful motivational propaganda videos of mechs lending a helping hand to wounded mechs and so forth... Unfortunately Paxacon is on vacation, so Dustoff is taking his place. Lounging about, Dusty hears the alarm warning of trouble in the area and checks his supplies warily. Well, hopefully he's set with everything he needs. << I'm on-station helping with->> he looks around for an excuse, <> He sets his wonderful musical instrument aside and grabs his rifle instead, running outside and frowning. "Man...they got here quick, didn't they..." He brings his rifle up and sights in on the threats ahead, finally picking one out of the crowd. Hmm...there's a new face. "Ain't seen you before, good-lookin'... Pity this ain't a bar." He grins behind his faceplate, squeezing off a shot. Combat: Dustoff sets his defense level to Neutral. Soundwave raises his head, warning his faction of the incoming attack as soon as he picked up radio transmissions. <> With that, Soundwave turns to the base consoles near him, assessing the situation. He taps a button on his shoulder, popping open his holder "RAVAGE, EJECT." A black tape pops out of his Commander, turning into the panther Ravage, weapons at the ready. He snarls wordlessly. "RAVAGE, OPERATION: ASSET DENIAL. PLACE DEMOLITION CHARGES AT ALL KEY JUNCTURES FOR INTELLIGENCE." He pauses, then adds, "LEAVE THE BASE OPERATIONAL. THE RESOURCES THE AUTOBOTS SPEND TO TAKE AND HOLD CUPRAHEX WILL CAUSE THEM SIXTEEN LOGISTICAL PROBLEMS." The panther snarls, and takes off into the complex. A loyal minion and strong, but certainly able to be outgunned if someone gets to him in time... Soundwave hefts his concussion rifle, clears the front doors of Cuprahex, and joins the fray. He passes by Blast Off, giving him that KNOWING LOOK that he is known for. Immediately the big mech takes cover at the small bunkers outside the facility, all the better to take on enemies from the air as well as the ground. Soundwave cracks off a few shots at the ground targets...he simply can't resist trying to plug Blurr one right off the bat. Combat: Dustoff strikes Halo with his Here's my number so call me maybe? (Laser) attack! Combat: Soundwave misses Blurr with his Disruptor attack! Combat: Soundwave (Soundwave) used "Disruptor": A Level 1 RANGED attack. F-35B Lightning II isn't known for her speed, but it's one of her better traits. Almost anywhere on Cybertron is just one orbital drop away, for her. One moment, she's in her office in Crystal City, contemplating how life would have been different if she'd gone to university. The next, she is out the window, up into the air, launched into orbit, and then streaking back down into the atmosphere, blistering waves of heat radiating off her nosecone. The failure in the Sonic Canyons weighs heavily on Contrail. She also wants to see how Blast Off operates. But really, today is just like any other day: a day to crack Autobot heads. Contrail never needs an excuse for that. Contrail surveys the enemy. The true enemy, however... well, the true enemy is Rodimus Prime, but he's not here, so Contrail is just going to say that the true enemy is poor morale! She does some impressive aerobatic tricks, still glowing from re-entry, and she calls out, "Decepticons! The Autobots think they can roll right into Cuprahex? The only thing they're rolling into is their DOOM." Combat: F-35B Lightning II inspires Soundwave, Blast Off, Black Dassault Rafale , and Dustoff with lofty and righteous words! F-15E Strike Eagle barely catches a glimpse of black before lead bites into his armor and wrecks a few subsystems. He curses and twists to one side, making to dive after the Rafale with his weapons hot. "There's no teachin' me, bucko!" he exclaims, firing a lance of laser at Vendetta's thrusters. "Ya' slaggers better high-tail it before you mess up the landscape with your energon! Cuprahex is OURS!" Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Black Dassault Rafale with his Laser attack! Halo starts coughing as the skiff bolts through one of Sandstorm's exhaust clouds. "Ugh! The mess that Wrecker makes is as brutal as his color scheme..." She holds on with a sigh as the skiff picks up speed, weapons firing on forward Decepticon advances. "I really, really hate this part. Ooh! I love the custom wings on that Seeker! AH!" Dustoff's blast nails the distracted Autobot, and she tumbles over the side of the skiff onto the ground. Picking herself up, she the Decepticon that, judging from his smoking rifle and sneer, is the one that shot her. "Well, now's as good a time as any for a field test..." She snaps the prototype cryorifle up, sights, and squeezes the trigger... Combat: Halo sets her defense level to Guarded. Combat: Halo strikes Dustoff with her Scoped Cryo Rifle attack! As the Decepticons come out of thier base, Silverbolt immediately begins looking for targets of opportunity. Silverbolt pulls up hard as he realizes that Blast Off is taking aim at him. The large SST manages to dodge the attack before turning to find a target of his own. Swinging around, Silverbolt's white alt-mode finds Contrail trying to encourage the Decepticons... and that's just not allowed to be permitted. Silverbolt pulls forth some power and unleashes an electrostatic shot at the F-35B Lightning II fighter. Combat: Concorde SST misses F-35B Lightning II with his Electrostatic Battery attack! [Pulled -5] Well it didn't slow anyone down much, but it did help lure the Decepticons right out into the open of the attack. Including a certain big blue jerk that's already taking pot shots at Blurr. Sandstorm lets off on the break and slams down on the gas... and shifts it into reverse! The buggy hurtles backwards across the ground, until Sandstorm bucks up and flips over, performing a rather stunning flip midair to transform, and come down feet first at Soundwave while he's shooting in the other direction at the speedster. "Time to WRECK LIKE HECK!" Desert Patrol Vehicle transforms into his Sandstorm mode. Blurr skirts the battlefield, dashing back and forth, then twisting out of the way as Soundwave attmempts to blast him first. Hmm...the Decepticons, as expected, have reinforced the outpost's defense since the shields had gone down. Which was why he'd also brought a large force. As he gives the order, the Autobots charge forward, doing all they can to keep the Decepticons occupied. Blurr watches Sandstorm charge in ahead of him...heh, well at least this time, there's plenty of room for Wrecker behavior. Seizing full control over Cuprahex is the primary objective, but it's only the most 'ideal' situation. Of course, Blurr is a spy, and right now his job is to run Intelligence. So in the case that his forces can't take the outpost, he'll be making sure he's snagged as much information from the mainframe as possible. So he transforms and makes a break for the base, attempting to sneak inside amid all the chaos. He notices Soundwave crouching near the entrance and decides to retaliate quickly. Combat: Blurr strikes Soundwave with his Quickdraw attack! [Pulled -1] Soundwave actually startles at the car-fu attack Sandstorm delivers, kicking him square in the everywhere, and if that's not enough, Blurr shoots him. The big Con isn't exactly on par with the Wrecker, but he does have a few tricks up his sleeve. "FRENZY, EJECT. OPERATION: DISRUPTION!" His chestplate pops open again, letting the red cassette spring to life beside him. "AUTOSCOUT, DEPLOY." The mechanical menace? that is the Autoscout pops out as well, its large claw on wheels motif starts wheeling about behind Soundwave, out of melee range at least. With the odds evened up a little, he fires a few shots as he steps backwards, then recognizing the Wreckers propensity for personal violence, draws back his mighty fist to lay into Sandstorm as hard as he can. With a bit of work, the Wrecker'll be outgunned shortly. Blast Off ...misses Silverbolt?!? How did he miss? It's the nerves.... yes, that must be it. He needs to calm himself, be aloof... be distant... all those things he usually is. But these stakes are unusual and new, and the Combaticon is feeling the pressure. Speaking of which, he catches the "knowing look" from Soundwave as the bigger mech runs by and he shifts uncomfortably... but has little time to dwell on anything as the battle begins. He watches some of the scene unfold- and yep, there they go, targeting the medic as usual. And there goes Blurr, avoiding shots of course ..... slag it all, what's he up to? Blast Off knows the courier is trouble, and he knows most of the other Cons will have trouble hitting him. But if he goes after the Autobot, is he just obsessing? Or is he making a wise command choice, given his sharpshooting abilities to hit the speedster? In the end, he can't resist. Well, he did try to go after someone else.... but right now he's honestly concerned he IS the only one who will be able to stop the 'Bot. And he can't allow Blurr to go back inside the outpost and wreak more havoc. The Combaticon finally flies up to a ledge of the outpost and aims at Blurr, firing without any further warning. Besides, right now... he's not even sure what to say. He does radio the other Cons. "Blurr is trying to sneak in- keep an optic for others attempting to infiltrate the outpost. Otherwise, continue on." Who flies in storms for fun? The Lightning II, that's who. Who dances with the lightning? Er, right. In any case, Silverbolt gets Contrail's attention. She does not directly engage him yet, instead studying him quietly. Weakness: has Air Raid on his team. Dustoff grins as Halo goes down following his shot. It's a short-lived smugness, though, and when she gets up he's off running for cover. Not that it does him any good. The bolt rips through him, sending pieces of shrapnel flying in all directions as his armor cracks and shatters under the effects of the cryo-blast. He spins from the impact, hitting the ground with a soft grunt and hiss of exhaled excess pressure... "Slag me... Hit like a truck. Hah... I think I like this one." He rolls back for cover, begrudgingly pulling out his support pack and setting up a hasty work-station, pulling out the various supplies needed to patch up the exposed twisted wreck of metal that is his side. <> He slaps some quick-seal paste on the exposed lines and presses the liquid-weld patch-plate over the hole, waiting as it forms the seal. "Nnng...better." Combat: Contrail analyzes Silverbolt for weaknesses. Combat: Dustoff sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Dustoff quickly patches up some of his minor injuries. Combat: Blast Off sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Soundwave strikes Sandstorm with his Tape Commander Smackdown attack! Combat: Blast Off strikes Blurr with his I will stop you THIS time attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: Blast Off (Blast Off) used "Ionic Blaster": A Level 3 RANGED attack. Black Dassault Rafale gets zapped by Air Raid's laser shot << You little punk. I vill teach you who really rules the skies. >> The Rafale pulls hard and tries to get another bead on the F-15. << You are an antique model. No match for my superior design. I vill cut you down one plate at a time and carve my initial on your back...AGAIN! >> After some maneuvering Vendetta gets a locking tone. << Dans le derriere! Fox two! >> The seeker fires an R550 at the Aerialbot. Frenzy is ready to jump into battle at a moments notice! This is one of those times as he shifts and changes in mid-air, arms pointed outward in a full-on superman pose as he attempts to cling onto to Sandstorm in an effort to help Soundwave. "Heeeeeeeeeere's Frenzy! Yaha!" Combat: Black Dassault Rafale 's R550 Magic Missile attack on F-15E Strike Eagle goes wild! Combat: Black Dassault Rafale strikes Soundwave with his R550 Magic Missile attack! Combat: Frenzy misses Sandstorm with his Grab attack! Halo can't help but smile out of a smug sense of accomplishment when Dustoff goes running. "Well. Exactly! And tell your friends," she announces to no one in particular. She pats her rifle. "You still look like complete garbage, but good work." She looks around, and suddenly remembers she's standing around the middle of a volatile combat zone. The wall next to her explodes, and she transforms, revving her engines and gunning it to follow the Autobot advance! Halo transforms into a stunning ALFA ROMERO PANDION! Combat: Alfa Romero Pandion takes extra time to steady herself. [Pass] The Aerialbot Commander doesn't seem upset by the fact he missed, he's doing his job... keeping the sky-borne Decepticons attentions on him. Still he's surprised that there isn't a retaliation strike. Continuing his pursuit of Contrail, he transmits to his fellow Aerialbots, "Good job, Aerialbots. Keep it up." And then he sees the missile launch from Vendetta hitting Blaster. He stifles a small laugh as he's in combat and needs to be serious. "Whatever you are doing to Vendetta, keep it up." Quickly, Silverbolt turns his attention back to Contrail. Knowing he's a bigger and less maneuvable than Contrail, Silverbolt slows down a bit in an attempt to get a better angle to shoot. Finally, getting an angle he wants Silverbolt unleashes another electric blast towards Contrail. Combat: Concorde SST misses F-35B Lightning II with his Electrostatic Battery attack! [Pulled -6] F-15E Strike Eagle isn't smart enough to know what a R550 but he's smarter than the missile it looks like. When it veers off and hits Soundwave, he busts up laughing. "BAHAHAHA! Nice one buddy! Try using your HUD next time! SUCKS TO BE YOUUUU SOUNDWAVE!" With this, he peels off and drops into formation with Silverbolt, attempting to get Contrail within range. "It's payback for that fraggin' slime, Contrail! Cheatin' glitch! Let's make Primus watch as I smash your face through a tree!" Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes F-35B Lightning II with his Buzz the Tower Area attack! Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Black Dassault Rafale with his Buzz the Tower Area attack! Heh, Soundwave gets punched by Blurr's potshot while being assaulted by Sandstorm at the same time. Looks like the big blue comms officer will be occupied for a while. The courier rams into one Con gumby, slamming him into a wall, then just as quickly twists away from another gumby's punch on the way into the base. With that business dealt with, he continues to search for a data terminal he can jack into or drives to pull. And then Blast Off's shot nails him in the back. He stumbles forward and into a wall, then turns around. He smirks. "So, we meet again...-Blast Off-." he chuckles. "I figured you'd be here...gotta make up for blowing up that reactor, right?" The courier transform as he speaks. It looks for a moment as if he is going to take off, but instead, he charges, using his incredible speed against the Combaticon. In a flurry of moving parts, Blurr folds down into a pale blue-colored supersonic hovercar. Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar strikes Blast Off with his Sonic Boom attack! [Pulled -2] Sandstorm takes a step back as Frenzy lunges at him and grabs the little tape in one hand, holding him out at arms length to keep his flailing at bay. "Tch, always sending your little runts to do your dirty wor--" And Soundwave cuts him off with a fist to the face that makes him stumble back several more steps. "Oh yeah, NOW it's on!" He twists a bit to hold Frenzy off to the side, and turn his other side towards Soundwave as he draws his rifle and opens fire. "And just like my namesake, I get in all those annoying little places you don't like." Combat: Sandstorm sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Sandstorm strikes Soundwave with his Sandblaster Gun attack! Somehow, Tailgate ended up here.. everyone had been leaving the base and he thought they were planning a sledding trip because they'd been so excited. He had followed them here and well, it looks like they're having a raiding party at Cuprahex. He's spent the last five minutes trying to decide if he wants to stay or leave, but then he notices Frenzy is attacking Sandstorm and that's not cool. "Hey! That's not nice!" He calls out, taking out his blaster. Good thing he decided his toasters wouldn't like sledding. Combat: 1986 Pontiac Trans-Am strikes Frenzy with his Be Nice! (Laser) attack! Tailgate protoforms! As Soundwave is fine tuning his echolocation, it has a most unexpected effect, to the tune of accidentally replicating a IFF flag for Vendetta's missile. He barely has enough time to recognize the issue, managing to utter "OH." Before the missile catches him in the chest, sending him sprawling. Sandstorm blasts him with his Sandblaster. Always Blaster...Always messing things up! He raises his arm to protect himself and is only partially successful, the sand getting stuck in his gun of all things. He regards Sandstorm, <> With that, Soundwave tries a different tactic, one he's much more familiar with. Subterfuge and cunning. He uses the distraction of the missile, Frenzy et all to change modes back into his tape recorder, and there, he attempts to reallocate Sandstorm's optics, shifting the scene before him... Soundwave shrinks, his legs folding up into the discreet form of a tape player. Combat: Cassette Player strikes Sandstorm with his Datalink Corruption attack! Ramjet expands and twists and folds as his Seeker form becomes his plane mode all under a second. The Transforming Sound plays in the background. Dustoff takes a breather while the patch sets...and when the call comes over the radio for support, the medic is off like a bullet. Ducking through the various fire coming this way and that, Dusty makes his way over to Soundwave and unslings his field kit. Letting the guy fight (as Soundwave tends to do) he slaps on the sealant-paste, in the more grievous of armor breaches before sealing it off with the patch-plate. "Here you go, Boss." And...wait, the big guy's a boombox now? Well, slag... he's tempted to throw the guy up on a tailgate somewhere and hit the old fishin' hole... Just not right now. With that work done, it's time to skitter off and let the big boys resume their slug-fest, his own optics scanning the field for someone...hmm. "Now then, where are ya, good lookin'?" Combat: Dustoff quickly patches up some of Cassette Player's minor injuries. F-35B Lightning II has her proverbial tower buzzed by Air Raid. Ow. She replies, "Air Raid, little failed aspiring King of Seekers... I didn't need the Kwarch slime to bring you to your knees. I just needed it to make the fight less *boring*. Soon enough, you're going to learn to bow down and worship the whiplash queen!" She studies Air Raid. Weakness: has Silverbolt on his team. Combat: Contrail analyzes Air Raid for weaknesses. Black Dassault Rafale watches with horror as his R550 veers off and impacts on his superior. << Desole! Swindle m'a vendu de la scrap! >> This distraction allowed the Aerialbot to surprise him. Warning tones buzz in the cockpit and eventually the Rafale recovers. A quick glimpse at the radar shows the F-15 moving on a different vector and the Concorde is preparing for an attack run on him? << Are you serious papi? You cannot hope to outmaneuver me. >> The rafale lets the Concorde get in his 6. Pulls up into a half loop and transforms! A flick of wrist brings a small blade out as the seeker drops like a rock on top of Silverbolt hoping for a quick stab in the back. With classic tone combination the black Dassault Rafale unfolds into the Decepticon seeker known as Vendetta. Combat: Vendetta misses Concorde SST with his Main-Gauche dagger (Punch) attack! Blast Off succeeds in hitting Blurr, lending credence to the idea it is *only wise* (not obsessive or predictable) to be using his natural sniping talents to stop this speedster. But when Blurr turns around and continues to blame HIM for blowing the place up, he finds he's still a bit unnerved. He doesn't show it, however. "You're still going to blame me, are you? ...And you call ME the *DECEPT*icon...." As Blurr appears to take off, Blast Off hesitates, and it costs him when the hovercar suddenly turns around and comes at him in a streak of blue. Still somewhat unnerved, the Combaticon isn't able to get out of the way in time and goes flying with a crunch. The Sonic Boom attack crushes the Combaticon's already weak armor. He staggers up from the ground where he got thrown, then raises his blaster at the 'Bot. "However... yes, I am here. And look, Blurr- THIS time you have no reactor to hide behind...or in front of. And look at THIS!" He gestures to his gun. "You must have really been keen to avoid seeing this.... let me remind you, again, why you are wise to wish to avoid this..." With that, he fires again. Combat: Blast Off strikes Cybertronian Hovercar with his Sticking to my strengths this time attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: Blast Off (Blast Off) used "Ionic Blaster": A Level 3 RANGED attack. Frenzy squirms as he's grabbed out of mid-air! "Hey! Hands off da merchandise creep!" A few leg swings and another yelp as another Autobum decides to take a pot shot at him, winging him in an arm, leaving a nice singe mark. "Hey! That's new paint jerk!" Frenzy turns to Sandstorm now, grinning as he reaches around his back for one of his laser pistols. "Nice, now I got point-blank range!" Combat: Frenzy sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Frenzy strikes Sandstorm with his Laser attack! Roaring into the area are legions of Seekers, filling the sky and blotting out the horizons....unfortunately it has been Vorns since that has be the case. Now, only Ramjet comes swooping in aid of his Decepticon comrades, "Seekers attack!" emits the Seeker. Ramjet quickly scans the skies looking for a suitable target, "Aerialbots?! In my Castle! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Seeker doesn't even bother to warm up his cannons as he zeros in on the nearest Aerialbot, Air Raid. "Still flying third position I see!" taunts the Seeker as he begins to close in on Air Raid, "Let's see if I can't knock you down another rung..." Engines continue to roar as the Seeker moves to t-bone the other flier, navigating through the other Aerial Bots. Combat: F-15 strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with his Knocking on Heaven's Door! attack! [Pulled -4] Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired F-15E Strike Eagle 's Agility. (Crippled) Blast Off's armor goes CRUNCH under the impact of the sonic boom, much to Blurr's satisfaction. And then he even goes flying into a wall. How nice. The courire smirks inwardly, then transforms and starts taking off toward a data terminal he's identified down toward the end of the corridor. But Blast Off won't let up! Another blast, and again it strikes him in the back, though this time it's higher up, near his left shoulder. Flying off balance, he tumbles to the floor. But he doesn't stay there for long, rolling back to his feet to aim another shot at the Combaticon. "If you think you can salvage your precious ego, Blast Off, you might as well give it up! Cuprahex's secrets WILL be ours!" Combat: Booster Pack Running Start is activated! It will use up a charge the next chance it gets! The hovercar quickly unfolds upward and outward to reveal the fastest terrestrial Cybertronian in the galaxy, Blurr! Combat: Blurr misses Blast Off with his Quickdraw attack! F-15E Strike Eagle scowls, "You want an entertaining fight, do ya'?" For just an /instant/, he finds himself smitten by Contrail's domineering demeanor! And he's brought back to sad, sad reality when the blunt nosecone of another F-15 smacks him hard on his underside. Energon gushes through his vents as he tumbles through the sky, flung upwards over a decent distance. "HRRRK!" It takes Raid some hardcore maneuvering to keep from crashing back into the forest below. In his graceless recovery, he slings his cluster bombs! "YOU'RE DEAD RAMJET, DEAD!" Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle misses F-35B Lightning II with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes F-15 with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! Hearing that familar transforming sound above him, Silverbolt immediate transforms into his robotic mode and swings his body over... barely avoiding the cheap-shot knife attack from Vendetta. Silverbolt lands loudly and looks over the situation. Another damn seeker had joined the battle, but the ground game seems to be going well. Hearing the noise on the radio, he shouts out orders, "Air Raid, be mindful... I don't want you out of commission for weeks on end for un-needed battle damage." Silverbolt then pulls his electrostatic discharger rifle and takes aim at Ramjet. "You'll pay for attacking my brother." Holding his stance perfectly as he takes aim, Silverbolt pulls the trigger as Ramjet enters his sights. The Concorde folds and unfolds into Silverbolt's robot form. Combat: Silverbolt sets his defense level to Fearless. The little guy won't leave Sandstorm alone! Tailgate oh-noes quietly to himself in dismay. "Hey, swing him upsidedown Sandstorm, that'll get him off of you!" Combat: Silverbolt misses F-15 with his Electrostatic Discharger Rifle attack! Combat: Tailgate analyzes Frenzy for weaknesses Sandstorm can exploit. Alfa Romero Pandion transforms behind the tower Raid is supposed to be meeting her behind and waits. And waits. And scowls. "He did *not* just stand me up. Halo twists from sleek car to flawless HEROIC AUTOBOT! Halo sets defense levels to FURIOUS. Sandstorm gets shot a few times by the little punk, but it's the digital attack from Soundwave that gets him to drop Frenzy as his senses all go weebly wobbly, and he needs that hand to put against the side of his head. "Oowah, trippy." This must be what Groove feels like most of the time. He shifts his gun arm from Soundwave to Frenzy and back, but isn't sure he can trust his aim. Fortunately a different set of orders is his salvation of sorts. With a snort he kicks off the ground and transforms. But as he takes to the sky he swings about haphazardly from the effects of Soundwave's hax, and what would of been a sweeping gunfire first at the Cons on the ground and then nosing up towards the jets in the sky arcs about erratically, possibly doing more collateral damage to the base itself than actually hit anyone he's trying too. Sandstorm transforms into his Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter mode. Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter 's The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray attack on Cassette Player goes wild! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter strikes Blurr with his The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter (Sandstorm) used "Full-Auto": A Level 2 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter 's attack has damaged your Strength! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter 's The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray attack on Frenzy goes wild! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter misses F-15E Strike Eagle with his The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter 's The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray attack on F-15 goes wild! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter misses Blurr with his The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter (Sandstorm) used "Full-Auto": A Level 2 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter 's The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray attack on F-35B Lightning II goes wild! Combat: Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter strikes himself with his The second option for the Wrecker motto was Spray and Pray (Full-Auto) Area attack! Well, since he's not drawing fire, might as well lay it down! Dusty transforms and oversized tires immediately begin to churn ground while he fast-crawls over terrain to find a vantage point to his liking. The tell-tale sound of a high-rpm gun ramping up can be heard while he starts laying out ridiculous volumes of ammunition at just about anything that looks red. Or not friendly (to him). But all the while, there's that one target that evades him... "Where ARE you?! C'mon out, girl! Promise, it'll be a good time by all!" His tires chirp as Sandstorm lays out a similar course of fire, mindful of the impacts nearby... "HEY! I just had these tires repaired, buddy!" He goes back to his hunt for Halo. <> In a ridiculously complicated series of twists, turns, and noises, Dustoff transforms into a STORM SRT-V. Combat: Storm SRT-V sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Storm SRT-V strikes Tailgate with his Look I'm doing better than Sandstorm! Area attack! Combat: Storm SRT-V strikes Silverbolt with his Look I'm doing better than Sandstorm! Area attack! Combat: Storm SRT-V strikes Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter with his Look I'm doing better than Sandstorm! Area attack! Combat: Storm SRT-V misses F-15E Strike Eagle with his Look I'm doing better than Sandstorm! Area attack! Combat: Storm SRT-V strikes Blurr with his Look I'm doing better than Sandstorm! Area attack! Combat: Storm SRT-V (Dustoff) used "X-18 Scrapmaker": A Level 4 AREA-RANGED attack. You send a radio message to Halo: Ugh, I could use some repairs. Blast Off hits Blurr again and sends him reeling. Ha, at least something is the way it should be. Blast Off doesn't like change. This, at least, is familiar territory, and it, along with Contrail's earlier speech makes the Combaticon feel more like his usual confident self. And then Blurr misses him, too! How delightful! Blast Off takes some steps closer, though he still keeps his distance, of course. As long as Blurr is forced to concentrate on HIM, the racer can't go off and commit sabotage. "I think not, Blurr. And it is not "MY" ego I would be worried about if I were you.... No, you've got a lot on line here, too, don't you? Leading the charge, were you? Sadly for you, we shall be foiling your plans..." Then Sandstorm launches a wild attack which seems to accidentally strike Blurr, but the Combaticon is able to leap behind a wall in time. Dustoff also appears to hit Blurr. After a lull in the shooting, Blast Off leans back from around the wall, looking smug. "HA! Your own forces are helping us, in fact! Just go back to your base while you still can." With that, he takes another shot. Frenzy laughs as Sandstorms circuits are scrambled. "Hahah! How was that for a close up?" He lands on the ground with a thud and dusts himself off in time to acknowledge silent orders from Soundwave. "Alright you punks! It's time to bring da noise and drop da' BASS! Hope you all brought your audio receptor blockers!!" Frenzy leans back, setting loose the horrible, immensly loud DRUM SCREECH attack. Cassette Player quickly transforms back into his root form, then raises his weapon. Sandstorm's spray of fire did about as well as expected, having your HUD messed with will do that to you! As the helicopter that is Sandstorm takes flight and bursts the area, it was clear to the Tape Commander that payback was coming. "FRENZY, DRUM SCREECH." He gestures to the landbound Bots. He had overheard the report of Air Raid and Blurr needing repairs...and since Halo volunteered, there was a chance for him to intercept this maneuver. Tacticals at work, Soundwave opens his hand towards Halo, sending a variety of nasty sonic pulses her way. Disorientation, balance issues, even outright system overloading were all possible, and all at his command. Where once was a simple tape player, is the Decepticon Comms Officer, Soundwave! Combat: Frenzy strikes Halo with his Drum Screech Area attack! Combat: Frenzy strikes Tailgate with his Drum Screech Area attack! Combat: Frenzy strikes Blurr with his Drum Screech Area attack! Combat: Frenzy (Frenzy) used "Drum Screech": A Level 4 AREA-RANGED attack. Cackling as he crunches into Air Raid, Ramjet lazily loops in the air coming around for another strike when he is met with a nose cone full of cluster bombs. The flames and shrapnel tear up his nosecone and shatter his canopy, "HA! I ain't no 'Master...no organic to kill in there..." Quickly he snaps over the blast from Silverbolt, "Woah, there...Silverdolt. Don't worry, we'll get around to you...but let me take care of Air Head here, first." He then pivots and rolls through the Wrecker's firing into the sky, "Bah, Wreckers...more like, background characters. AM I RIGHT?" Ramjet then snaps up as he begins to lock on to Air Raid, "Die??? I'm too pretty to die." He lets loose laser blasts, "How 'bout I make you into the seat of my new throne?" He then continues to fire laser blasts at Air Raid! Combat: F-15 misses F-15E Strike Eagle with his Carving my seat! (Laser) attack! Combat: Soundwave strikes Halo with his Concussion Blaster attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: Soundwave's attack has strange and mysterious effects on Halo. Vendetta lands not far from Silverbolt stares down the aerialbot commander. The seeker is playing with his knife. "Alors...you vant to settle this on the ground? I zon't blame you. I vould not want to face me either in the air." He points the tip of the blade at Silverbolt...It's a ruse! a quick flick of the wrist fires the arm-mounted laser at the Autobot. Combat: Vendetta strikes Silverbolt with his Seeker Arm Lasers attack! Combat: Blast Off strikes Blurr with his GO HOME (Full-Auto) attack! Combat: Blast Off (Blast Off) used "Full-Auto": A Level 2 AREA-RANGED attack. F-35B Lightning II is only tangetially aware that Sandstorm has totally messed up everything, ever. She is vaguely aware that she needs to cheer Blast Off on. Contrail is, however, hyper-aware of the Cluster Bomb explodign near her. She cranks on the thrust and goes up like a Roman candle. The next Autobot that she studies is - Sandstorm! Weakness: Too many fangirls. Combat: Contrail analyzes Sandstorm for weaknesses. Halo puts her hands on her hips, clearly frustrated. <> Halo whips around and manages to fire off a shoulder rocket at Soundwave before he and Frenzy send her crashing to the ground. "Reinforcement boosters failing...armor unlocking...I am *not* going to go down against a repaint and a boring collection of blue squares..." Halo starts dragging herself away from the two as best she can until her ystems reset, or reinforcements arrive. Combat: Halo sets her defense level to Fearless. Combat: Halo strikes Soundwave with her Gyro Disruption Shoulder Rocket attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Soundwave's Agility. (Crippled) "It’s not that I didn't want to fight you in the air, it’s just that I wanted you on the ground where are forces have more people." Silverbolt pauses for a moment as he looks at Vendetta. "Mission accomplish." With that said, Silverbolt transforms and takes back off into the air. Once again, the leader of the Aerialbots hits the sky and begins looking for another target. While maneuvering through some of the blasts coming from the various fights, the Concorde does take a few hits. Blasts and lead hit the white body, causing some dents and even a few bullet holes. Silverbolt attempts to climb to the top of the battle and get a handle on the battle. "Air Raid, be careful... they are reinforcing." (passing) Combat: Silverbolt takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] F-15E Strike Eagle either doesn't notice Ramjet's cackling or can't quite respond, seeing as he's been punched in his proverbial jet gut. He coasts aimlessly, and somehow manages to avoid getting whooped by Sandstorm along with Dustoff. Looks like the medic's getting targetted, so he heads on down into the fray. <> he mutters to Silverbolt, landing just in time to see Halo ROCKET Soundwave. "Da'yamn!" Transforming, he tries to get between her and the evil tapedeck, pulling his bow from subspace. "BACK OFF PAL!" Air Raid folds and compacts into his robot mode. Combat: Air Raid strikes Soundwave with his Voltramite Warbow attack! Silverbolt jumps into the air, transforming into a Concorde SST plane. Suddenly, chaos erupts and heavy fire is raining down on Tailgate from all around. First Sandstorm's attacks go wild...which he manages to evade, but then Dustoff opens fire on the Autobots on the ground and he gets hit in the back. "Oow!" he cries, his tiny chassis bowling over. Then his audio receptors are unpleasantly assaulted by Frenzy's drum screech, leaving him dazed. But he realizes that something should be done about the casseticon, so with some effort he launches himself at Frenzy, in an attempt to tackle him! Combat: Tailgate sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Tailgate strikes Frenzy with his GLOMP! attack! Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter wibbles and wobbles a few more times before finally getting himself back under proper situation as his circuits clear. And realizes he's got a few more wounds to deal with as well. Oh well. That Scrapmaker is a nasty piece of work... wait, he knows who has that weapon. It's that wanna be medic. And he shot his little buddy Tailgate, too. Okay, now this is personal. At first it looks like the copter is suffering from the effects of Soundwave's scrambling still as Sandstorm dips down into a nosedive that helicopters probably shouldn't be performing. That midair transforms (no telling Blitzwing I stole from his shtick) to hit the ground on all four wheels already spinning and hurtle towards Dustoff with his usual wrecker reckless abandon. Two can play at the attack the medic game! Sikorsky S-62A Helicopter transforms into his Desert Patrol Vehicle mode. Combat: Desert Patrol Vehicle strikes Storm SRT-V with his Knocking Off the Knockoff attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Storm SRT-V 's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Desert Patrol Vehicle 's risky attack leaves him temporarily incapacitated! Blurr is getting hammered from all sides, by, like everything. First Sandstorm, then Dustoff, and then Frenzy. In fact, there's so much chaos that he isn't paying much attention to Blast Off's taunting any more. He twists and jumps, attempting to dodge as much as he can, but his armor is sparking and smoking as he searches for one of the containment field's powerless projectors. Finding one, he whips out a scanner and turns it on. Hmph, an empty shell, maybe...but even empty shells can be scanned. Once it's finished, he replaces the scanner with his weapon and holds it up against the device, blasting it to bits. If they can't take the base, then they'll sure as the afterspark make sure it's as unsalvageable as Unicron's mangled shell of a head. With that taken care of, he proceeds to dash across the battlefield, shooting at everyone and everything at once. Combat: Blurr sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Blurr strikes Storm SRT-V with his Quickdraw Area attack! Combat: Blurr uses up a charge on his Running Start booster pack! Combat: Automatically deactivating booster pack Running Start Combat: Blurr strikes Frenzy with his Quickdraw Area attack! Combat: Blurr misses Blast Off with his Quickdraw Area attack! Combat: Blurr strikes F-15 with his Quickdraw Area attack! Combat: Blurr misses Vendetta with his Quickdraw Area attack! Soundwave just stands there, looking at what he had done, then explodes in Halo's rocketfire. Even as he takes the hefty hit, his sillhouette remains in the smoke and fire. Electricity courses down his joints, making him less able to dodge...which never was his strong suit anyway. Air Raid, on the other hand, Soundwave attempts to avoid, but his legs seize up, letting that energy arrow catch him solid as well. His arms crackle and short out as well. The Tape Commander has seen better days. Air Raid stands defiant before him, the smaller Bot ensuring that Soundwave has to go through him to get to Halo. Both of them battered, and relentless. The pepperbox on Soundwave's shoulder lights up, a high powered rocket launches out that short distance, engulfing the area in flames, as it wordlessly echoes the sentiments 'So be it.' Combat: Soundwave strikes Air Raid with his Shoulder Mini-Rocket Launcher attack! Vendetta watches as Silverbolt takes of and flees back into the skies. The seeker takes some time to steady himself and looks for a new target of opportunity. (PAss) Combat: Vendetta takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Storm SRT-V laughs as his guns wind down, ammunition expended. The empty ammo boxes are ejected and a new set ram into place, accompanied by the ever-lovely *caCHNK* of the bolts sliding open and feed-pawls pulling in new rounds. Calls are coming in on the radio, though, so it's time to get back to real work. <> He cuts the wheel hard and starts rocketing towards Soundwave. Suddenly, he's got a not-quite-as-awesome buggy on his rear bumper, and Sandstorm manages to barrel into him with enough force to send one tire flying off its hub and forcing the medic to transform just to retain some sense of mobility. Even then, Blurr's blast follows through where Sandstorm left off, sending him rolling, bits of metal and energon flying every which way. By the time he's done getting rocked and rolled, Dusty's at Soudnwave's feet, and he grunts, dropping the reserve tanks he carries with him and jamming the refueling spike in Soundwave's primary energon line just over his ankle. In a ridiculously complicated series of twists, turns, and noises, Dustoff's SRT-V form is shed to reveal a ruggedly handsome mech. Combat: Dustoff deploys his reserve energon tank. Frenzy is usully the one who lashes blindly with laser fire at everyone. This time he's on the receiving end as Blurr lets loose with a blind barrage of his own, the laser fire singing his other arm as Frenzy staggers back in time to get tackled harder than a buffet at a Teamster convention. Tailgate and Frenzy go tumbling in a heap of arms and legs and blasters before he tries to toss him off. F-35B Lightning II is more than pleased with her studies, thus far. They are enlightening. There is so much to see! Like that tiny little blue and white Autobot. Oh, his luck seems to be /so/ bad. But Contrail will shortly be making it worse... Weakness: Thinks toasters are real people. Combat: Contrail analyzes Tailgate for weaknesses. Combat: Frenzy strikes Tailgate with his Smash attack! Combat: Dustoff refuels Soundwave's energon reserves. Quickly weaving through the sky, "Oh? You want me on the ground?" Ramjet pulls a loop and then dive-bombs the ground and quickly reverts to his Robot Mode as Blurr hits him in the chest. "Hnnnn..." He looks at Blurr and waggles a finger, "No." He then looks over his shoulder at Halo and winks, "What's a looker like you doin' with these Dweebs?" Ramjet motions towards the chaos of the battle, quickly breaking into a run, Ramjet slides under Soundwave's missile attack as it hits Air Raid, "Ouch, messin' with Monotone Boy is a big No-No." He smiles at Soundwave, "No offense, Soundwave!" He then looks at Air Raid and then Silverbolt, spreading his arms so he can point at the two of them, "Two Autobots...Two arm rifles....What to do....What to do..." He then fires his arm rifles at the Aerialbots, "Oh yeah, that!" Ramjet twists and folds from a F-15 to his Seeker form in under a second, while making the classic transforming sound. Combat: Ramjet strikes Air Raid with his I Got One For Each of You! (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Ramjet misses Concorde SST with his I Got One For Each of You! (Full-Auto) Area attack! Blast Off fires at Blurr, who had appeared to be down for the count... but no, the Autobot is up and off again across the battlefield. Blast Off follows, avoiding a barrage of missiles coming from the courier to targets all over the scene, and transfroms to a shuttle. As he flies, he takes note of the battles being waged. Hmmm, the Aerialbots are still here, and there's a triplechanger that still needs to be dealt with... the Combaticon launches a quick attack at Sandstorm. With a disdainful shrug, Blast Off transforms into a space shuttle. Combat: Space Shuttle sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Desert Patrol Vehicle with his Storm subsided attack! [Pulled -5] Despite being a large supersonic transport, Silverbolt has a lot of maneuvability and managed to spin through Ramjet's blasts, none of the blasts hitting. Silverbolt continues his climb and then the Concorde's engine power drop. Falling into a stall, Silverbolt brings his engines back online as he drives his nose towards Ramjet. "Air Raid, get some repairs NOW! That's an order." Silverbolt has seen his brother take enough damage. The electrostatic stripping aura underneath the Concorde flares up brightly; obviously, Silverbolt plans on unleashing a huge amount of power in his next attack. Air Raid takes a tentative step backwards when Soundwave looooms at him. Suddenly, the whole immediate area is on FIRE! And so is he! "GAHHH!" Staggering backwards, he ends up in Ramjet's line of fire. WELP. At least Silverbolt managed to dodge. And promptly yells at him to get repairs. He looks around for Halo - hopefully she's still standing. "Medic!" Combat: Air Raid takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Concorde SST strikes Ramjet with his Electrostatic Battery attack! Blurr finally stops moving, exhausted. This fight has really taken a toll on him. Still, he managed to knock Dustoff off course. <> he says into the comms, retreating behind a large piece of fallen debris. In a flurry of moving parts, Blurr folds down into a pale blue-colored supersonic hovercar. Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Halo dusts herself off, scowling. "Well, my knight in shining armor." She glares over at Air Raid. "You're late, Aerialbot. Now get over here." She subspaces her kit in, and goes to work, trying to make his wings look like wings again. "It looks like someone did a number on your wheels= they've shrunk from the size I would think normal wheels would be... No time to fix it, though." She gives him a nod. "Good to go. Blurr's up." Combat: Halo quickly patches up some of Air Raid's minor injuries. Halo glares over at Ramjet. "Someone make his mouth stop, please." Tailgate roughts and tumbles with Frenzy, his mind still a little bit hazy. All he knows is that his... well, everywhere hurts and that Frenzy is bashing him in the helm, trying to disengage him from himself. And that he still needs to help his friends. And that helping them involves hurting the Casseticon he's sitting on. Combat: Tailgate strikes Frenzy with his A Kick in the Tailgate (Kick) attack! Desert Patrol Vehicle smashes hard enough into Dustoff to bounce himself up onto his side, actually going on two wheels for a bit. Until one of said wheels gives out from all the damage he's been taking and he drops hard to the ground, sparks flying as he skids on his side instead until finally coming to a stop. That last part wasn't intentional. He'll just have to get up and shrug it off. Or not, as the Combaticon shuttle slams another blast into him that sends the Wrecker flipping through the air not under his own power this time and landing in a smoking heap, one rear wheel still spinning slowly. And then the pile of buggy slowly pulls itself up into a still vagely humanoid looking robot form. That's still smoking and sparking badly. And because its Sandstorm, still smirking too, despite being in bad shape. Okay, quick check on the site rep. He's in slag poor shape. Nothing knew there. Knockoff went to try and assist Soundwave. Fortunately Tailgate has tumbled out of the immeadate area with Frenzy. Other Decepticon over there, no idea who that is. Ramjet's trying to move on in the Aerialbots. If he times this just right... "Welp, maybe this is it. But if it's finally the time, I've got just one thing to say." With a dark chuckle he withdraws a cluster of tubes wired together and filled with some hot red and nasty looking. He tosses the cluster across the ground, aiming so the resulting blast wave will do most of its damage to Cuprahex's structure, but maybe catch some of those Cons by surprise as well. "Hell's comin' with me." Desert Patrol Vehicle transforms into his Sandstorm mode. Combat: Sandstorm has created a bomb: "Firebombs"! Combat: Sandstorm strikes Soundwave with Firebombs's Gone To Hell In A Handbag Area attack! Combat: Sandstorm's Firebombs is destroyed! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Soundwave's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sandstorm strikes Dustoff with Firebombs's Gone To Hell In A Handbag Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Dustoff's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Dustoff falls to the ground, unconscious. Combat: Sandstorm strikes Vendetta with Firebombs's Gone To Hell In A Handbag Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Vendetta's Agility. (Crippled) Combat: Sandstorm strikes Ramjet with Firebombs's Gone To Hell In A Handbag Area attack! Combat: That attack has temporarily impaired Ramjet's Agility. (Crippled) Dustoff managed to get the energon spike in Soundwave... there's a win. He groans, though, and pushes himself to his feet. <> He pauses mid-sentence as the motion of Sandstorm's bomb-tossing catches the peripherals of his optics. <> Dusty does what he can, turning to shield himself somewhat from the blast. But, proximity to both the bomb and his own energon refueling tanks does a number on him. The blastwave hits, and the medic's sent careening into nearby slagged structure before collapsing in a heap of half-molten, half-slagged armor and scrap. Ow. Halo has disconnected. Looking around the battle, Ramjet pauses to admire his handy work when he speaks into his wrist comm, a large smile on his face. "Lighten up! What is the worse thing...*ZZZZRTTTTT*" Ramjet gets burned up with Silverbolt's blast, "IT BURNS!!!!" Then right after that Sandstorm drops a fire blast all over him, crumpling Ramjet to the ground. His arms wrapped around his chest as he rolls on the ground... Rolling...rolling...rolling...Rawhide! Ramjet stops by Air Raid and Halo as the electricity and fire leaves his systems revealing damaged armor and a internal systems, he smiles at Halo, "You can stop my mouth...Hold that thought!" Ramjet seems to interrupt his own train of thought as he launches up to his feet, so that he faces Air Raid, "Pucker up!" He then swings his head at Air Raid, intent on head butting the flier. Combat: Ramjet misses Air Raid with his Headbutt Kiss! (Punch) attack! Frenzy and Tailgate trade more blows, a kick kick here and a slam slam here. Frenzy's getting tired of only having one target at the moment when there's a whole bunch of bots who could be gettin' a piledrivin' right now. "Alright you Autobum, get off me already! I don't gots no feelin's for ya capeche? IT's time to let go!" At this point, Frenzy attempts to disengage as he tries to flip Tailgate off of himself. Combat: Frenzy strikes Tailgate with his punch attack! Soundwave cringes from the ruthless explosion. He staggers up, actually trembling. The entire situation was pear shaped now. Cuprahex would survive most likely, but who else would. His hands grip into fists. The Con reinforcements were going to be inbound soon, Ravage's work was most likely already done. All he had to do was persevere just a little longer. The Tape Commander, obviously still shaken, stands, smouldering. "FRENZY, DESTROY!" Pretty rare to call in the big guns, but Soundwave is desperate. He picks up a large armor plate from Cuprahex, it USED to be part of a bunker, one that he had helped build thankyouverymuch, but now it is big smacking weapon. He hefts the thing with his great strength, rushes forwards towards Air Raid, hauling it in his wake, the plate dragging behind him, sparks flying as he pivots. The great plate swings at Air Raid, and then almost as a casual afterthought, he throws the rest of the cumbersome thing at Blurr! "YOU SHALL NOT HAVE CUPRAHEX, YOU SHALL NOT WIN HERE IN THE HEART OF THE EMPIRE!" Combat: Soundwave sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar expertly evades Soundwave's attack! Combat: Soundwave misses Cybertronian Hovercar with his DIAGNOSIS: SEVERE BLUNT TRAUMA (Ruckus) Area attack! Combat: Soundwave (Soundwave) used "Ruckus": A Level 2 AREA-MELEE attack. Combat: Soundwave strikes Air Raid with his DIAGNOSIS: SEVERE BLUNT TRAUMA (Ruckus) Area attack! F-35B Lightning II sees the explosions going off down below. After carefully studying the Autobots, Contrail decides that now is the time to interceed. She takes after Air Raid, first, transforming just before she's on top of him, but as soon as her whip is out and at him, she's gone after Blurr. The speed of sound - that's how fast the tip of her whip travels, and its reach is far, far longer than her own. When the whirling dervish finally comes to a stop, she's behind Sandstorm, and she growls, "Hell's coming with you." In a transformation that is harder than it looks, Contrail rises up into robot mode. Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Fearless. Combat: Contrail strikes Air Raid with her Whiplash Whirlwind Area attack! Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar expertly evades Contrail's attack! Combat: Contrail misses Cybertronian Hovercar with her Whiplash Whirlwind Area attack! Combat: Contrail (Contrail) used "Whiplash Whirlwind": A Level 5 AREA-MELEE attack. Combat: Contrail strikes Sandstorm with her Whiplash Whirlwind Area attack! Space Shuttle flies over Sandstorm and hits him, but the big 'Bot then launches an all-out attack that takes out Dustoff! Slag it, there's goes the medic... again. And yes, he still owes him an enerbeer. With a sigh, the Combaticon continues on. Coming up towards Silverbolt, the shuttle fires at the Aerialbot, trying to clip his wings. "You turbo-turkeys dare show your pathetic would-be aircraft alt modes here? Be gone before we permanently ground you!" He continues to scan for Blurr, but the hovercar has disappeared... for now. Combat: Space Shuttle sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Concorde SST with his We are the SUPERIOR ones not you. attack! [Pulled -5] Pulling his nose up after his strafing attack, Silverbolt sees that Sandstorm has done the 'Wrecker' thing and taken himself out in the middle of the battle. Silverbolt turns tight, his wing almost dragging on the ground.... throwing up dust and some more debris. Flying across the ground as if he's made for it, Silverbolt opens his cargo bay. As he nears Sandstorm, he basically lands on his belly, no landing gear. Sparks fly from the contact with the ground, but Silverbolt continues on... engings burning at maximum power. As soon as Sandstorm is scooped up, Silverbolt begins his climb in an attempt to get him and injured Sandstorm out of the battle. "Air Raid, get out of here. The Decepticon reinforcements are too much for us right now." Combat: Concorde SST begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Space Shuttle and Cybertronian Hovercar Air Raid is maybe a knight in heavily charred armor. He crouches and squints at Halo but says nothing as she works her magic. Then gets to see SANDSTORM BLOW EVERYTHING UP! He'd have shiny star-eyes right now if it were an anime. But alas, it's G1. By the time he gets up, Ramjet's in his face quite literally. His optics snap wide just before what feels like a mack truck collides with his head. Ramjet's noggin is enough to bring Raid to his knees, and he wavers there, unable to think straight, which makes him an easy target for Contrail's whip. It lashes him good and sends him sprawling and sparking as intense pain wracks his frame. It's everything he can do to keep from offlining as he pulls himself to his feet, tosses up the double-bird and transforms into a clumsy retreat with little encouragement from Silverbolt. "SCREW YOU GUYS AND YOUR STUPID OUTPOST!" Air Raid shifts and twists into his black F-15E Strike Eagle mode. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Concorde SST , Space Shuttle , and Cybertronian Hovercar The roar of the battlefield renders Frenzy's yelling at the minibot useless, Tailgate doesn't have the best of hearing and he's hardly paying attention to his moving lip components. Everything is hazy, and the only thing the minibot can tell that's going is that Sandstorm is down and out for the count. "Nooo..." he says softly, tossing Frenzy aside. He sees Sandstorm dusts off his hands. "Well, that takes care *cough* of that." Rather casual for a guy barely on his last struts. But what do you expect from him? "This place is a dump, anyways. You mugs can have it. Renovation costs are gonna be a bitch anyways." Despite already coughing he pulls out an ener-cig and holds it out to one of the fires resulting from his bombs to light it, and wedges it in the corner of his mouth. Smirking still. "Alright, which one of ya bitchs is gonna get me for blowin' your shit up -again-?" Looks like it's going to be Contrail. The whipcrack strikes one of the gaping wounds left from the various previous assaults he took, scrambling whatever exposed components were left beneath it and enticing another barrage of sparks flying from it. "Hah. It was the actual bitch. Love you too, toots." And then he finally collapses. Stubborn much? Thankfully Silverbolt is there to provide a convenient emergency pickup. the others retreating, and glances up at the Decepticons in the sky. "<>" Combat: Tailgate analyzes Ramjet for weaknesses Blurr can exploit. Blurr's been skulking around from cover to cover, jumping away from Contrail's whip. He takes a brief astrosecond to admire the work Sandstorm's cluster bombs have done, and also to look down into his own hand where he's holding a few drives he managed to swipe hopefully before Ravage got to them. Clutching them, he shunts them into subspace and scans the battlefield once again. Hmm, looks like Ramjet is down on the ground, still reeling from the explosion. But as far as he can see, the 'Bots have done their job. He's taken as much information as he could, and they've wrecked Cuprahex hard enough that it'll be more of a nuisance to the Cons than anything else for a good, loooong while. If it's even -worth- salvaging. He starts retreating, but aims to run over the downed seeker as he does. Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar sets his defense level to Neutral. Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar strikes Ramjet with his Run You Over While You're Down (Punch) attack! Staggering back, Ramjet touches his forehead as he steps back, smiling at Air Raid. He then wave ta-ta to Air Raid as he starts to leave, "Buh-bye!" He then ducks his head as Silverbolt carrying Sandstorm off flies over head, "Awwwwwwww, my throne is leaving..." Ramjet looks down at his battered and damaged armor, energon leaking out of his wounds, "Eh, still pretty..." He then scans the battlefield, "Who is left...who is left..." Feeling the sweep of sensors on his circuits, "That tickles...a little higher and to the left...yeah..." Ramjet blinks as he scans the area with his optics, "Ollie Ollie Oxen Free...." Pointing, "I spy with my little eye, the little Toaster who could..." Ramjet starts to stalk towards Tailgate, when he pauses, "Bwwwaaaaa?" Ramjet tilts his head at the incoming Blurr, "No! It is Thrust he gets run over! READ THE SCRI---" Ramjet then gets his legs crumpled as Blurr runs him down, sending the Seeker flying into the air. THUD! Ramjet lands on his back as he looks up at the sky, "Ughghghghghghghg." He continues to lay on the ground..."I /hate/ cars." Ramjet pushes himself up and reverts to his plane mode as he flies towards Blurr, engines pushing to the maximum. "MY TURN!!!" Ramjet expands and twists and folds as his Seeker form becomes his plane mode all under a second. The Transforming Sound plays in the background. Combat: F-15 sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: F-15 misses Cybertronian Hovercar with his My Turn! attack! Combat: F-15 (Ramjet) used "Jet Ram": A Level 6 VELOCITY attack. Belabored and mauled, Soundwave recovers himself. "RAVAGE, DELAY SCUTTLING OF CUPRAHEX." The jaguar roars over the comm in response. He fires several shots as he steps back towards Cuprahex itself. The Bots were leaving, but not all were committed to the retreat. The others could take care of that, Frenzy alone could take care of that. "AUTOSCOUT, RETURN." His cassette holder groans in protest, and does not open fully. Autoscout does indeed transform back into a tape, but without a home to go. He picks up the mostly useless scout/repair bay and starts his retreat, "FRENZY, THE FIGHT IS YOURS. REPAIRS MUST BE MANAGED, IMMEDIATELY." Almost as an afterthought, he snags Dustoff's leg, firing back at the Bots as he hauls the other medic out of the line of fire. Combat: Soundwave begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from F-15E Strike Eagle , Space Shuttle , Cybertronian Hovercar , F-15 , Tailgate, and Contrail Never turn your back on a Con who can summon melee weapons bigger than he is, especially Frenzy, who watches Tailgate look off into the distance, scanning or something. "Hey Failgate! I've got some news for ya, you're about to get a Pounding headache!" Hopefully Blurr's within range of his earthquake as well, even though Frenzy can't really see him at the moment... Contrail gives Sandstorm's body a kick, for good measure. She's scowling very, very deeply. Silverbolt is getting away, and she still hasn't exploited his weaknesses! Blurr is a jerk and won't stand still! Dustoff needs more stuffing inside him! Just. Slag *all* of this! While stuck on the ground, Contrail sullenly collapses into a car to go on a gunning spree, brakka brakk brakka with her machineguns. She doesn't even care if they're minibots, she's gonna gun someone down to... avenge Dustoff? Wait, what was Sandstorm. This is questionable. Turning into a police car, #6792 fights crime! Wait, that's not right. #6792 causes crime. Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo sets her defense level to Protected. Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Tailgate with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo strikes Cybertronian Hovercar with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Lamborghini Gallardo (Contrail) used "FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns": A Level 2 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Frenzy strikes Tailgate with his Piledriver Assault attack! Space Shuttle notices Air Raid's little tirade and vulgar hand gestures. "How rude!" The shuttle banks to follow the Aerialbot. "If it's so stupid why are you here, then? Why don't you stay awhile instead, hmm?" With that, he sends a short bombardment burst (all he has left at the moment) Air Raid's way. The Combaticon is also still scanning for Blurr and he finally spots him as Blurr attacks Ramjet. "Ah, there you are.... what, leaving so soon?... Afraid to face ME after all your tough talk, are we? How pathetic...." Combat: Space Shuttle strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with his Learn your MANNERS attack! [Pulled -5] Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle falls to the ground, unconscious. F-15E Strike Eagle doesn't even have time to bring up Blitzwing. He gets nailed with all the fierce and hoity-toity anger of an ego-shuttle, and the damage overloads his systems. With a strangled yelp, he falls out of the sky and crashes into the petrified forest off near the outskirts. He'll smolder there till someone drags him off. "Heh." Blurr enjoys Ramjet's crumpling armor underneath his hoverthrusters as he runs the seeker over. And then he tries to fly into him, but the speedster just jumps sideways to avoid it, though he is caught in Contrail's machinegun fire. He dodges most of it though, and only gets grazed. And then there's Blast Off, trying to demoralize him once again. "Well let's see, we knocked down your medic, infiltrated your base, and THEN blew it up, I don't think the -talk- is the only thing that's -tough-." he hurls right back, with a smirk. "Aaand with that said, I think our work here is done." The courier chuckles and throws a mocking salute the Combaticon's way. "Until -next- time, glitchead." Combat: Cybertronian Hovercar begins retreating, outrunning all pursuit. Tailgate was in the middle of trying to help Blurr take out Ramjet when he's squared in the back by Contrail AND Frenzy. "Oooow!" he cries, crumpling a little. By now he's almost a smoking carcass of a mech, fluid leaking from every crack and dent in his armor. He barely manages to transforms. "Blurr... wait for me.. don't leave me behind..." Tailgate transforms into a Sports Car! Combat: 1986 Pontiac Trans-Am begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Space Shuttle , Cybertronian Hovercar , F-15 , and Lamborghini Gallardo Space Shuttle destroys that Turbo-Turkey!!! HA!!! He smirks internally as he turns around and keeps coming at Blurr. Blurr taunts him right back, and he huffs at Blurr's response. By the time the courier says "glitchhead" the shuttle has begun to descend towards the Autobot... but Blurr suddenly speeds off in his customary blurred streak, grabbing Air Raid and departing the scene. "You didn't get MUCH, I assure you! Coward!!!" He tries to think of a really good insult to hurl back but this time... he fails. Most of the curses the "high-society" Combaticon knows are just ones he hears Brawl say- and he doesn't pay much attention to Brawl as it is. Besides, he just offlined someone for rudeness, anyway. Blast Off tries to pursue Blurr but that streak leaves him behind, much to his consternation. Also- he still has duties to perform. He and Blurr will have their showdown another day. He transforms and lands near Dustoff... or what's left of him. Radioning the other Cons, he inquires "Status report." He looks around... the place has looked better but... they did at least run off the Autobots. Landing next towards Blast Off, Ramjet slings an arm around his shoulders, "So, Commander BB...good win today." With his free hand he pulls out an ener-ciger...which he dips into a bullet hole on his chest, a spark ignites it so he starts smoking it, blowing smoke over Blast Off's head. "I know the Seeker Corp is a little light these days, but we serve the Empire..." He smiles at Blast Off, "So, Starscream had me take of.../problems/ for him...I'd be happy to do the same for you. Know what that say, only the CO of Aerospace gets the Galvy-cannon!" Ramjet slaps Blast Off's back. "So, drinkin' time?" Lamborghini Gallardo drives over to the other Decepticons. Straxus, but she's in a foul mood now. Pensively, she asks, "Blast Off. Your tactical analysis?" Blast Off shifts into his battle-ready robot mode. Frenzy watches as Blurr and Tailgate both race off, leaving Frenzy to examine the aftermath with Blast Off and Ramjet and Contrail. Not too worse for wear himself, Frenzy has his share of blast holes and dents. "Hey Lady and Germs. We all made it through today in one piece huh? Good thing too. I dont feel like getting shot any more today myself." Blast Off winces a bit as the Seeker puts an arm around his shoulders... he likes his personal space and distance. Which is NOT being obsevred by Ramjet, especially as he blows smoke in the Combaticon's face. He glares at Ramjet... until the Galv-cannon remark. Erk. And this is why he doesn't really want the command. But he's stuck with it, and with trying to deal with people.... also something he's not good at. "Uh... perhaps. We can talk, I suppose..." he says dubiously. Then to the others, he pronoucnes, "Well, analysis is that the Autofools were unable to accomplish their full goals. So... a success!! Thanks to MY leadership, of course!" (That's his story and he is sticking to it.) Pause. Oh yeah. "And because of all of you, too! Yes, drinks would be .... deserved. Yes, deserved!!!" Leaning towards Blast Off, Ramjet whispers, "Good speech Commander...I'll make sure to get some nerds to work on anti-grav disruptors disruptors." He then slaps Blast Off on the back again, before stepping back. "SHOTS!" Ramjet goes rambling off towards the Medical Bay, energon leaking out of his wounds. "SHOTS!" Ramjet stops and looks around, "Oh yeah...Seekers to VOS!" Ramjet says to no one really as he then resumes running towards the Med Bay! "SHOTS!" Blast Off is starting to feel uncomfortable again, especially with Ramjet's reference to those new additions to Galvatron's throne room- the secret trap door with anti-grav disruptors that lead to the smelting pits. Um... yeah. He makes it a point to NEVER have to go see Galvatron... ever. Not sure how, but... yeah. Never.