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| - Victor Creed (Earth-1010)
| - * Class 10. Able to lift in 2 - 10 ton range , however the extent of his continuously enhanced strength was never revealed.
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| - Sabretooth has elongated canines, claws at the tips of his fingers and toes, and vertical pupils.
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| - Victor Creed was a mutant with a regenerative healing factor, extendable claws, and heightened senses, strength, reflexes and agility. He possessed animalistic attributes, such as excessive hair, fangs and claws.
Victor Creed was the son of Thomas Logan, which made him James Howlett's half brother. One night while young James was sick, Thomas entered the Howlett home looking for James' mother Elizabeth. Thomas shot and killed her husband, John. James impaled Thomas with his newly sprung mutant claws just before Thomas could reveal that he was his real father. After Thomas died Elizabeth cast her son out calling him a freak. James fled and Victor followed.
As the two boys grew into men, they fought together as Canadian mercenaries in the American Civil War, World War I, World War II. and the Vietnam War. Victor grew increasingly violent and uncontrollable as time passed. During the Vietnam War, he attempted to rape a young Vietnamese woman and then brutally attacked the soldiers who tried to stop him. This incident put both him and James in front of a firing squad. They survived the death sentence, and were invited to join Major Stryker's black ops team, Team X.
James eventually left both the team and Victor when he witnessed Stryker's willingness to kill innocent civilians and Victor's acceptance of this. Victor and Stryker subsequently worked together to capture various mutants for experiments.
In 1979 Victor agreed to go along with Styker's plan to trick Logan into agreeing to have adamantium bonded to his skeleton by claiming that Victor had gone rogue and had killed the Silver Fox, the woman James loved. Prior to the adamantium bonding process James and Victor fought in a bar in Canada, with Victor savagely beating James and snapping his bone claws.
The animosity between Victor and James was made even worse when Stryker revealed that, contrary to his deal with Victor, he couldn't merge adamantium to Victor's skeleton because it would kill him. Stryker claimed that Victor's healing factor was not strong enough to allow him to survive the process. Despite this animosity between James and Victor, they fought together to defeat Stryker's 'Weapon XI'. Victor claimed that he was the only person with the right to kill Wolverine. He departed when the battle was over.
Creed took on the name Sabretooth and began working for Magneto in the Brotherhood of Mutants. He had evolved into an even more bestial creature as the result of Weapon X experimentation. He was bigger and stronger, but was unkempt in appearance.
Shortly thereafter, Creed was recruited to be a member of the Marauders by Gambit on behalf of Mr. Sinister. Creed and his fellow Marauders were recruited in order to massacre the Morlocks. Gambit however, had not been informed of the mission's true purpose, and attempted to renegade. The other Marauders easily dispatched him, and Sabretooth injured him badly and left him for dead.
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| - Thomas Logan ;
- James Howlett ;
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| - Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, The Hand, Marauders; formerly Team X, Weapon X
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| - * CQC Expert: Sabretooth is an excellent hand to hand combatant, having been trained by various organizations such as Team X and Weapon X, as well as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
* Master Tracker: He is also an expert hunter and tracker, even without the use of his heightened senses.
* Cunning Intellect: Although his brutish nature coupled with extreme arrogance gives him the appearance of stupidity, Creed is actually quite intelligent. He routinely hacked into government databases to steal classified information and has escaped the highest levels of incarceration. More than once he has proven himself capable in the brain over brawn aspect, able to doop the likes of Logan into playing step by step into his ploy's.
* Expert Marksman: being a skilled shooter with just about any kind of firearm he can get his hands on.
* Avid Manipulator: Another note to his intelligence is that creed excels at scheming planning and coaxing other into doing his dirty work for him. Often even tricking people to accomplish goals for achieving his own ends.
* Advanced Covert Ops Expert: Having spent well over a century working for one covert society to the next "officially unsanctioned" government installation. Sabretooth has amassed an impressive conglomerate of knowledge & awareness of countless surreptitious interested powers and their near countless tactics regarding assassination techniques, weapons specialty, vehicles, explosives, espionage, intelligence, black bag Ops, infiltration, the works.
* Special Skills: He also has a pronounced assault leap, which few can sense, even those like Wolverine who have animal senses. This leap is a combination of his superhuman strength, reflexes and agility working in concert, flexing and un-flexing his muscles much harder and quicker than a normal human, similar to a tiger or lion's pounce. This allows for a devastatingly powerful and fast leap onto the opponent, which few can recover from.
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| - * Adamantium-Laced Claws: Sabretooth's claws, along with his skeleton, have been bonded with adamantium. As a result, his claws were virtually indestructible. The adamantium further enhanced the already razor sharp edge of Sabretooth's claws and enabled him to slice through almost any surface, with the known exceptions of adamantium itself and Captain America's shield.
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| - * Adamantium Laced Skeleton: Sabretooth has had his natural mutation boosted by having his bones and claws laced with the indestructible synthetic metal known as adamantium.
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| - I'm an animal who dreamed he was a man. But the dream is over and the beast is awake.
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