| - Loamtail ran, tears blinding him and his footpaws tripping over every root he came across. He had many things racing across his mind, but one thing stood out most prominently.His lost family. His troubles had started two seasons ago. "Leaflight!" he howled. Just then her head broke the surface of the water. She was drowning, however, and the current was dragging her down. Loamtail raced ahead of her and had soon found a inlet where he could grab her. He extended his paws to her, brut the current spun her away, and into a fallen tree. She hung there, gasping for air.
| - Loamtail ran, tears blinding him and his footpaws tripping over every root he came across. He had many things racing across his mind, but one thing stood out most prominently.His lost family. His troubles had started two seasons ago. He was much younger then, and less hardened by sadness. He and his sister, Leaflight, were always playing games and going on adventures. Leaflight had suggested that they go down the river, and hunt for watershrimp. Loamtail thought that the water would be to fast, but Leaflight had begged and pleaded so much that he finally gave in. They had found a nice group of shrimp, and were pulling them in when the Leaflight slipped and skidded into the water. "Leaflight!" he howled. Just then her head broke the surface of the water. She was drowning, however, and the current was dragging her down. Loamtail raced ahead of her and had soon found a inlet where he could grab her. He extended his paws to her, brut the current spun her away, and into a fallen tree. She hung there, gasping for air. "She won't live much longer in that current," Loamtail jumped, and turned to face the shrew that was standing behind him. "Help me grab her,please!" he shrieked. The shrew looked at him, eyes full of contempt. "Why should I help you? You're just a vermin. Anyway, no one can help her." Loamtail turned around, and gasped when he saw the fallen tree. "Leaflight!" he howled. How could this happen? She was there a minute ago! Loamtail raced down the river, in terror. He turned to look for her, and tripped, hitting his head on a rock.